What's New?
For bug fixes and developer-facing changes, refer to the changelog page.
New Features
- Ability to edit published calculated measures in the data explorer through context menus.
New Features
- Context menu actions to copy the selected cells from a table, with or without their headers.
- Standardized Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut to copy selected cells in a table: the headers are not copied along the cells anymore.
New Features
- Ability to change colors for Plotly Treemap and Scatter Plot through the Style Editor.
- Ability to display the pivot table as tree, pivot or column wherever you right click.
- Ability to display value text for Plotly Pie, Donut, Combo, Gauge, Bullet, 100% Bar, Stacked Bar, Clustered Bar, 100% Column, Stacked Column, and Clustered Column Charts through the Style Editor.
- Ability to display label text for Plotly Scatter Plots through the Style Editor.
- Ability to expand and collapse an entire level field via a context menu action.
New Features
- Ability to collapse and expand columns on pivot tables.
- Ability to change colors for Plotly Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Gauge, Bullet, and all Plotly Line/Column/Bar Charts through the Style Editor.
- Option to Show Text in Style Editor for Plotly Area, Stacked Area, 100% Stacked Area, and Radar charts.
New Features
- Style Editor drawer in the Left Bar of the app containing styling tools for widgets, at the moment only applicable for charts.
- New "Pivot" layout for the Pivot Table widget. "Columns" layout has been renamed "Table".
- Plotly charts can be sorted from their context menu.
- Option to Show Text in Style Editor for Line Charts.
New Features
- "Share" action is available on folders.
- "Rename" and "Move" actions are available on folders and bookmarks.
- All new plotly charts can be displayed with subplots. In the fields section of the content editor open the dropdown and select "show subplot controls" to add them to a chart.
- When saving a bookmark on an application with several content servers, the server aliases are displayed instead of the full URLs in the options.
- Trailing word separators (as well as leading ones if using Chrome) are now counted as characters in the search term for Tree Search.
- Note: this only applies to word separators at the very beginning or very end of the whole search term.
New Features
- View/Edit display modes.
- Deferred update functionality is available across the content editor.
- MDX editor switch changed to dropdown in Content Editor.
- "Default widgets" and "Saved widgets" remain expanded or collapsed as previously chosen when one reopens the "Widgets" drawer of the application.
- CSV Export is supported for widgets displaying partial data ("lazy-loading"). For more control on this behavior, ask your development team.
- Show page quick filter widget title by default.
- Read-only bookmarks have a dedicated icon in the Bookmark Tree.
- Permissions set through the "Share" actions are remembered: they will be automatically set the next time a user shares a bookmark or saves a new bookmark/filter/kpi/calculated measure.
New Features
- Bookmarks can be shared by URL.
- Saved bookmarks have a "Share" action available in the header "File" menu. You can get a shareable link or customize who can read or edit the bookmark if you have the rights for it. The action is also available on saved bookmarks from the Dashboards and Widgets drawers.
- Switch between the different types of charts.
- In the ActiveUI application, clicking "Start page" in the "Help" header menu creates a new dashboard, with the start page as its only page.
- Grab cursor displays in draggable widget's header.
- Data visualization widget placeholders.
- Data Explorer in Content Editor not collapsible if alone in section.
- Bookmarked filters merged into the Data Explorer as "Saved Filters" folder in the Filters section of the Content Editor.
- Removed Sets folder from the Filters tab's Data Explorer in the Content Editor.
- In the ActiveUI application, when a widget with a placeholder is selected (for example a Pivot Table to which no data has been added yet), then when the Content Editor is open it will be shown on the Fields tab.
- Tooltips are now hidden in situations where they would be in the way of interacting with menus.
- In the ActiveUI application, drawer selection and drawer sizes are now persisted.
- The Content Editor of legacy charts does not contain a data explorer.
New Features
- Single click on context values tree nodes in the Content Editor to directly add context values to the selected widget.
- Add fields to Charts from the Data Explorer by clicking them or searching and pressing Enter ⏎.
- Add widgets to the current dashboard by clicking them in the widgets chooser wizard.
- Clicking widget placeholders (e.g. "Add fields to create a pivot table") opens the Content Editor.
- In Pivot Tables, performing the "Remove" action on a numeric column will remove all occurences of the corresponding member or measure.
- In the Parameter List, starting to edit a point value and then clicking outside of the corresponding text field will not submit the change anymore. You can still press "Enter" to submit the change.
- The "Keep only" action is enabled on lazily-loaded tables.
- The new charts are more responsive while the user builds them: they display their axes and legends even when no values are chosen yet.
- If the widgets drawer is open, it does not close when clicking "Create dashboard".
- Widgets drawer collapse panels can both be open at the same time in the ActiveUI application.
- Widgets are no longer replaceable by dragging another widget on top of them.
- Empty widgets are no longer splittable. They can only be fully replaced.
New Features
- Drag and drop from discovery tree to drillthrough wizard.
- Context Values tab under Content Editor displays tree with drag and drop.
- Single click on discovery tree values in the Content Editor to directly create fields and filters on Pivot Tables, Tabulars, Featured Values, and Drillthroughs. This also works for filters on Charts.
- The charts have been revamped, providing a simpler and more consistent user experience.
- Tooltip design on header bar icon buttons.
- Renamed "Open saved dashboard" into "Open dashboard" on the ActiveUI application start page.
- Data Tree in the Content Editor's "Filters" tab no longer displays "Measures" and "KPIs".
- In the ActiveUI application, the saved dashboard and saved widget drawer's search fields are auto-focused.
- Rename "New dashboard" into "Create dashboard" on the ActiveUI application start page and file submenu.
- "Add a widget" action on the start page of the ActiveUI application has been removed.
- Widgets wizard is opened when clicking "Create dashboard" on the ActiveUI application start page and file submenu.
- On the start page of the ActiveUI application, clicking "Open dashboard" does not close the drawer if it is open.
New Features
- The "Difference between..." action on Pivot Tables is no longer limited to measures, and can now also be used to perform a difference between ordinal members. For example, one could use it to compare two dates or scenarios.
- Drag and drop from discovery tree to tabular wizard.
- Newly created drillthrough tables display the first few result's rows when number of records exceeds the maximum amount of rows allowed.
- Application start page links to support tracker rather than e-mail.
- Made capitalization more consistent, by using title case for titles, and sentence case elsewhere.
New Features
- Brand new ActiveUI application layout and look and feel, in particular with a header navbar and a side drawer.
- Improved look-and-feel based on the Ant Design system, with a consistent typography and theme across all components, and redesigned icons.
- Dashboard pages. A single dashboard can hold several pages, each of which can hold many widgets.
- Four layers of filters and context values provide a fine-grained control: user, dashboard, page, and widget layers. Please refer to the filters documentation for more details.
- Each widget can be connected or disconnected from its higher level filters and/or context values.
- Comparison section for "Featured Values" to compare data between two members or two measures.
- Calculated measures wizard for "percentage of parent", "percentage of total" and "distinct count" formulas.
- Any Dashboard can be defined as home page.
- Dedicated "New dashboard" action for loading a fresh dashboard.
- Markdown editor supports KaTex notation for writing mathematical formulas.
- Members search in Edit Filter Popup is optimized for ActivePivot versions 5.7.8 and above.
- State Editor, providing the ability to edit the configuration of the currently selected widget.
- Content Editor, providing controls over filters, fields, MDX and context values of the currently selected widget.
- Drillthrough opens up in a separate tab.
- Charts' "Show Data" opens up in a separate tab.
- The Monitor View supports the "During" attribute.
- "Filters" widget becomes "Page Filters" and shows page filters explicitly defined (as opposed to being implicitly defined as the list of common filters of the current page). Similarly "Context Values" widget becomes "Page Context Values", which must be explicitly defined.
- The look-and-feel has improved to align with the Ant Design system.
- Data entry components no longer have a grey background.
- All popups, apart from the login and "Add Widgets" popups, have an autoclose mechanism (i.e. they are dismissed whenever the user clicks outside of them). To reflect that behavior, opening a popup will display a grey mask on the rest of the screen behind the popup.
- Popups used to confirm user actions are replaced by Ant Design confirmation modals.
- Wizards embedded in widgets display the Content Editor, which is resizable.
- Widgets can be loaded at the root of the app through the bookmark tree.
- Widgets that should not appear more than once on a dashboard (e.g. Data Explorer) are disabled in the Widget Chooser if more than one instance of them already exists.
- Widgets that should not appear more than once on a dashboard will no longer have "Untitled" in their header by default.
- Making a selection for the x or y axis in the charts mapping popup autocloses the popup.
- The query rate icon in a widget's title bar indicates the current state of the query rate.
- Support quick filtering on high cardinality levels by performing a remote search.
- "Show all widgets" is toggled from widget context menus in "Default Widgets".
- Filter tiles no longer show the full path of selected members to avoid cluttering.
No user-facing changes were introduced in this version.
No user-facing changes were introduced in this version.
- Measures evaluated as Strings are supported in the filter creation popup.
- Searching is enabled on the Quick Filter single-select mode's drop-down.
New Features
- It is possible to pre-define the expansion order via Pivot Tables.
- A visual hint on the next expansion levels has been added to the Pivot Tables' headers.
- It is possible to exit a widget's full-screen mode by pressing Esc.
- There is a Context Menu entry for computing the difference between two columns in a Tabular View.
- UX improvements have been made in the "Date Range Filter" widget.
- The Widget Chooser displayed by the "add new widgets" button is a popup with improved styling, making it possible to drag and resize it.
- The Cell Style popup is resizable.
- It is possible to make the MDX Editor full-screen.
- The chart chooser has been redesigned to look like the widget chooser. Charts are categorized.
- All popups resize naturally.
- Search terms are highlighted in search results when searching in members filter popup.
- Markers in the MDX Editor are converted to raw MDX while the user has the editor selected.
New Features
- Search results are displayed as a flat list instead of a tree. Only actionable items are shown. Results are navigable with ↑ and ↓ keys. If a result is clickable, pressing Enter ⏎ while that result is highlighted will trigger its action.
- It is possible to resize any table column by double clicking on its header's right border.
- The MDX and JSON editors have an embedded search.
- In tree and search results, levels have an icon with a subscript indicating their index.
- It is possible to refresh the discovery from a cube in the data explorer.
- The documentation website is responsive and has on-page navigation, making it easy to see and browse the different sections of each page.
- There is a redesigned Featured Values widget.
- There are redesigned popups.
- The date format for "Date range" and "Starting/Ending date" filters has been updated to
to include the year. - The "No Data" and "Query Error" messages and buttons are correctly centered in Internet Explorer as well as other browsers.
- Renaming a server changes the name of all servers with the same URL.
New Features
- It is possible to filter on a selection containing multiple elements through the context menu of Charts, Tabular Views, and Pivot Tables.
- Single Value is replaced with Featured Values widget.
- The Wizard has been redesigned to have a different look-and-feel. The buttons have been renamed to "Reset" and "Submit". Clicking on "Reset" resets the MDX but does not disable Deferred Update. It is only possible to disable Deferred Update if no changes have been made.
- Some Quick Filter changes are as follows:
- A new "All" checkbox is displayed on top of all the other checkboxes when no members are selected.
- The first member will be selected by using radio buttons, if nothing has been filtered.
- The selection will be reduced to a single element when displayed as a select or as radio buttons.
- On chart axes, options to hide axis and define some padding haave been added.
New Features
- It is possible to cancel an MDX query for charts, tabular views, pivot tables, drillthroughs and single values that is taking more than 3 seconds to load.
- The documentation is public. https://docs.activeviam.com/products/atoti/ui redirects to the latest published version.
- It is possible to delete multiple point values in one shot from the "Parameter List" widget via the context menu.
- Hovering on a bookmark displays its title.
- Popups from the wizard for columns, rows, and measures are resizable.
- The popup for adding a column on the tabular view is resizable.
- If a bookmark does not unload properly, the user is alerted and is directed to the Container Chooser.
- Queries that failed to execute, returned no data, or were canceled and bookmarks that failed to load, display a standard message with an option to exit (depending on the situation: clearing the view, retrying the query, or resetting the query.)
- Dashboard filters and context values are applied to new widgets even when there are no Filters or Context Values widgets in the dashboard.
- Widgets created by loading a bookmark within a dashboard inherit dashboard filters and context values.
- The popup that is used for expanding a level on a pivot table is resizable.
- If a selected container has a specified cube, the data explorer will show only that cube as expanded.
New Features
New Features
- Chart Selection: it is possible to "select" and highlight chart elements.
- There is a "Filter on" action in the Charts context menu to filter the dashboard, based on the selected chart element.
- There is a "Drillthrough" action in the Charts context menu to explore a specific chart element's underlying data.
- It is possible to change the formatting for ticks in charts. Can format as percentage, scientific notation, or k/M/B suffixes for thousands/millions/billions (e.g. 10,000 -> 10k).
New Features
- "Sorting" is available on charts.
- The "Copy data to clipboard" and "Export to CSV file" actions respect the columns ordering, when used on pivot tables and tabular views.
- Global filters display one row of filters per cube when widgets in the dashboard are connected to different cubes.
- The "Add filter" popup remembers the last MDX filter type used per hierarchy and will default to this mode the next time a filter is created.
- The Charts user documentation includes an overview of chart and axis options.
New Features
- There is a new "Show data" context menu entry in charts, to reveal their underlying data in a tabular view.
- There are "Hide grand total" and "Show grand total" context menu entries in ordinal cells and headers of pivot tables.
- There are "Hide sub-totals" and "Show sub-totals" context menu entries in cells corresponding to sub-totals.
- The original changelog has been split into two pages:
- For user-facing changes, refer to the What's new? page.
- For bug fixes and developer-facing changes, refer to the changelog page.
- ActiveMonitor features have been documented.
- It is no longer possible to publish a formula depending on locally defined measures (i.e. not published in the cube).
- The "Edit Filter" popup can be resized.
- The "Query Editor" popup can be resized.
- The selection statistics style has been improved. Texts are smaller, values are aligned and they can be compared more easily. Negative values appear in red.
- Resizable popups 'remember' their sizes.
- Numerical sorting icons have been introduced to make sorting more intuitive on tables.
New Features
- Support is provided for multiple role permissions in Content Server entries. It is possible for Bookmarks, KPIs, and calculated measures to have multiple owner and reader roles.
- There is period input for Monitor creation in "Scheduled monitoring" mode.
New Features
- This User Guide is brand new, as is the redesigned Developer documentation.
- Multi-selection for tables is available.
- A Keyboard shortcut is provided, to copy selections from tables.
- Selection statistics (sum, average, count, min, max, and count) are (optionally) displayed under each table.
- Smart filtering is provided in the MDX "Members" filter.
- There exists a panel to create ActiveMonitor monitors.
- A "Return to charts" button is available while mandatory chart attributes (usually X and Y) are being chosen. This brings the user back to the Chart Type Chooser.
- It is possible to edit the name of an existing KPI.
- Improved widget title have been provided: a text cursor is displayed (on hover) and only a single click is required to enter the edit mode.
- Default widget titles are prefixed with "Untitled" and the random number suffix has been removed.
- Title bars for all widgets are displayed by default.
- Improved context-specific search placeholders are available.
- The “Query Editor” widget has been renamed to “MDX Editor” to distinguish it from the “Query Editor” popup, which contains the MDX Editor and Context Values widgets.
- The "Login Popup Submit" button is disabled if the username or password are undefined.
- An error message has been added in the Login popup for failed logins.
- By default, the MDX for Pivot Table and Tabular Widget includes the following cell properties:
. - Long captions in table headers are broken more intuitively, by first trying to break between words and if this is not possible, breaking between letters inside a word.
- Error messages are displayed as notifications, containing only the relevant error message. The error stack trace is still accessible via the console.
- There is a new look-and-feel, based on the Ant Design system.
- The library has been rebranded from
toActiveUI SDK
New Features
- There is a "Recent date members" date filter. This filter allows users to select and filter on a desired number of the most recent date members existing in the data.
- There is a "Quarter/month/day of week" date filter. This filter allows users to filter on specific weekdays (e.g. Monday and Wednesday), or specific months (e.g. March, April, June, etc.), or specific quarters (e.g. second and third quarters).
- It is possible to define a new container category when marking a bookmark as favorite.
- A distinction has been made between imposed widgets from user favorites. The action "Restore default widgets" is replaced by "Show all default widgets".
- There are simplified
plugin with methods likegetIconKey
that will render an icon button, instead of having to write therender
method. - Docking control legend has been improved, with a button for each of the 3 states, instead of one looping through them.
- Bookmark popup enables the submit button only if the bookmark content is valid and, in case of edition, only if the bookmark has changed.
- Some obsolete elements have been removed from chart legends. They can still be accessed from the "Options" popup.
- The "by" keyword has been removed from the chart legend that lists the mapping of each attribute.
- "Search" in the data explorer tree only applies to the focused cube.
New Features
- Undo/redo keyboard shortcuts and actions.
- Reset to default view action on dashboards.
- Automatic restore of the last view the user was working on.
- Copy table to clipboard.
- Parameter list widget.
- "Starting/Ending date" filter.
- "Relative dates" filter.
- Dock action to restore the SDK default widget tiles in the dashboard.
- Global filters and global context values are automatically applied to new widgets.
- Empty chart legends display "No legend" when empty instead of displaying nothing, for clarity.
- Error messages for server errors with no included description are clearer.
- Chart legends display only the first 10 members of each attribute section. The next ones can be seen by clicking on "More".
- Chart legends show the color first, then the other attributes and finally the "Split by" section.
New Features
- There is a new "Combo chart" implementation. This replaces the old multi-layer chart implementation.
- The Chart Type Chooser has been removed for charts which do not need it anymore.
- When the user chooses the folder to save a bookmark in, an error is dosplayed if they don’t have permissions to save in that folder.
New Features
- With the Deferred Update checkbox in the Wizard, you can prevent changes in the wizard from updating the query until you are ready to commit them. This helps you avoid running an expensive query while you are still editing it.
- MDX "date range" filter.
- Activation/expiration editing has been added in the ParameterList.
New Features
- Lazy loading is enabled by default on new tabular widget and pivot table.
- Publish calculated measures to a cube, and delete published measures.
- Communication with the content server concerning the bookmarks has been optimized.
- Bookmarks ID is displayed in bookmark’s tooltip.
- Server version is displayed in server’s tooltip.
- Some regular actions (like sort, etc) have been added on alert list/message list widgets.
- “Filter On” has been enabled for pivot table tree cells.
- Filter on measures displays the list of measures inside the filter UI instead of an extra popup.
New Features
- A monitor can be edited from a monitor view.
- All the actions for docks are hidden in a hamburger button.
The attribute
has been introduced in the bookmark head in order to force some actions to be outside the menu.
- The Delete KPI popup displays a warning when the assisted deletion of parameters and monitors would also affect some other KPIs.
- Context menu is enabled on tabular and single value even if the widget cannot render (no data, server exception, ...).
- Drillthrough context menu is updated to have the same update query mode actions as other widgets.
- It is possible to drill through from a MonitorView.
- Some popups are resizable.
- Hitting Escape closes popups, context menus and error messages.
- The bookmark name field is focused on opening.
- Popups are not shown for warning issues.
New Features
- Add Calendar filter is supported for dates.
- Filters can be added by copy/pasting a list of members (aka "split text to members").
- Auto-resizing of tabular headers height has been added, when double-clicking on the lower bar of the tabular header.
- It is possible to format a formula while creating it.
- It is possible to apply a global filter from a table cell.
- The interface for editing attributes and mappings of charts has been simplified, by replacing the Add button with a tab within Options.
- The formatting has been made visible on the first screen in the conditional formatting popup, instead of being in 'default condition'.
- The Exclude Filter checkbox has been restricted when non-applicable.
- Tooltip has been prevented from overflowing when its data is too long.
- The filter popup layout has been improved to better support translations having long texts.
New Features
- It is possible to delete ActiveMonitor attributes (parameters and monitors) related to a KPI while deleting that KPI.
- The 'Filter on...' context menu entry has been added in tabular headers.
- The 'Refresh' and 'Refresh periodically' actions have been added in context menus.
- The ability to filter on a member when right-clicking on it has been restored(the old keep-only feature of ActivePivot Live 3) in tabulars.
- It is possible to remove sorting on a column in Tabulars & Pivot Tables using MDX data sources.
- The size of the '+' icon in the Wizard & Charts has been increased, as has the down arrow in tabulars & Pivot Tables.
New Features
- It is possible to add bookmark favorites in the tiles of the dock, and to remove tiles from the dock.
- It is possible to exclude members from the UI.
- Resizing of tiles in the dock has been improved.
- When dragging and dropping a bookmark somewhere, a threshold has been tuned. this threshold switches between using the full size of the dock, or splitting it horizontally/vertically to be more forgiving to users wanting to use the full size of the dock.
- Pivot table, Tabular view, Drillthrough, Chart, Single Value... all display a loading sign when query is running.
- Query error messages are displayed inside the associated widget.
- Color highlighting on cell update is applied between queries (even when changing context values, drill down...).
- When performing "Save As" on a bookmark located in a folder, auto-fill is applied to the folder name.
- Search bar is disabled while members are loading in the Members filter section.
- The layout of the ActiveMonitor message popup has been improved, when the content gets huge, by adding scrollbars vertically and horizontally when needed.
- Tooltips have been added to the Hamburger buttons in the dashboard.
- The TreeMap chart makes the color mapping mandatory, since users rarely want to see only one colored area (just like they rarely want to see a Pie Chart with just one area).
- The button labels in the “Open drillthrough” popup have been reworded so they are clearer.
- The popup to add new widgets has been improved, by changing the cursor to a grabbing hand and increasing the font size.
New Features
- A login popup has been provided for the Cloud, when the session expires, to redirect the user to the Keycloak login screen.
- Dashboard bookmarks are loaded by clicking on them.
- KPIs can be put inside folders.
- Tabular view and pivot table headers can be resized vertically.
- Bookmark location/path can be edited from the bookmark context menu.
- Conditional Formatting supports and understands
conditions in the MDX, in addition toCASE
statements. - The Goal can be any number in the Gauge Chart – it was limited to 100.
- Measure name is displayed with KPI attributes in the discovery if relevant.
- Wizard, tabular view and filter support KPI functions.
- Ther is a clearer indentation of tree elements.
- Name is displayed instead of unique name, while loading list of members in filter popup.
- The default color set has been improved for Pivot Table tree cells and it has been made configurable.
New Features
- Add a line y = mx + b on scatter plot charts through the UI.
- Add a constant line y = b on all charts with x and y axes, through the UI.
- Allow starting and stopping applications (VMs) from the UI by right-clicking on an application node.
- Increase drop area size in wizard sections + add padding on the left of the wizard when it is next to a pivot-table.
- Improve the usage of screen space in trees: Do not reserve space on the right when no scrollbar is displayed.
- Improve the Submit button of the MdxEditor, which displays a tooltip when hovered explaining the reason why the button is disabled.
New Features
- Select / drag-and-drop dimensions and hierarchies from the data-explorer, field choosers, etc., everywhere in ActiveUI!
- Table and chart tooltip displays custom MDX cell and member properties
- Add regression overlay for charts, available for scatter plots and charts with a time axis.
- Ability to select/unselect all drillthrough columns.
- Display cell and member properties on hover.
- Add server popup displays server version and validates the server type.
- Add support for KPI lookup in the '+' feature of the Wizard.
- Improved bookmark loading time, mainly at startup.
- Preserve cursor position in the Formula Editor, and when clicking on a tabular/pivot table header, insert this header at the current cursor position.
New Features
- 'plus' buttons have been added in the wizard widget to be able to add filters / rows / columns / measures directly from it.
- Add support of calculated measures in the PivotTable.
- Add renaming of a bookmark by double-clicking on its title.
- Support non-breaking sort in pivot tables. Added parameter to control default sorting mode in tabular / pivot-table.
- Improve MDX validation on unknown cube name.
- Add autocompletion for cube name.
- Improve chart usability with high cardinalities by avoiding some un-needed expensive operations on hover/resizing.
- Prevent KPI submission if value nor status are defined, or when one of the MDX formula forming the KPI is invalid.
- Improved the way filter names are displayed in the wizard, especially when they are long.
- Add server versions in report.
- Change cursor as grabbing on draggable items.
- Display a small icon when a member of a KPI is syntactically invalid.
- Supports formula as KPI value.
- Improve the 'Add Filter' flow / popup to be more intuitive, and require less clicks. Change the icon of filter bookmarks to a filter icon.
- Improve mouse hovering behavior, most notably on charts and dashboard docks.
- Support formulas already declared in the MDX when writing a new formula (validation + auto-completion).
- Since QuartetFS has been rebranded into ActiveViam, renamed ActivePivot Live into ActiveUI
New Features
- Ability to export charts to PNG. (Does not work on IE, Edge or maps).
- Ability to remove a server from the UI (and from the settings stored in the content server).
- Allow named sets to be dragged into pivot wizard.
- Add a cross to clear entry in search bars.
- Allow to clear or remove a container where bookmark failed to load.
New Features
- Global Context Values.
- Rules Editor performance with one parameter.
- Improve parameters pseudo-real-time update by fetching only changes and not submitting unmodified values.
- Add action in discovery tree to show/edit a KPI directly.
- Provide UI option for forcing min and max range on a chart numerical axis.
- MdxEditor does not send anymore automatically the MDX. Buttons allow user to send or remove query.
- Always display a cross in the upper right corner to close a popup, even for autoclose popups.
New Features
- Add row actions and context menu actions to Monitor List.
- Add view to see details of a single monitor.
- Added an 'About' button available on dashboards.
- Improve alert list to offer a real interface to browse alerts.
- Chart mapping dialog options are located in a separate tab.
- Update support for expand and collapse in treecell.
- Improve chart creation by always starting with an empty configuration and ask users to specify what they want for the mandatory attributes, so that there is no unexpected result.
New Features
- Global filters and filters inside a dock that can be shown using a dock action.
- In the rules viewer (where we enter the rule values), the wildcard fields register the value when hitting enter or tab, or even clicking outside (hit escape to cancel). Same thing for the cell editors in the tabular view above.
- When opening a Drillthrough from a Tabular View or Pivot Table the user can choose where to open it. Previously it could only be opened in a popup it can be open in the dashboard, similar to ActivePivot Live 3 behavior.
New Features
- Add quick filtering.
- Introduction of mdx bookmarks that are draggable to filter sections.
- Improve drag/drop by removing a dock from the dashboard as soon as we start dragging it. This provides a better preview of how it is going to look after dropping.
New Features
- Add a container to display lists of monitors.
- Login popup is modal, non cancellable.
- Popups are correctly centered.
- MDX Editor autocompletion: Add MDX calculated members and namedsets.
- MDX Editor autocompletion: Add cube namedsets.
- MDX editor validation: check MDX type, reject unknown compound ids, measures or functions.
- Sever error message are displayed as regular stacktrace and most relevant message is shown.
- Add reporting tool for debug in case of error.
- Be able to change theme on different components.
- Add context values widget.
- Add delete KPI context menu.
- Skip cube selection tree when creating a widget and there is only one cube available.
- Display a stepper in the create KPI Popup, that allows returning to the previous step too.
- Display the chart switcher when creating a new chart container instead of directly showing a scatter plot.
- Allow the modification of the SingleValue through a context menu (edit the measure, title and description).
- The rules editor allows the user to work with worflows instead of monitors.
- Improved Tabs look and feel (used for now only in the KPI Editor under custom edition).
- New Chart UI to see multiple measures on the same line or bar chart by clicking on the '+' button of the Y axis.
- Add tooltip on wizard tiles.
- Add tooltip on filter tiles.
- Add tooltip on tabular header and cell.
- Display clearer error message when ActivePivot server is unreachable.
- Use tree layout for measures rather than tabular tree in member selection popup.
- Improve wording for dock actions from "Change type" and "Close" to "Clear" and "Remove".
- Improve Rules Editor user experience by providing KPI information at the top (type and measure used as the KPI value, as well as a read-only popup with all the information when clicking on the type icon).
- Add an "export to CSV" feature available on charts, pivot tables and tabular views.
- Mdx formulas editors in the KPI popup are bigger (we only display one at a time using tabs).
- By default on the new tabular views/pivot tables, the measures KPI start and expiry will be grouped together in a column that displays progress bars.
- Leave some time (1s) before loading an existing KPI while typing a KPI name in the KPI editor.
- Clicking on "remove" in the context menu of a drillthrough table header removes the corresponding columns from the MDX query.
- The rules editor refreshes the parameters automatically thanks to a polling.
- Chart global context menu for multi-layered chart shows option for state (dataSource options are still specific to each layer).
- Log the user out after a configurable period of inactivity (disabled by default).
- Multi-layered charts mapping can be changed via the UI.
- JSON can be folded in the state editor.
- The style of the sparkline column is maintained when adding colors to the sparklines.
- Measure pickers allow to choose KPI attributes.
- Don't display add button for pivot tables.
- Charts
- Charts display missing axes in the legend so that they can be mapped easily from the UI.
- Prevent mapping an field from the data explorer to a chart attribute when the types are not compatible.
- Support multi-layer charts.
- Allow removal of automatic mappings in charts.
- Containers (Dashboard)
- A selected container is only highlighted when another container is reading information from it.
- Containers define their icon and category so that it's simpler to add another one.
- Miscellaneous
- Make the color and size of KPI icons more consistent.
- Lookup columns in tabular views are editable directly by changing the cell value.
- Drillthrough improved query execution by allow user to select columns before starting.
- First official release