
Sensitivities are identified by the following fields:

Key Field Description
As-of Date Timestamp (at close of business) for the data (T-1)
Trade ID A unique identifier for the trade (or position)
Risk Factor Name A unique identifier for the risk-factor (not including vertices)
Risk Class “GIRR”
Risk Measure “Delta”, “Vega”, or “Curvature”
Sensitivity Tenor The tenor in the yield curve (Delta)
Option Maturity The maturity of the option (Vega)
Underlying Maturity The residual maturity of the underlying (Vega)

Sensitivities have the following attributes:

Attribute Field Description
Sensitivity The sensitivity value $s_k$ (Delta and Vega)
Shock Up/Down The up and down shocked prices (Curvature).
Sensitivity Currency Currency in which the sensitivity or shocked price is expressed.
Risk Weight Risk weight used for the shocked prices (Curvature)
PV Applied Has the PV been subtracted from the shocked prices (Curvature)?
Optionality Should the Delta sensitivity be included in the Curvature Calculation (Delta)?
Interpolated Sensitivities Sensitivities interpolated to the prescribed vertices (Delta and Vega)