Release notes

For user-facing changes, refer to the What’s New page. For information on upgrading from previous versions, see the Atoti ISDA-SIMM Migration Notes



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code
  • UI build
  • Source files to build the module
  • Sample bookmarks
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests. The Atoti Server 6.0.11 Maven repository files can be downloaded from here


  • Bug fixes

Known issues

Issue Key Details
SIMM-681 The “10d” parameter set is not working correctly.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.11
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Data Connectors 4.0.1-AP6.0
Java JDK11
UI Components 5.0.40
What-If 1.9.0-AP6.0.2


Issue Key Details
SIMM-685 Removed use of BigDecimal for intermediate values in the calculations.
SIMM-686 Fixed the incorrect leaf levels in FXUsdVector postprocessor.
SIMM-689 Removed Bitmap measure from partial provider so that contributions are not merged
SIMM-696 Reinstated “simm” prefix to content server
SIMM-697 Fixed issue where measures were displaying 0 instead of empty



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code
  • UI build
  • Source files to build the module
  • Sample bookmarks
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests. The Atoti Server 6.0.11 Maven repository files can be downloaded from here


  • Added DoctorPivot: Tool for investigating measures and post-processors. See DoctorPivot.
  • Performance: Fixed performance regressions.
  • Measures: Fixed “AddOn Fixed” measure regression.
  • Atoti Server: Upgraded to Atoti Server 6.0.11
  • VectorExpand performance: Externalized aggregation of bitmaps outside VectorExpand post-processor.

VectorExpand performance

In previous versions of SIMM, we aggregated bitmaps within the VectorExpand post-processor itself. Now we have externalized this aggregation by creating a custom AAggregationFunction for bitmaps called BitmapAggFunction. This aggregation function is used to build the hidden measure Bitmap which is fed into the VectorExpand post-processor measures.

This change drastically improves the performance involving VectorExpand measures and fixes an issue where sub-select clauses would be ignored by the old methodology.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
SIMM-681 The “10d” parameter set is not working correctly.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.11
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Data Connectors 4.0.1-AP6.0
Java JDK11
UI Components 5.0.30
What-If 1.9.0-AP6.0.2


Issue Key Details
SIMM-673 Added DoctorPivot.


Issue Key Details
SIMM-668 Reinstated “local-content” Spring profile for using LocalContentServiceConfig.
SIMM-670 Improved performance of VectorExpand.
SIMM-671 Resolved key collision issue within VectorExpand.
SIMM-672 Fixed AddOn Fixed Amount discrepancy between 2.0.2 and 3.0.1 due to incorrect leaf levels in FXUsd postprocessor .
SIMM-676 Fixed performance regressions in some datastore queries.
SIMM-682 Upgrade to AS 6.0.11.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code
  • UI build
  • Source files to build the module
  • Sample bookmarks
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests. The Atoti Server 6.0.5 Maven repository files can be downloaded from here


  • ISDA SIMM 2.6: ISDA SIMM 2.6 regulation and ISDA tests are included in the release.

Known issues


Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.5
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Data Connectors 2.2.2
Java JDK11
UI Components 5.0.28
What-If 2.1.1-AS6.0


Issue Key Details
SIMM-654 Added RemoteContentServiceConfig in the ApplicationConfig.
SIMM-655 BitMapCache is now used in the VectorExpand.


Issue Key Details
SIMM-660 The Scale Trading and Parameter Sets What-if widgets are now working as expected.
SIMM-661 Fixed the issue where the WhatIfStore was not displayed in the Admin UI by upgrading the Admin UI version.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code
  • UI build
  • Source files to build the module
  • Sample bookmarks
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests. The Atoti Server 6.0.5 Maven repository files can be downloaded from here


  • Atoti Server 6.0: Upgrade to Atoti Server 6.0.5
  • Atoti UI 5.1: Atoti ISDA-SIMM can now be used with Atoti UI version 5.1 or higher.
  • Admin-UI: Incorporated the Admin UI. For more information, see Admin UI.
  • Migrated bookmarks to Atoti UI 5.1.x: Bookmarks have been upgraded to be compatible with Atoti UI 5.1.x
  • Added 2.5A parameter set: The 2.5A parameter set has been added and is the default parameter set.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
Updated 2023-11-22: SIMM-661 The WhatIfStore cannot be viewed in the Admin UI.
Updated 2023-11-22: SIMM-660 Trade Scaling and Parameter Sets don’t work as expected: a What-If branch is created, but the new values are not saved on the branch.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.5
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Data Connectors 2.2.2
Java JDK11
UI Components 5.0.23
What-If 1.9.0




Issue Key Details
SIMM-588 Add ReferenceCurrency as Analysis Hierarchy (Numerical values are converted to this reference currency before carrying out any calculations.)
SIMM-602 Upgraded Atoti Server to 6.0.5
SIMM-603 Upgraded ui-components to the latest version.
SIMM-621 Upgraded the bookmarks to Atoti UI 5.1 and integrated the Admin UI.
SIMM-624 Changed default parameter set to 2.5A and updated ISDA tests.
SIMM-625 Upgrade bookmarks for Atoti UI 5.1







Download the distribution files here


  • ISDA SIMM 2.5: The newly published SIMM 2.5 regulation is used as default. The new calibration file and updated ISDA SIMM tests are up to date.
  • Parameter lookup collision issue: Parameter lookup collision issue has been fixed.


Please note that SIMM 2.0.2 uses ActivePivot 5.10, which requires Java 11.

  • The default parameter set has been updated to 10d-2.5

Known issues

Issue Key Details
PIVOT-5759 Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.

Dependency versions

Component Version
ActivePivot 5.10.5
ActiveUI 5.0.7
Data Connectors 2.2.1
Java JDK11
What-if 1.6.0
accelerator-sdk 5.0.4


Issue Key Details
SIMM-607 Updated ISDA Tests to 2.5.
SIMM-612 Added 2.5 parameter set to sample data and updated tests.


Issue Key Details
SIMM-581 Bumped APM Version to 5.10.1.
SIMM-612 10d-2.5 parameter set is now the default parameter set.


Issue Key Details
SIMM-608 Cache key collisions in DatastoreLookup cache resolved by using org.springframework.cache.interceptor.SimpleKeyGenerator to generate key




The SIMM Accelerator 2.0.1+1 release is a UI-only release, and no server-side changes were made. See the SIMM Accelerator 2.0.1 release notes below for the latest server-side distribution files.

To download the SIMM Accelerator 2.0.1+1 UI-only distribution file, click here.


Technical upgrade to ActiveUI 5.0.7 to integrate bug fixes. See ActiveUI release notes

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



Download the distribution files here


  • Improvements have been made to the Accelerator-sdk. For more information, see the Migration notes

Known issues

  • Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.
  • Update 2022-06-07: We’ve identified a bug in the Frequent Value Compression ActivePivot feature (new since AP 5.10). SIMM 2.0.1.* depends on ActivePivot 5.10.5 and is therefore impacted. We strongly recommend disabling the Frequent Value Compression by setting the following property when launching ActivePivot: -Dactiveviam.chunk.compression.enabledFrequentValue=0. The next maintenance release of SIMM will include an upgrade to ActivePivot, which resolves this issue.

Dependency versions

Component Version
ActivePivot 5.10.5
ActiveUI 5.0.5
Data Connectors 2.2.1
Java JDK11
What-if 1.6.0
accelerator-sdk 5.0.2


Issue Key Details
SIMM-581 Bumped APM Version to 5.10.1



Download the distribution files here



Please note that SIMM 2.0.0 uses ActivePivot 5.10, which requires Java 11.

  • ISDA 2.4 Regulation Updates
    • As a result, the default parameter set is now 10-2.4
  • Integrated APM to assist with performance monitoring
  • ActiveMonitor has been added
  • Upgrade to ActiveUI5
  • Upgrade to ActivePivot 5.10
  • Upgrade to Data Connectors 2.1
  • Unit, integration and regression tests have been moved to junit5
  • Upgrade to common-lib 1.7 including changes to FXRate post processor
  • The Additional Margin Waterfall logic has been simplified
  • The Branch Manager and WhatIf Manager screens have been combined into a single WhatIf Manager Widget. This widget shows all created branches with the audit details and the ability to show differences against the master branch. Users will also be able to delete branches from this screen. Please note: the merge functionality has been removed.

Known issues

  • Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.
Issue Key Details
PIVOT-5038 When using an ALocationShiftPostProcessor kind postprocessor on AP5.10 the retrieval usage count is incorrect.

Dependency versions

Component Version
ActivePivot 5.10.5
ActiveUI 5.0.4
Data Connectors 2.1.0
Java JDK11
What-if 1.5.0
accelerator-sdk 5.0.0-AUI5.0.4


Issue Key Details
SIMM-489 Added ActiveMonitor
SIMM-520 Integrate APM to assist with performance monitoring
SIMM-549 ISDA 2.4 Regulation Updates


Issue Key Details
SIMM-499 Simplify Additional Margin Waterfall logic
GENACL-503 The Branch Manager and WhatIf Manager screens have been combined into a single WhatIf Manager Widget. This widget shows all created branches with the audit details and the ability to show differences against the master branch. Users will also be able to delete branches from this screen. Please note: the merge functionality has been removed.
SIMM-530 Upgrade to common-lib 1.7 including changes to FXRate post processor
SIMM-539 Upgrade to Data Connectors 2.1
SIMM-540 Upgrade to AP 5.10
SIMM-543 Upgrade to ActiveUI5
SIMM-545 Unit, integration, and regression tests moved to junit5


Issue Key Details
SIMM-488 Corrected unrecognized product class “ProductA” in sample data.
SIMM-528 Improved performance of VectorExpand PostProcessor the addition of an EhCache. This cache can be configured in the ehcache-simm.xml file.



  • The Sensitivity Upload what-if has been renamed to File Upload
    • As a part of this change, we allow you to submit what-ifs for the FXRates topic through this widget
  • The ISDA Tests have moved to their own module, where you can run your own development server to analyze the data

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



  • New What-ifs have been added:
    • Additional Margin what-if, which allows you to modify your addon trade information
    • Trade novation what-if, which allows you to move trades from one portfolio to another
  • You can now perform a trade scale what-if on any date loaded in the accelerator
  • ISDA SIMM 2.3 parameters have been added
  • ISDA Tests for v2.3 have been added, and an updated ISDA test suite has been added
  • Overriding of different vertices for a child parameter set is now supported
  • now provides two methods that can be overridden - getSensitivityForInflationOrXCcyBasis and getSensitivityForBaseCorr - allowing for customization of vertecies for sensitivities, such as inflation and cross-currency
  • An error is now logged if an input line is provided from a crif input without a qualifier
  • LookupUtil.keysHashCode is now private
  • Concentration thresholds are now represented in the amount currency
  • Schedule measures now reflect the value of the ‘Reference Currency’ context value when applied
  • There have been various performance improvements in what-ifs

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



  • Buckets are now sorted in a more user-friendly manner
  • It is now easier to customize stores and the CrifTuplePublisher
  • We now properly handle both post and collect regulations
  • We have made further performance improvements

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



  • Exceptions are no longer thrown by the SIMM measure when you add dimensions below the portfolio-level to your query.
  • The Ehcache has been optimized to improve the hit/miss ratio.
  • The SIMM, Additional Margin, and Total IM measures no longer return any value at the regualtory bucket level, and the new measure K_generic returns the margin for the buckets.
  • We have optimized some of our calculations, so the SIMM and Total IM measures are calulated faster.
  • The CrifTuplePublisher class can now handle the AddOnFixed parameter with a defined product class.
  • Risk_Generic now allows you to expand by label and risk type.
  • AmountCurrency is now a level for the SIMM Cube.
  • Multi-regulation trades can now have input provided via multiple lines in the CRIF file.
  • A new property, default.multiple.regulation.separator has been added, for when multi-regulation trades use a delimiter other than ‘;’ to denote the regulations applicable.
  • You’ll now see a notification in the logs if your vertices are not the same length as your sensitivities, as this indicates that the configuration is off.
  • Schedule calculations are only applied to regulations in a trade that are marked as schedule, and SIMM is no longer calculated for these entries.
  • Customization of the CrifTuplePublisher class for publishing to new datastores has been made easier.
  • WTD_Risk_FX now uses CollectCalculationCcy in its calculation.
  • Calls to load data in the accelerator will now respond with the status of the load, either SUCCESS or FAILED
  • You can now create custom analysis actions and save them within a bookmark or your UI session.

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



  • Support for additional margin calculations / ISDA Tests added
  • We have added a ‘Worst Regulation’ measure, that will let you know what the worst applicable regulation is.
  • Reference currencies are dynamically loaded from the FXRate store
  • What-if functionality added, it is now possible to:
    • Scale trades
    • Change parameter values
    • Upload new files on a new branch
  • UI has been upgraded to Activeui v4.3.7
  • The ‘PortfolioId’ column of the crif file is now treated as a netting set id, and the ‘NettingSetId’ column has been removed from the input files.
  • Parameter Sets are now just 10d and 1d, SIMM v2.2 and v2.1 are applied based on the date of the data (2.2 is 2019-01-01 and later, and 2.1 is 2018-12-31 and earlier)
  • We have made some performance improvements in data loading and query times
  • Schedule margin for post mode is now the absolute value of the measure
  • We improved the logging/exceptions when there is missing data
  • Fewer null pointers are thrown from measures when certain dimensions are added to the query

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



  • Standard IM calculations are now supported
  • Users can select presentation currency, using the ReferenceCurrency context value, read more in our documentation
  • 1D holdings calculation support (via the ParameterSet) / ISDA Single day holding tests
  • Support for parameters in the CRIF format
  • Post & Collect Modes - input through the crif file
  • Multiple regulation support
  • The Total Margin has been added to display the Worst Regulation initial margin at netting set level.
  • The documentation now includes datastore descriptions.
  • What If Upload is now supported (Out of the box support for CrifData topic)
  • To add What If Upload support for another topic register a new what if topic associated with the topic you would like to add support for.
    For example for CrifData we registered the topic StressedSensitivityWhatIfRestfulService.CSV_WHAT_IF_TOPIC_PREFIX + ASourceConfig.CSV_TOPIC__CRIF within DataLoadControllerConfig.registerCsvSourceAndChannels()
    Ensure the topic is added to the source and topic channels map with correct tuple publisher, subdirectory.
    Lastly make sure to add the topic to the configuredTopics list maintained in StressedSensitivityWhatIfRestfulService which is a list of supported topics

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.



  • The release included SIMM aggregation for Credit Qualified / Credit Non Qualified Risk Classes
  • ISDA Test Cases for Equity, Commodity, FX
  • ISDA Test Cases for Credit Qualified / Credit Non Qualified
  • Product Classes

Known issues

Updated 2022-09-12: PIVOT-5759 - Attempting to create partitions for reference stores causes a deadlock.