These are the CRIF file data model mappings for DRC Sec non-CTP. For a description of the DRC Sec non-CTP data model used in the accelerator, see DRC Sec non-CTP Data Model (Core)

See CRIF File Formats for details of the file format.

Column Data Model Description
Risk Factor Risk Factor The risk-factor id. This can be the same as the tranche.
RiskType DRC_SNC_M2M.
Qualifier Tranche The id of the tranche.
Bucket DRC Sec non-CTP Bucket The asset class [MAR22.31](2)(a).
Label2 Seniority / Instrument LGD Type Both the seniority and the lgd type are derived from this field. Possible values are: EQUITY, NON-SENIOR, SENIOR, COVERED BOND
Amount PV The bond-equivalent market value, in the units of the currency specified in the “AmountCurrency” field.
AmountCurrency PV Currency The currency used in the “Amount” and Label3 fields.
Label3 Tranche Thickness For non-senior tranches, the thickness is used to adjust the risk weight for SEC-ERBA, see [CRE42]. If not present a thickness of zero is used.
EndDate Maturity Date The maturity date of the exposure.
CreditQuality Rating The credit rating of the tranche.

