DRC Trade Level (SA)

Download sample file: drc-trade-level-sa.csv

This file defines fields for Jump to Default Risk for non-Sec and Sec non-CTP, including instrument description. Fields are applicable to all components except where indicated.

This DRC Trade Level (SA) file type is identified using the pattern: **/DRC_Trade_*.csv (as specified by drc.trade.file-pattern). This file is loaded using the DRC topic.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
AsOfDate Y N Date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.
TradeId Y N String If coming from multiple systems may need to prepend source system to the id for uniqueness “IR_IRSWAP_LIBOR3M”, “EQ_12345677”, etc.
RiskClass Y N String “DRC non-Sec” or “DRC Sec non-CTP”
ObligorId Y N String ID of the Obligor
ObligorCategory N N String Applicable to DRC non-Sec only Obligor Category/Bucket (BCBS 457, [MAR22.22]). Any values allowed (but should be at most 3 distinct values)
InstrumentType N N String Applicable to DRC non-Sec only Instrument type for LGD (BCBS 457, [MAR22.12]). “equity”, “junior debt”, “senior debt”, or “covered bond”)
Seniority N N String Seniority of the exposure (matches values in seniority description file)
Direction N N String ‘long’ or ‘short’
Maturity N Y String Maturity of the trade “1D”, “2W”, “12M”, “1Y”, or date “YYYY-MM-DD”
Rating N N String Credit Quality Category: For non-Sec, see BCBS 457, [MAR22.24]. For Sec non-CTP, see BCBS 374, paras 66-68.
Notional N Y Double (Optional) This is used to compute GrossJTD for non-Sec when not provided. This is an optional override for the ‘Notional’ in the Trade Attributes file.
MarketValue N Y Double Applicable to DRC non-Sec only (Optional) This is used to compute GrossJTD for Sec non-CTP when not provided. This is an optional override for the ‘MarketValue’ in the Trade Attributes file.
GrossJTD N Y String (Optional) Gross JTD value; providing this value skips the calculation (using market value and notional)
Ccy N Y String Currency code of Gross JTD, Notional, or MarketValue. Required if GrossJTD, Notional or MarketValue provided.
Tranche N Y String Applicable to DRC Sec non-CTP only ID of the Tranche
Region N Y String Applicable to DRC Sec non-CTP only Region for Bucket (BCBS 457, MAR22.31(b)). Values must match DRC Buckets file.
AssetClass N Y String Applicable to DRC Sec non-CTP only Asset class for Bucket (BCBS 457, MAR22.31(b)). Values must match DRC Buckets file.
Attachment N Y Double Applicable to DRC Sec non-CTP only Attachment point (Decimal values are expected).
Detachment N Y Double Applicable to DRC Sec non-CTP only Detachment point (Decimal values are expected).
RecoveryRates N Y Double Applicable to IMA only Not used for SA.
RecoveryValues N Y Double Applicable to IMA only Not used for SA.

This file is also used in the IMA, see DRC trade level (IMA)
