Miscellaneous Parameters

The file FRTBParameters*.csv is loaded into the FRTBParameters store.

Parameter Parameter Name Default Value
$RW_k$ in [MAR21.87] sa.fx.delta.rw 0.15
$RW_k$ divisor in [MAR21.87] sa.fx.delta.rw.selected.pair.adjustment 1.4142135623731
$\gamma_{bc}$ in [MAR21.89] sa.fx.correlation 0.6
$CVR_k$ divisor in [MAR21.98] sa.fx.curvature.divider 1.5
Reporting Currency sa.fx.reporting-currency EUR
Base Currency sa.fx.base-currency EUR
Is the Base Currency used? sa.fx.use.base-currency false
Divide $CVR_k$ by divisor in [MAR21.98] sa.fx.use.fx-divider false
$RW_\sigma$ in [MAR21.92] sa.vega.rw 0.55
$\alpha$ in [MAR21.93](1)(a) sa.vega.rho-option-maturity.alpha 0.01