
Store Field Key CanBeNull Type (+Default Value - if applicable) Cube Field Description
HierarchyLevel1 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 1 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel2 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 2 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel3 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 3 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel4 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 4 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel5 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 5 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel6 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 6 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel7 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 7 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel8 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 8 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel9 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 9 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel10 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 10 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel11 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 11 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel12 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 12 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel13 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 13 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel14 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 14 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
HierarchyLevel15 String("DATAMEMBER")See knowledgebase Level 15 SA / IMA / IMA DRC / P&L
Book Y String [Booking].[Books]
Desk String [Booking].[Desks]
Category String [Booking].[Categories] Optional category for the node (and all Descendant nodes).
DeskModel String [Booking].[FRTB Model]
PLA_Zone String [Booking].[PLA Zone] For FRTB desks, this field indicates which zone the desk falls into according to the PLA test metrics [MAR32.42]. If not an FRTB desk, this field is empty.
IRT_Desk String [Booking].[IRT Desk] Indicates whether the desk is an IRT desk. ACR is calculated separately for desks flagged as IRT.
AsOfDate Y LOCALDATE[yyyy-mm-dd] Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.