
The Vega Sensitivity Data is loaded into the SBM_Vega_Sensitivities*.csv files using the following fields:

Data Model Field File Column Notes
As-Of Date AsOfDate
Trade ID TradeID
Risk Class RiskClass “GIRR”
Option Maturity OptionMaturity May be single value, vector, or empty. If empty, treated as the prescribed maturities: 0.5;1;3;5;10.
Underlying Maturity UnderlyingMaturity May be single value, vector, or empty. If empty, treated as the prescribed tenors: 0.5;1;3;5;10.
Sensitivities VegaSensitivities May be single valued or a two-dimensional array indexed by Option Maturity $\times$ Underlying Maturity
Sensitivity Currency VegaCcy
Risk Factor Name RiskFactor (Optional) If not present, generated during ETL.
Curve Type RiskFactorType “Yield”, “Inflation”, or “Basis”
Curve Name Underlying
Curve Currency RiskFactorCcy