
Store Field Key CanBeNull Type (+Default Value - if applicable) Cube Field Description
Child Y String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store. Name of the node in the Book/Desk hierarchy.
Parent String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store. Name of the parent node (or null if there is no parent).
Desk String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store.
Category String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store. Optional category for the node (and all Descendant nodes).
DeskModel String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store.
PLA_Zone String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store. For FRTB desks, this field indicates which zone the desk falls into according to the PLA test metrics [MAR32.42]. If not an FRTB desk, this field is empty.
IRT_Desk String Populated using CSV file data - used as part of intermediary step to create the “BookHierarchy” Store. Indicates whether the desk is an IRT desk. ACR is calculated separately for desks flagged as IRT.
AsOfDate Y LOCALDATE[yyyy-mm-dd] Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.