Tabular View & Pivot Table

Tabular Documentation

It is recommended to read the documentation about Data beforehand.

Creation #

The Tabular View widget can be created through the widgets API using either of the createTabularView or createPivotTable methods. Both methods return a SingleMdxQueryBuilder.

Configuration #

The Tabular View / Pivot Table can be configured through a JavaScript object provided to its SingleMdxQueryBuilder. The configuration allows to configure a widget without using UI controls, or sometimes allows to control options that do not have a UI control. Here is a sample code to generate a Tabular View and a Pivot Table using a simple query, but hiding the line numbers shown by default:

const activeUI = ActiveUI.initialize();
const servers = activeUI.queries.serversPool;
const url = `localhost`;
const activeMonitorServer = servers.addActiveMonitorServer({url: `${url}:8081`});
const activePivotServer = servers.addActivePivotServer({url: `${url}:9090`, activeMonitorServer});
const simpleQuery = activePivotServer.createSelectQueryFromCube('EquityDerivativesCube').getMdx();

    tabular: {
      lineNumbers: false

    tabular: {
      lineNumbers: false
    shouldRenderWizard: true,
    wizard: {}

Here is an exhaustive list of configuration attributes for the Tabular View and Pivot Table widget:

key Type Effect Comment
addButtonFilter String Filters the fields displayed when clicking on the add button One of [all, literal, numeric, measure]
cellEditor Plugin The cell editor to use (called on cell double-click)
cellRenderer Plugin The cell renderer to use for the widget, will be called for each cell of the table. The default cell renderer is the caption cell renderer
columnOrder Array
columns Array
columnsGroups Array
defaultOptions Object Options used by default for the columns For example use the key width to have a default width for each column
handlers Plugin
lineNumbers Boolean True to show the line numbers true by default
minRowSize Number Minimum height in pixels for all rows 31px by default
rowAction Array[Plugin] The row actions to display in the view The are displayed by default at the right end of the widget
rowStyle Array[Plugin] The style to apply to row of the tabular
sortingMode String The sorting mode to use for this tabular One of [breaking, non-breaking]

Note: None of these configuration attributes are necessary to render a widget. They are provided for an advanced configuration of the view.