
The Delta Sensitivity Data is loaded into the SBM_Delta_Sensitivities*.csv files using the following fields:

Data Model Field File Column Notes
As-Of Date AsOfDate
Trade ID TradeID
Sensitivity Currency DeltaCcy
Sensitivities DeltaSensitivities
Risk Class RiskClass “FX”
Risk Factor Name RiskFactor (Optional) If not present, generated during ETL.
Risk Factor Currency Underlying
Couinter Currency FXCounterCurrency
Optionality Optionality Should this sensitivity be included in the Curvature calculations (‘Y’) or not (‘N’)?
FxComplexDelta ‘Y’ to use filtering; ‘N’ to use automatic translations.
FxOtherCcy If the trade involves an FX pair, this is the other currency in the pair.
FXDivisorEligibility ‘Y’ if the trade does not reference the base/reporting currency; ‘N’ if it does.