Displays the about popup. There is no requirement concerning its availability (it can be used anywhere).
Type: Object
key: 'about',
args: {}
Version of the package and the Content Server
Type: Object
Build an action offered to users in several places of the UI.
For example in the title bar of a dock in a dashboard, or in context menus or other user event handlers.
Most of its methods are optional but one, execute
. The methods are given different payloads depending on the
situation in which they are instantiated (see ActionSituation to have a list of the different situations).
Type: Object
(function (event: AnyEvent, actionPayload: ActionPayload): void)
: Called when the action is being interacted with.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): (string | number)?)
: Returns a number or a string that will be displayed inside a badge on the
bottom left corner of the icon. Not implementing this function means that no badge will be displayed.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): TranslationPayload?)
: Returns the caption of the action. Defaults to 'errors.noCaption'.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): string?)
: Returns the icon key for the action. Default to having no icon.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): string?)
: Returns the icon key to display at the right of the action entry in a context menu.
Default to having no icon.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): boolean?)
: Returns whether the action should be present in the UI. This can
be used to hide actions dynamically based on the conditions in which it is used. Defaults to true.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): boolean?)
: Returns whether the action should be disabled if present. This comes
on top of isAvailable in order to still display the action but in a disabled mode. Defaults to false.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): void?)
: Called when the action is loaded in the UI.
(function (actionPayload: ActionPayload): void?)
: Called when the action is unloaded from the UI.
Type: Object
Type: (DockActionPayload | ChartHandlerActionPayload | SingleValueHandlerActionPayload | StandaloneActionPayload | TabularHandlerActionPayload | TreeHandlerActionPayload)
| "dock-action"
| "single-value-handler"
| "standalone"
| "tabular-handler"
| "tree-handler"
Type: Object
: the key of the originating filter.
: the hierarchy of the cube of the query on which this filter applies.
: the value of the filter.
Display the ActiveMonitor Messages. It is displaying the number of unread messages in a badge.
Type: Object
key: 'activemonitor-messages',
args: {
passedConfig.itemsType: /* "messages" */,
passedConfig.readOnMessageOpening: /* boolean= */,
passedConfig.serverUrl: /* Url */,
passedConfig: /* {itemsType: "messages", readOnMessageOpening: boolean=, serverUrl: Url} */
Handle all the communications with an ActivePivot Server.
Type: Object
(function (mdx: Mdx, context: MdxContextValues, transformers: Array<Todo>, additionalUpdateMode: Todo): Todo)
: Creates an
with a DRILLTHROUGH statement.
(function (mdx: Mdx, context: MdxContextValues, transformers: Array<Transformer>, additionalUpdateMode: AdditionalUpdateMode, refreshInterval: number): Todo)
: Creates an
with a SELECT statement.
(function (cubeName: CubeName, context: MdxContextValues, transformers: Array<Transformer>, additionalUpdateMode: AdditionalUpdateMode, refreshInterval: number): Todo)
: Create a simple
with a SELECT statement.
(function (): ActiveMonitorServer)
(function (): ContentServer)
(function (): DiscoveryClass)
Object used to initialize the ActiveUI library.
Type: Object
(function (options: ActiveUIOptions): ActiveUIAPI)
: Configures ActiveUI based on the given options and return its API
Type: Object
(function (contentServerUrl: Url): BookmarksApi)
Type: Object
: List of locales to add to the default ones.
: Type of storage used to store last state of the application and restore it at startup
: Custom name of the Content Server root folder.
: Settings map that will be merged on top of the default one.
: Enable global undo/redo keyboard controls: Ctrl+Z/Cmd+Z for undo, Ctrl+Y/Cmd+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z/Cmd+Shift+Z for redo
: A list of experimental features to activate in ActiveUI. See the documentation
for an exhaustive list of available features.
: Takes locale and returns a promise resolving to the translation data.
: The serialized authentication holder plugin to use.
See the plugins page for the list of core implementations.
: Object that will be merged on top of the default initial state.
: Set to false to disable server calls to synchronize locale.
Color scale of size 10 created by ActiveViam with the following colors: turquoise blue, wisteria, cream can, celery, cinnabar, el salva, neon carrot, cabaret, governor bay, nepal
Type: Object
key: 'activeviam',
args: {}
Extra update mode to add to the query, in addition to the default ones, which are realTime and once.
Type: string
Type: function (listener: Listener<T>): RemoveListener
Opens the Add Server popup
Type: Object
key: 'add-server',
args: {}
Adds a bookmark to the user's favorites.
Type: Object
key: 'add-to-favorites',
args: {}
Display the ActiveMonitor Alerts. It is displaying the number of alerts in a badge.
Type: Object
({itemsType: "alerts"
, serverUrl: string?})
key: 'activemonitor-alerts',
args: {
passedConfig.itemsType: /* "alerts" */,
passedConfig.serverUrl: /* string= */,
passedConfig: /* {itemsType: "alerts", serverUrl: string=} */
Matches any filter
Type: Object
key: 'all',
args: {}
Sorts headers alphabetically.
Type: Object
key: 'alphabetical',
args: {}
Alternate colors are generated automatically by a shift of Hue in the HSL coordinates from the accent1Color and are then declined in shades.
This palette can be derived from the CorePalette and the ShadePalette.
Type: Object
Type: (SyntheticKeyboardEvent<> | SyntheticMouseEvent<> | SyntheticWheelEvent<>)
Defaults to true, as the position of the popup is usually converted in percentage to adjust with window resizing. If a popup needs to really stay at the event pixels it should provide a false value to this parameter.
Type: boolean
Represent a filter that impacts a MDX statement.
Type: any
: the selector pointing at this active filter.
Exposes the authentication API that every part of ActiveUI requiring authentication can consume.
Type: Object
(function (): Promise<any>?)
: When given, it is called with credentials to authenticate the user.
(function (url: Url): Promise<FetchInitParameters>?)
: Resolves to the request options to use for each authenticated calls.
(function (): SortedRoles?)
: Returns the roles of the currently logged in user.
(function (): Username?)
: Returns the name of the currently logged in user.
(function (usedParameters: FetchInitParameters): Promise<void>?)
: Called with the fetch parameters used in the request that was rejected by the server.
The holder should try to get a new value either from the user or from a broker.
Type: Object
: True means that there is no need to logout from the servers .ActiveUI is connected to.
| "html5-session-storage"
Resend Basic authentication for each REST call and uses cookies for WebSockets. Do not store any credentials. Will be asked again on reload.
Type: Object
key: 'basic',
args: {}
Object needed to register a basic container.
Type: Object
: Will default to "misc".
: If false, the container will never show up in the container chooser.
(React$Component<BasicContainerProps, any>)
: React Component that will be used to render this container.
: Will be used to represent this container in the bookmark tree and the container chooser. Defaults to "common.world".
: The initial configuration to use for the basic container. This can be used to
specify the dock actions that the basic container will have when opened for the first time, or its body.
: The container plugin key.
Props received by the React component attached to a basic container
Type: Object
: The ActiveUI API stripped of its plugin registration ability and with a custom widget property suited for use inside a basic container.
: The bookmark body if the basic container was previously saved.
Color scale of size 2: black and white
Type: Object
key: 'black-white',
args: {}
Uses bold font if the row corresponds to a parent aggregate.
Type: Object
key: 'bold-total',
args: {}
Type: Object
: the id of a user who is the owner of this bookmark.
: the id of a user who is the owner of this bookmark.
: the id of a user who is the owner of this bookmark.
: the id of a user who is the owner of this bookmark.
: the content of this bookmark.
: the children of this bookmark.
: the parent path of this bookmark.
: internationalization information.
The body of the bookmark. This is specific to each type of container.
Type: any
The category of bookmark.
| "mdx"
| "container"
Type: Todo
An object describing the bookmark content and its properties, so that it can be passed between the different application interfaces (apis). The root of the bookmark tree is a specific item because a bookmark item is attached to it even though it does not represent one.
Type: Object
: the bookmark path with captions substituted in place of ids.
: indicate if the current user can write to this bookmark.
Type: Todo
Type: Todo
Type: string
Type: Object
Type: string
The file path to the bookmark on the content server.
Type: string
Type: Object
(function (bookmark: Bookmark, parentPath: string, owner: PermissionGroup, reader: PermissionGroup): Promise<{id: BookmarkId, path: BookmarkPath}>)
: Create a bookmark. If owner/reader are unspecified,
they default to the current username.
(function (id: BookmarkId, path: BookmarkPath): Promise<Todo>)
: Delete the bookmark identified by its
and path.
(function (predicate: function (BookmarkContent): boolean): Promise<BookmarkContent>)
: Returns the first bookmark that matches a predicate, where the
predicate takes as parameter a bookmark and returns a boolean.
(function (name: BookmarkName): Promise<BookmarkId>)
: This function will iterate through the bookmarks
and return the first bookmark id matching
(function (id: BookmarkId): Promise<BookmarkContent>)
: Retrieve a bookmark identified by its
(function (): Promise<Array<BookmarkContent>>)
Type: Todo
Type: Todo
Type: Object
: list of dock actions
Type: Object
: The chart configuration, as written in its state.
: The data received by the chart, as a Table.
Render the caption contained in the cell.
Type: Object
key: 'caption-renderer',
args: {}
Type: Object
Type: string
A cell editor that can be added in a table.
Type: Object
(function (rowIndex: number, columnKey: string, data: Table, dataSource: DataSource, columnProps: TabularColumnProps): boolean)
: called on every cell marked as 'edited' to know if the editor should
be rendered or not.
(function ({colKey: number, columnProps: TabularColumnProps, rowIdx: number}): React$Element<any>)
: called on every cell for which isEditable has returned true.
Type: Object
Change the rendering of cells in a table.
Type: Object
(function (rowIndex: number, columnProps: TabularColumnProps): {}?)
: assign a CSS style to the cell. This style will be merged with the default style.
(function ({colKey: number, columnProps: TabularColumnProps, rowIdx: number}): boolean?)
: decide if the other methods of the plugin should be called (applies to
getCellStyle AND renderCell). Returns true by default.
(function ({colKey: number, columnProps: TabularColumnProps, rowIdx: number}): React$Element<any>)
: render the content of the cell.
Type: Object
Type: Todo
Type: Object
(function (ChartQuery, ChartConfiguration, key: ChartLayerKey): ChartBuilder)
Type: Todo
Type: Object
: The data associated to the element on which the action has been called. Is not defined
when the user clicks in the background of the chart.
: The api for the layer that has been interacted with. If the interaction happened with the chart
background, it points to the api of the first layer.
Used to refer to the layer in ChartContainerWrapper#getLayerByKey
Type: string
Display an overlay over a chart.
Type: Object
(function (): Array<OverlayCustomizableParameter>)
: These parameters will generate controls in the UI for the user to configure
the overlay.
(function (): React$Element<any>)
: The description of the overlay as React elements, to display a small summary of it.
(function (renderOverlayPayload: RenderOverlayPayload): void)
: The code ran by this method should render the overlay inside of the provided d3 selection.
Type: Object
(function (canOverlayDisplayPayload: CanOverlayDisplayPayload): boolean)
: Whether the overlay can be displayed on the current chart. This is used to filter the overlays
that can be added by the user through the UI.
An action to export the chart as a png.
Type: Object
(function (): void)
: An internal function registered in-memory, making this plugin tied to the specific
chart workflow. This plugin is not usable out of the context built by the core of activeUI.
key: 'chart-png-export',
args: {
rasterizationCallback: /* function (): void */
Type: (StaticDataQuery | Table | Query | MdxQueryDescription)
Format date/time members on chart axis
Type: Object
(function (d3: D3Api, translator: Translator): Array<Formatter>)
Type: Object
Display a tooltip for the chart widget.
Type: Object
: The timeout after which the tooltip should appear.
key: 'chart-tooltip-show',
args: {
timeout: /* number */
Unload the current bookmark from the dock (or in other terms, clear the dock).
Type: Object
key: 'clear-dock',
args: {}
Type: Function
A CSS valid color: RGB(r,g,b), #hexa, colorName...
Type: string
Uses the tabularAlternatingRowColor as a background on even-indexed rows.
Type: Object
key: 'color-alternate',
args: {}
A caption producer that merges headers together, separated with a '/', like 'Desk / Currency'
Type: Object
key: 'columnMerge',
args: {}
Contains colors used by ActiveUI components.
This palette can be derived from the CorePalette, the ShadePalette and the AlternatePalette.
Type: Object
({color: Color, histogramBackgroundColor: Color, histogramStrokeColor: Color, lineColor: Color, lineTextColor: Color, pointColor: Color, pointStrokeColor: Color, splitHoverBackgroundColor: Color, strokeColor: Color, textColor: Color, textColorPrimary: Color})
({backgroundColor: Color, color: Color, section: {backgroundColor: Color, borderColor: Color, color: Color}})
({compoundIdentifier: Color, filter: Color, function: Color, level: Color, measure: Color, select: {backgroundColor: Color, color: Color, section: {backgroundColor: Color, borderColor: Color, color: Color}}})
({alternate: {canvasColor: Color, color: Color, svgColor: Color}, boxShadow: Color, disabled: {canvasColor: Color, color: Color, svgColor: Color}, primary: {canvasColor: Color, color: Color, svgColor: Color}, secondary: {canvasColor: Color, color: Color, svgColor: Color}})
Open a popup to format the current measure.
Type: Object
key: 'conditional-formatting',
args: {}
A popup displaying a message, and asking for confirmation from the user
Type: Object
: the cancel button text
: the message content of the confirmation popup
: the submit button text
(function (): void)
: the submit callback to exexute when the submit button is clicked
: the title to give to the Popup
key: 'confirmation',
args: {
cancelButtonText: /* TranslationPayload */,
content: /* TranslationPayload */,
submitButtonText: /* TranslationPayload */,
submitCallBack: /* function (): void */,
title: /* TranslationPayload */
An overlay that displays a line of constant value. Only available on charts with an x and y axis, and with y being a numerical axis.
Type: Object
: The color of the regression line.
: A formatter specification understood by d3:
This formatter is used to format the equation coefs + r^2, and X and Y when the chart scales have no formatters.
: A formatter used for the time in the tooltip, from the types.chartTimeFormatter plugin
: The value to use for the regression line. Defaults to 0.
key: 'constant',
args: {
color: /* string= */,
formatter: /* *= */,
timeFormatter: /* *= */,
value: /* number= */
The category in which the container should appear. If a string not part of the CoreContainerCategory is given, it should be added to the project translation.
Type: (CoreContainerCategory | string)
Type: Object
(function (translator: Translator, deserializer: Deserializer, renderMultiBinding: MultiBinding): Array<ContextMenuItem>)
(function (): boolean?)
: Whether the menu has items to display or not.
(function (renderMultiBinding: MultiBinding): void?)
: Called when the menu is loaded in the UI.
(function (renderMultiBinding: MultiBinding): void?)
: Called when the menu is unloaded from the UI.
Type: Object
Copy to clipboard the underlying table. Only available if the underlying table is fully downloaded (i.e. not lazy loaded)
Type: Object
key: 'copy-table',
args: {}
The categories used by core containers.
| "data"
| "misc"
| "query"
Main part of the palette from which all the other colors can be derived.
Type: Object
Open a popup to create a calculated measure and add it to the MDX of the widget.
Type: Object
key: 'create-calculated-measure',
args: {}
Open a popup to create a folder under the selected node.
Type: Object
key: 'create-folder',
args: {}
An action to open the kpi editor, with some contextual information if available.
Type: Object
key: 'create-kpi',
args: {}
Creates a serializable class from a plugin implementation description.
(SerializablePluginDescription<FactoryProperties, FactoryStaticProperties, ImplementationProperties, ImplementationStaticProperties, TypeParameters, ImplementationParameters>)
SerializablePluginImplementationClass<FactoryProperties, FactoryStaticProperties, TypeParameters, ImplementationParameters>
Type: string
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
| "TIME"
Type: Object
(function (): Cube)
(function (): CubeName)
(function (): MeasureName)
(function (HierarchyUniqueName): (LevelName | void))
(function (DimensionName, HierarchyName): (CubeHierarchy | void))
(function (HierarchyUniqueName): (CubeHierarchy | void))
(function (MeasureName): (EnrichedCubeMeasure | void))
(function (): Discovery)
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: string
Type: Object
Color scale of size 10 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory10
Type: Object
key: 'd3-10',
args: {}
Color scale of size 20 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory20b
Type: Object
key: 'd3-20b',
args: {}
Color scale of size 20 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory20c
Type: Object
key: 'd3-20c',
args: {}
Color scale of size 20 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory20
Type: Object
key: 'd3-20',
args: {}
The D3 api. See https://github.com/d3/d3/blob/master/API.md for more details.
Type: any
Core dark theme.
Type: Object
key: 'dark-cerulean',
args: {}
Type: Object
(function (): StaticDataQuery)
(function (newDateRecognizer: DateRecognizer): void)
(function (headers: Array<SimpleTableHeader>, content: Array<SimpleTableTuple>): Table)
Type: Object
A logger that logs everything, and adds timestamp and the caller to each message.
Type: Object
key: 'debug',
args: {}
Open a popup that displays the internal state of the widget.
Type: Object
key: 'debug-widget-state',
args: {}
Automatically format a date based on how much details the date contains. If the date contains milliseconds, the date will be formatted in milliseconds. If the date contains seconds, the date will be formatted in seconds. If the date contains minutes, the date will be formatted in minutes. If the date contains hours, the date will be formatted in hours. If the date contains days, the date will be formatted in days. If the date contains months, the date will be formatted in month. Otherwise the date will be formatted in years.
Type: Object
key: 'default',
args: {}
Deletes a bookmark or a folder recursively. If the bookmark has been registered as user's favorite and the user has the right to edit that, it will also delete the favorite.
Type: Object
key: 'delete-bookmark',
args: {}
An action to delete the a persisted measure, disabled if the user does not have the permissions to delete it.
Type: Object
key: 'delete-calculated-measure',
args: {}
An action to delete the kpi, disabled if the user does not have the permissions to delete it.
Type: Object
key: 'delete-kpi',
args: {}
Opens a popup to confirm the deletion of a server from the serversPool.
Type: Object
key: 'delete-server',
args: {}
Type: Array<HierarchyCoordinates>
Type: string
Type: Object
| "dataHeader"
| "discovery"
| "popup"
| "layoutTile"
| "mdx"
| "tabularHeader"
| "wizardTile"
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Todo
Data structure sent by ActivePivot containing the drillthrough result.
Type: Todo
Opens a popup to edit a bookmark or a folder.
Type: Object
key: 'edit-bookmark',
args: {}
Open a popup to edit a calculated measure and modify the MDX of the widget.
Type: Object
key: 'edit-calculated-measure',
args: {}
An action available with dashboards only, to display a popup to add widgets in a dashboard.
Type: Object
key: 'edit-dashboard',
args: {}
An action to open the kpi editor, with some contextual information if available.
Type: Object
key: 'edit-kpi',
args: {}
Open a popup to edit the current single value widget.
Type: Object
key: 'edit-single-value',
args: {}
Type: any
Type: any
A logger that only logs errors.
Type: Object
key: 'errors',
args: {}
Type: Object
(function (type: any, callback: function (): void): function (): void)
(function (type: any): void)
Filters out the specified filters on top of using a key
Type: Object
(Array<SerializablePluginImplementationClass<MdxFilterSelectorFactoryProperties, MdxFilterSelectorFactoryStaticProperties, MdxFilterSelectorTypeParameters, MdxFilterSelectorImplementationProperties>>)
key: 'except-filters-key',
args: {
key: /* string */,
selectorsToExcept: /* Array.<SerializablePluginImplementationClass.<MdxFilterSelectorFactoryProperties, MdxFilterSelectorFactoryStaticProperties, MdxFilterSelectorTypeParameters, MdxFilterSelectorImplementationProperties>> */
Sorts headers in the same order as a given list.
Type: Object
key: 'explicit',
args: {
orderedColumns: /* OrderedColumns */
Create a custom color scale that explicitly list all colors. Fallback to text color if no parameters are provided.
Type: Object
key: 'explicit',
args: {
colors: /* Array.<Color> */
Theme reading its properties from its parameters.
Type: ThemeImplementationProperties
key: 'explicit',
args: /* ThemeImplementationProperties */
The init parameter used by the fetch() function. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/fetch#Parameters
Type: Todo
Enum of the scope of widgets to apply filter on
| "only-siblings"
| "only-current-widget"
The source of the filter. One of Slicers: 0, SubSelects: 1 or Server: 2.
| 1
| 2
This caption producer keeps the caption as it is in the first column of the group.
Type: Object
key: 'firstColumn',
args: {}
Type: Object
(function (Date): TranslationResult)
Formats the caption
Type: Object
(function (value: string, caption: string): string)
: A function receiving the value and sometimes caption from the data and produces a caption
to be displayed in the application. Sometimes the caption is undefined because the element to format does not come
from the data. For example in the case of the formatter used for the axis of charts:
On numerical axis, the values to format are for 'ticks', for which the values do not necessarily correspond to values
in the data. Thus, a caption cannot be provided in that case.
Type: Object
Structure containing all the colors used by ActiveUI components. It is a merge of the sub-palettes:
It shares the same structure than the InputPalette but in this palette none of the properties are optional.
Type: any
Display widgets in full screen.
Type: Object
key: 'full-size',
args: {}
Retrieve a bookmark based on ID.
Bookmark ID
A Bookmark object.
Type: Object
(function (translator: Translator, headers: Array<Header>, groupedHeadersIds: Array<number>, dataSource: DataSource): TranslationResult)
Type: Object
Color scale of size 5 following Google Chart/ActivePivot Live 3 color scheme. It contains the following colors: mariner, tia maria, orange peel, la palma, flirt. See https://developers.google.com/chart/
Type: Object
key: 'google-chart',
args: {}
Type: Object
Produces captions based on the provided headers.
Type: (GetCaptionProperty | GetCaptionsProperty)
Type: Object
Customizes the order in which tabular view and pivot table columns are displayed.
Type: Object
(function (h1: SortableTabularHeader, h2: SortableTabularHeader): number)
Type: Object
An action to hide any tooltip that is displayed in ActiveUI.
Type: Object
key: 'hide-tooltip',
args: {}
Type: Object
Matches filters with the provided key, index and hierarchy
Type: Object
key: 'hierarchy-key-index',
args: {
hierarchy: /* string */,
index: /* number */,
key: /* string */
Matches filters with the provided key and hierarchy
Type: Object
key: 'hierarchy-key',
args: {
hierarchy: /* string */,
key: /* string */
Matches filters with the provided key, filter value and hierarchy
Type: Object
key: 'hierarchy-key-value',
args: {
hierarchy: /* string */,
key: /* string */,
value: /* FilterValue */
Matches filters with the provided hierarchy
Type: Object
key: 'hierarchy',
args: {
hierarchy: /* string */
Type: string
Type: string
Responsible for converting plain text to HTML.
Type: Object
(function (): TranslationPayload)
: Return a text to be translated and used to explain the features of the renderer.
Type: Object
(function (palette: FullPalette): {}?)
: Return a map of CSS in JS rules to be applied to the rendered output.
The keys of the map are CSS selectors that will be prefixed by a custom class
so that they stay isolated to the div containing the rendered output.
The values of the map are regular CSS properties expressed in JavaScript such as
{color: 'blue'}
The CSS properties will be "autoprefixed" in order to work well in the different browsers.
Example of map that can be returned:
{p: {fontSize: '13px'}}
An icon key such as "common.world".
Type: string
An object to expose the locale events and provide ActiveUI's translator implementation to an external application
Type: Object
(function (): Translator)
Uses JWT for REST and cookies for WebSockets.
Type: Object
key: 'jwt',
args: {}
Type: Object
: The path to the page to call to ask the user to log-in again
(after a token has expired for example), relative to the path of the application.
Defaults to
: The endpoint URL to logout the current user.
: Time in ms after which the application re-tries to retrieve a token from Keycloak
if it failed the first time. This can happen due to clock offsets between the Keycloak server and the ActiveUI server.
Defaults to
: The endpoint URL to get a token.
: URL prefixes for which the Keycloak token should not be included in the Authorization header.
Calls to access resources protected by a Keycloak filter should not include the Keycloak token,
as it would trigger an unwanted authentication flow, and lead to tokens not refreshing correctly.
Defaults to
[window.location.origin, logoutEndPointUrl]
: Interval in ms to check if the user has closed the popup asking to log-in again.
Defaults to
Uses Keycloak for REST and cookies for WebSockets.
Type: Object
| "Bearer"
: Will be used as a prefix before the token in the Authorization header.
Defaults to
key: 'keycloak',
args: {
type: /* ("Jwt"|"Bearer")= */,
options: /* KeycloakAuthenticationHolderOptions */
Matches non server filters with the provided key
Type: Object
key: 'key',
args: {
key: /* string */
Type: Array<KeyValueTooltipEntry>
Type: Object
Type: Object
This caption producer is useful when the expiry column groups several expiries together (when the groupByKpi flag is true on the kpiExpiryColumnsSelector), because it displays 'kpiName Expiry'. It relies on the fact that the captions of the members that are crossjoined are displayed directly in the cell.
Type: Object
key: 'expiry',
args: {}
Type: string
Render different icons for cell values value < -0.5
, -0.5< value <0.5
and value > 0.5
Type: Object
Core lean dark theme.
Type: Object
key: 'lean-dark-cerulean',
args: {}
Core lean light theme.
Type: Object
key: 'lean-light-cerulean',
args: {}
Type: any
Type: string
Old light theme.
Type: Object
key: 'light-bluewood',
args: {}
Core light theme.
Type: Object
key: 'light-cerulean',
args: {}
An overlay displaying a line following the equation y = mx + b. Only available on charts with an x and y axis, and with y being a numerical axis.
Type: Object
: the b parameter, as in y = mx + b. Defaults to 0
: The step for the UI control for b. Defaults to 1
: The color of the regression line.
: A formatter specification understood by d3:
This formatter is used to format the equation coefs + r^2, and X and Y when the chart scales have no formatters.
: the m parameter, as in y = mx + b. Defaults to 0
: The step for the UI control for m. Defaults to 0.1
: A formatter used for the time in the tooltip, from the types.chartTimeFormatter plugin
key: 'linear',
args: {
b: /* number= */,
bStep: /* number= */,
color: /* string= */,
formatter: /* *= */,
m: /* number= */,
mStep: /* number= */,
timeFormatter: /* *= */
A linear profile, that returns the percentage of the value between the domain min and max.
Type: Object
key: 'linear',
args: {}
A profile linear in 2 pieces, centered around middle
Type: Object
key: 'linear-piecewise',
args: {
middle: /* number */
Callback for listener on value<T>
Type: function (value: T): void
Loads a dashboard bookmark in a root container, opening a popup if several are available.
Type: Object
key: 'load-bookmark',
args: {}
A string symbolizing a locale, for example en-US.
Type: string
A plugin to handle logging side-effect. It is called for every logging request in activeUI
Type: Object
Type: Object
(function (data: LoggingData, {formatter: LoggingFormatter, tags: LoggingTags}): void)
: A function called every time a log operation is requested.
Logs the current user out. There is no requirement concerning its availability (it can be used anywhere).
Type: Object
key: 'logout',
args: {}
Type: Object
(function (): void)
: Empty the storage
(function (string): any)
: return an element from the storage
(function (string): void)
: remove an element from the storage
(function (): number)
: return how many elements are currently present in the storage
(function (string, any): void)
: insert an element in the storage
Use the default preset of https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it to convert Markdown to HTML.
The linkify and typographer options are enabled.
Type: Object
key: 'markdown',
args: {}
The textual representation of an MDX query.
Type: string
Type: Object
Contains all the operations related to the axes of a Select statement. Axes can be split in two categories:
Type: Todo
Find the axis where measures should be present. This does not guarantee the measure hierarchy is on this axis. Returns undefined if the measures hierarchy is not present in the query and the axis that usually contains measures (COLUMNS) is not present in the statement.
the statement where to search for.
(MdxNode | undefined)
Find the axis containing the measures hierarchy. Will return undefined if the measures hierarchy is not contained in the query. As opposed to getMeasuresAxis, calling addMeasureWithOther on a defined result of this function is guaranteed to work.
the statement where to search for.
(MdxNode | undefined)
Apply a transformation only on one axis of a statement.
the statement to update.
the name of the axis to transform.
the transformation function. Takes an axis MdxNode as argument and should
return a MdxNode. This transformation is not performed if the input statement has no axis with this name. See
for this use case.
if the given statement doesn't have an axis with the given name, this
method will be called. If it returns a defined value we will use this value as the axis node. If this function
is not provided we will use a function that returns undefined.
the modified statement (not just the axis).
Sets whether NON EMPTY is present or not in a given axis of a statement, not modifying the original statement.
(boolean?= true)
specify if non-empty should or should not be in the statement
a clone of mdxStatementNode with the named axis modified,
or the original mdxStatementNode if there is no such axis
Contains all the basic read/write operations on a MDX.
Type: Todo
Retrieve the measure name from a MDX node, Measure compound identifier or KPI functions. Return undefined if KPI name or attribute does not exist in cube discovery. Throw if unexpected MDX node.
(string | undefined)
Provides functions to clean a parsed tree and simplify it.
Type: Todo
Type: any
Type: string
Type: Object<MdxContextValueKey, MdxContextValue>
Contains functions to create MDX nodes.
Type: Todo
Contains all the drillthrough statement related functions.
Type: Todo
Return the select statement necessary to fetch the columns available for the given drillthrough query.
the complete query with potentially MAXROWS, FIRSTROW and RETURN blocks
the mdx sent to DrillthroughHeadersQuery
Contains functions to manipulate filters of a MDX query.
The main object used to manipulate the filters of a MDX statement is called ActiveFilter. Active here means that this filter is currently in use in a statement, as opposed to the class Filter which describes a type of filter, outside of any statement context.
Type: Todo
MdxFilterSelector are used to retrieve one or more filters matching a specific set of conditions in order to manipulate it: read, write, remove...
Type: Object
(function (activeFilter: AugmentedActiveFilter<any>): boolean)
: return true if and only if the provided filter matches the selector's condition
Type: Object
Contains all functions about calculated members.
Type: Todo
Allows reading and manipulating the MDX functions used in a statement.
Type: Todo
A caption producer relying on an MDX dataSource, useful to produce synthetic headers when grouping columns.
Type: Object
key: 'mdxHeaderCaption',
args: {}
Contains all the logic for hierarchies transformations.
Type: Todo
Contains all the operations related to KPIs and their functions.
Type: Todo
Contains all the logic for levels transformations.
Type: Todo
Contains all the basic read/write operations about MDX measures.
Type: Todo
The AST node of an MDX query.
The only common attributes to all nodes is elementType
Type: (AxisNode | CaseExpressionNode | LiteralNode | UnknownCompoundIdentifierNode | DimensionCompoundIdentifierNode | HierarchyCompoundIdentifierNode | LevelCompoundIdentifierNode | MemberCompoundIdentifierNode | NamedSetCompoundIdentifierNode | FromClauseNode | FormulaNode | CreateStatementNode | DrillthroughStatementNode | DropStatementNode | IdentifierNode | MdxFunctionNode | MemberPropertyDefinitionNode | RefreshStatementNode | SelectStatementNode | StringFormulaSpecificationNode | SubSelectNode | WhenClauseNode)
Provides a fluent API to match nodes in a parsed statement.
Type: Todo
Contains the methods to read or change the ordering in a statement.
Type: Todo
Responsible of the conversion between a MDX string and a tree of nodes representing this statement.
Type: Todo
A MDX query on a given server.
A MdxQuery has two ids: clientId and serverId:
Start the query and publish the results to the feed.
the update mode of the query (real time or paused)
the refresh interval in seconds
the query itself for chained calls.
Toggle the query state: start it if stopped and stop it if started.
Run the query through the REST endpoint and return the corresponding promise. This method does not store nor notify nor handle status change (loading, loaded...) It is the caller responsibility to do so.
Stop the query and unregister all the internal listeners.
Change the query MDX and/or context values and/or updateMode atomically. If the query is currently running, it will be stopped and started again with the new parameters.
the refresh interval in seconds
Type: Object
Contains the functions used to manipulate the different type of MDX statements that can be encountered (Select, Drillthrough Select).
Type: Todo
Contains additional functions used for the tabular representation of a CellSet.
Type: Todo
Type: Todo
Transform a MDX string statement with a node transformation function. The conversion String <-> MdxNode is taken care of in this method.
the initial mdx statement.
the content of a server discovery.
the transformer, taking as input a StatementAndDiscovery and returning a
StatementAndDiscovery containing the new MdxNode to return after having been MdxPrinted.
the resulting mdx statement.
// Adding hierarchy `[D1].[H1]` on the `ROWS` axis
const coordinates = mdxApi.hierarchies.toCoordinates('[D1].[H1]');
const newMdxString = mdxApi.transform(
snd => mdxApi.hierarchies.addHierarchy(snd, coordinates, 'ROWS')
Contains all the operations related to MDX tuples.
Type: Todo
Type: string
Type: string
Color scale of size 1 based on the current theme accent color
Type: Object
key: 'mono-accent',
args: {}
Color scale of size 1 based on the current theme text color
Type: Object
key: 'mono-text',
args: {}
A builder that displays a widget configured through a fluent interface
Extends ABuilderBasedOnDock
With container key
Make bookmark not writable
Display the title bar when showing the bookmark
Hide the title bar when showing the bookmark
Display the hamburger menu on left
Display the hamburger menu on right
Give a name to the bookmark
Give a style to the bookmark
Attach a content server url to the bookmark, in order to have it preselected, to make the 'save as' action easier.
Select the dock actions available on the dock. These actions will displayed in a menu.
Select the dock actions available on the dock. These actions will displayed in the title bar next to the menu, if the title bar is shown. Otherwise, they will be inserted first in the menu.
Customize the body of the bookmark, that will be transmitted to the widget. This will replace the body from the core. It is recommended to maintain the values from the core as much as possible, the default being documented as JSON objects.
Take as input an already constructed bookmark object, and set it as this builder bookmark underlying value, without merging it to the previous underlying value.
Warning: calling this method after other withSomething() calls will discard the effect of the prior calls, as this reset completely the current bookmark value of this builder, without merging it.
the bookmark value to set
A logger that does not log anything. This is to be used CAREFULLY, because it does not even log errors.
Type: Object
key: 'noop',
args: {}
A plugin used when computing numerical scales, in order to customize the mapping of a value on a scale.
Type: Object
Type: Object
Opens a popup with the details of an alert.
Type: Object
key: 'open-alert',
args: {}
Opens a popup to choose where to display a drillthrough widget containing the result of the drillthrough on the given cell.
Type: Object
key: 'open-drillthrough',
args: {}
Opens a popup with the details of a message.
Type: Object
key: 'open-message',
args: {}
Opens a popup with the details of an alert.
Type: Object
key: 'open-monitor',
args: {}
Color scale of size 9 inspired from http://www.mulinblog.com/a-color-palette-optimized-for-data-visualization/
Type: Object
key: 'optimized',
args: {}
| "DESC"
Type: Array<TabularHeaderKey>
| "DESC"
| "BASC"
Provide a set of colors given a set of values. Can be used to associate a particular color to a particular value
Type: Object
Type: Object
Keeps the headers in the same order than in the data table.
Type: Object
key: 'original',
args: {}
Type: Object
: The caption to display next to the UI control.
: The name of the parameter, that will be written in the plugin parameters.
: The type of UI control.
Type: Object
Type: Object
(function (parameters: PluginParameters<any, any>): {})
: Should return an object matching the type of the corresponding plugin properties.
: Used to reference this plugin implementation. This key will be used to declare the plugin in the configuration of a component. The couple (type, key) should be unique among your project to avoid any conflicts.
: Needs to be given when the implementation requires some parameters.
: Should be an object matching the type of the corresponding plugin static properties.
: The type of plugin corresponding to this implementation.
Type: string
The implementation has access to a merged object containing the type and implementations parameters.
Type: any
Indicates how to serialize and deserialize the parameters of a plugin implementation. For example: s13n => [{name: 'myParameter', sn: s13n.number}]
Type: Function
Type: Object
(function (PluginDescription): void)
: Overrides an existing core plugin by the given implementation.
(function (PluginDescription): void)
: Registers a new plugin implementation.
(function (BasicContainerPluginDescription): void)
Type: string
Create a popup, to be used in the UI.
Type: Object
Type: Object
Optional behaviors that can be customized on the popup.
Type: Object
(function (): void?)
: a function to execute after closing the popup
: if true, closes the popup whenever the user clicks outside of it. Keep the popup open otherise
: a function to call to close the popup instead of the default one
(function (PopupReactClass): React$ComponentType<any>?)
(function (MultiBinding): void?)
Type: Object
(function (): PopupContent)
: register and create the serializable Popup, not allowing for overrides
(function (): PopupContent)
: register and create the serializable Popup as an override
(function (): PopupPluginBuilder)
: auto close when clicking outside of the Popup
(function (cancelCallback: Todo, cancelText: string): PopupPluginBuilder)
: Add action for popup cancel buttoncreate
(function (key: string): PopupPluginBuilder)
: the key for the plugin
(function (PopupClass: Todo): PopupPluginBuilder)
: the React class to use for the content of the Popup
(function (submitCallback: Todo, submitText: string): PopupPluginBuilder)
: Add action for popup submit button
(function (style: {}): PopupPluginBuilder)
: the style for the Popup
(function (title: string): PopupPluginBuilder)
: the title to give to the Popup
(function (shoudRenderFn: function (): boolean): PopupPluginBuilder)
: should the popup render or not, based on the return value of the function
(function (parametersFunction: PluginParametersSerializationFn): PopupPluginBuilder)
: the parameters function
(function (): PopupPluginBuilder)
: Removes the drag feature of the Popup
Type: Class
The PopupBuilder
Type: Object
(function (bindingName: string): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: private
(function (popupContent: PopupContent): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: The Popup content to display
(function (key: string): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: The Popup plugin key
(function (parameters: {}): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: The Popup parameters, deserialized, to pass to the popup factory
(function (parameters: {}): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: The Popup parameters, already serialized, to pass to the popup factory
(function (e: AnyEvent, asPercentage: AsPercentage): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: Set where the popup position should be anchored from. The position is extracted from the mouse event,
meant to be used by the popup to render
(function (): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: Call if the background should become grey behind the popup
(function (): (function (): void | void))
: Create the popup. Return a function to close the popup
Open a popup to publish a calculated measure, moving its definition from the widget’s MDX to the content server.
Type: Object
key: 'publish-calculated-measure',
args: {}
API entry point for all queries to remote servers.
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Todo
Open a popup to edit the mdx and context values of the widget
Type: Object
: A flag to make the mdx and context values read-only
key: 'query-editor',
args: {
readOnly: /* boolean */
Type: number
Type: Object
For a root widget, loads the next view
Type: Object
key: 'redo',
args: {}
Expands a node of a tree, if it is expandable.
Type: Object
: The url of the server to refresh, if the action is not used on a tree
from which we can extract the information.
key: 'refresh-discovery',
args: {
serverUrl: /* string= */
Refresh the current query associated with the widget. Only available on widgets with data sources using mdx.
Type: Object
key: 'refresh-query',
args: {}
An overlay displaying a line following a regression of a given type, calculated from the values
of the measure being used for the y axis. Only available on charts having a x and y axis, and with y being numerical
and x being a continuous axis (numerical or time). Different types of regressions are available through the type
Type: Object
: The color of the regression line.
: A formatter specification understood by d3:
This formatter is used to format the equation coefs + r^2, and X and Y when the chart scales have no formatters.
((string | any)?)
: some optional parameter for the regression. It is used to pass the degree of the
polynomial regression.
: A formatter used for the time in the tooltip, from the types.chartTimeFormatter plugin
| "linear-through-origin"
| "exponential"
| "logarithmic"
| "power-law"
| "polynomial"
: The type of regression to use.
key: 'regression',
args: {
color: /* string= */,
formatter: /* *= */,
regressionParam: /* (string|*)= */,
timeFormatter: /* *= */,
type: /* ("linear"|"linear-through-origin"|"exponential"|"logarithmic"|"power-law"|"polynomial")= */
A builder that allows to load a remote bookmark inside a dock.
Extends ABuilderBasedOnDock
Call to pass the content server url
the content server url from which to fetch the bookmark
Call to pass the bookmark id on the content server
An action to remove the widget from its parent dashboard. Only available when the widget is in a dashboard.
Type: Object
key: 'remove-dock',
args: {}
A function to call to detach a listener.
Type: function (): void
Opens a popup to rename a server from the serversPool.
Type: Object
key: 'rename-server',
args: {}
This object is produced after processing the different plugins for generating the columns etc.
Type: Object
: the generated captions for the header, which is the output of the caption producer plugin
for that column.
: The index at which the column is displayed in the table.
: The key of the column. This is the same as the header value in the data for simple columns,
but it is generated in the case of a grouped column, as a combination of the columnSelector and columnFactory.
: The indexes of the columns composing this column in the data. Could be empty when the column
is not backed by data, for example the line numbers column.
Type: Object
: The chart library, with methods to access the scales etc.
: The chart api for the given layer on which the overlay is applied.
: The index of the overlay in the given layer.
: The data used to render the chart. This object has a different shape than the data
because it supports the grouping per attribute.
Reset a root widget to its default view
Type: Object
key: 'reset-to-default-view',
args: {}
Sorts the headers in the reverse order than in the data table.
Type: Object
key: 'reverse',
args: {}
Renders a row action, displayed at the end of each row (by default) in a table widget.
Type: Object
(function (index: number, rowIdx: number, columnProps: TabularColumnProps): React$Element<any>?)
: render the row action
Renders a row action, displayed at the end of each row (by default) in a table widget.
Type: Object
(function ({columnProps: TabularColumnProps, index: number, rowIndex: number}): string?)
: the icon to use for the row action.
(function ({columnProps: TabularColumnProps, index: number, isDisabled: boolean, rowIndex: number}): Style?)
: the style to apply on the row action.
(function ({columnProps: TabularColumnProps, index: number, rowIndex: number}): boolean?)
: whether the button should be disabled.
(function (e: AnyEvent, {columnProps: TabularColumnProps, index: number, rowIndex: number}): void?)
: the click handler for the row action.
(function (index: number, rowIdx: number, columnProps: TabularColumnProps): React$Element<any>??)
: render the row action. The other properties will not be called if this one is defined.
(function ({columnProps: TabularColumnProps, index: number, rowIndex: number}): TranslationPayload??)
Type: Object
Customizes the style of all the cells in a row.
Type: Object
(function (rowIndex: number, columnsProps: Array<TabularColumnProps>): Style?)
Type: Object
Use https://github.com/punkave/sanitize-html to sanitize HTML.
Allows the img tag on top of the default allowed ones.
Type: Object
key: 'sanitized-html',
args: {}
Save the changes of the widget.
Type: Object
key: 'save',
args: {}
Save the current widget in a bookmark. It will display the bookmark popup.
Type: Object
key: 'save-as',
args: {}
Select the active filters from a statement.
the selector to use to filter the returned active filters.
Semantic Version Object
Type: Object
This is a fake action, it is used to separate items in context menus, but does not do anything on execute.
Type: Object
key: 'separator',
args: {}
The serialized representation of a plugin.
When the key & args form is given, the args
will be given as parameters to the plugin when deserializing it.
Type: Todo
Type: string
If a string, represents a SettingKey. If function, will be called with the settings tree and should then browse the tree to point to a valid SettingKey.
Type: (SettingKey | function (SettingsTree): SettingKey)
Type: string
Settings Manager
Type: Object
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier, callback: Listener<SettingValue>, callImmediately: boolean): RemoveListener)
: Listen to the value of the given setting.
is set to true, the callback will be called immediately with the current value.
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): boolean)
: Check the origin of the given setting.
If it is a permissions file, then editing the setting is not allowed.
In other words, return
if the setting identifier provided is a user setting, and
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier, logIfUnexisting: boolean): SettingValue)
: Return the setting value corresponding to the given identifier if found, undefined otherwise.
settingsManager.get(keys => keys.component.canEdit)
(function (filteringFunction: function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): boolean): Array<SettingValue>)
: Return all the setting values for which the filtering function, taking as input a setting key,
has returned true.
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): SettingValue)
: Similar to get, but logs if the setting key does not exist.
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): SettingValue)
: Return the initial default value of a setting.
(function (filteringFunction: function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): boolean): Array<SettingIdentifier>)
: Return an array of setting keys, for which the filtering function on settings keys has
return true.
(function (): SettingsOrigins)
: Get SettingsOrigins. Example:
"widgets.Tabular.multiBinding": "code",
"widgets.SearchableTabular.multiBinding": "code",
"servers": "user/preferences"
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): boolean)
: Return
if the setting identifier provided exist in the settings map,
(function (): Promise<any>)
: Return a promise that will be resolved when the settings are synchronized with the Content Server.
If the SettingsManager doesn't listen to any Content Server, the promise will be resolved immediately.
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): Promise<any>)
: Remove the setting corresponding to the given setting identifier.
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier, newValue: SettingValue): Promise<any>)
: Set the value of a setting if allowed to.
A setting cannot be overridden if it is defined in a permissions file.
If editing is allowed, the new value will be written synchronously in the settings binding.
If attached to a repository, a request will also be made to change the setting by writing into its
preferences file.
settingsManager.set('component.canEdit', true);
settingsManager.set('global.theme', 'dark').then(() => settingsManager.set('global.locale', 'en-US'));
(function (): string?)
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): boolean)
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): boolean)
(function (identifier: SettingIdentifier): SettingKey)
Type: Object<SettingKey, SettingValue>
Type: any
Shade colors are generated by shading or tinting the primary1Color, accent1Color and canvasColor. The disabledTextColor, disabledColor and borderColor are generated by modifying the opacity of the textColor.
This palette can be derived from the CorePalette.
Type: Object
An action to restore the default core widgets in the dashboard.
Type: Object
key: 'show-default-widgets',
args: {}
This caption producer simply returns the caption defined in the caption parameter, or the translated version of a caption defined in the locales files via the captionData and captionPath parameters.
Type: Object
key: 'simple',
args: {
caption: /* string */,
captionData: /* * */,
captionPath: /* * */
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Array<SimpleTableCell>
Type: Array<SimpleTooltipEntry>
Type: Object
Type: Object
Automatically format a date based on how much details the date contains. If the date contains milliseconds, the date will be formatted in 'minutes:seconds.milliseconds' format. If the date contains seconds, the date will be formatted in 'hours:minutes:seconds' format. If the date contains minutes, the date will be formatted in 'years/month/day hours:minutes:seconds' format. If the date contains hours, the date will be formatted in 'years/month/day hours:minutes' format. Otherwise the date will be formatted in 'years/month/day' format.
Type: Object
key: 'simplified',
args: {}
A component that displays the values returned by a single mdx query. Accepts either a query object or an mdx in order to create a query automatically.
Extends SingleQueryBuilder
Define the string of the MDX query to use in the built presentation.
the builder for chained calls.
Defines the server url to use for the mdx query
the builder for chained calls.
Defines the context values to use for the mdx query
the builder for chained calls.
Defines the update mode to use for the query
the builder for chained calls.
Defines the application name to use for the query
the builder for chained calls.
Responsible of building a component that displays the values returned by a single query (static or from mdx).
Extends NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock
Define the query to use in the built presentation.
((MdxQuery | StaticDataQuery))
the configurations to use.
the builder for chained calls.
Defines a configuration to be merged into the playground state
the builder for chained calls.
Type: Object
Display a tooltip for the single value widget.
Type: Object
: The timeout after which the tooltip should appear.
key: 'single-value-tooltip-show',
args: {
timeout: /* number */
Type: Object
({captions: Array<TabularHeaderCaption>, key: TabularHeaderKey})
Each role is overridden by the following ones.
Type: string
Type: Object
Asks a cloud application to start a server.
Type: Object
Type: Object
((SelectStatementNode | SubSelectNode))
Type: Todo
Asks a cloud application to stop a server.
Type: Object
Type: Object<CssProperty, CssValue>
This is a fake action, used to offer sub-menus in context menus.
Type: Object
key: 'sub-menu',
args: {
caption: /* TranslationPayload */,
iconSrcKey: /* string */,
menuItems: /* Array.<SerializedPlugin> */,
rightIconSrcKey: /* string */
Data structure used as the data input for all ActiveUI widgets.
Use TableFromCellSet to create one from a CellSet. Use TableFromDrillthroughDataSet to create one from DrillthroughDataSet.
Type: Object
Type: Object
: the caption of the cell.
: the content of the cell.
: the value of this cell projected to the column containing this cell. For cells
created from a CellSet axis member the value is the member unique name and the columnValue is the level discriminator
toString for the level represented by this column.
: properties of the cell. Conveniently stores the MDX cell properties when existing.
: Whether the cell of the table represents a total regarding its column. In
mdx it means that the cell does not represent a member of the level of the column. The boolean is only present
if it is true.
Used to display the value of the cell in the UI.
Type: string
Contains the value of the cell for data manipulation.
The size of cellSet columns axis (i.e. number of positions)
Type: number
Array of tuples with the same length corresponding to the number of columns in the table.
Type: Array<TableTuple>
Type: Object
Convert a CellSet to a Table data representation. Expect to have at most two axes in the cellSet.
There are two distinct types of columns that appear when looking at a pivot table displaying a cellSet:
axis headersThe columns containing the ROWS
axis are converted to as many columns as there are levels expressed in the members
on the ROWS
axis. So even if there is a single hierarchy in the MDX query, the output Table can contain
multiple columns. These columns are level columns, so their TableHeader is of the form:
isNumeric: false,
captions: ['theLevelCaption'],
value: 'theLevelUniqueName'
The other columns are measures columns. We create one column per column you see in the pivot table.
If some cells of the cellSet are not defined because the underlying measure did not return any value,
the TableCell of the corresponding line will contain an EmptyTableCell at this position.
The TableHeader for this kind of columns is more complex. This is because it needs to represent the MDX
coordinates of the given column.
If there is no CrossJoin
on the COLUMNS
axis, the header will be straightforward, and be like:
isNumeric: true,
captions: ['Count'],
value: '[Measures].[contributors.COUNT]'
But if the user CrossJoined
the measures with a hierarchy, like Desk with 2 members on the second level
DeskA and DeskB, and then 10 Book members below, we will have 20 columns, with headers like:
isNumeric: true,
captions: ['Desk A', '2', 'Count'],
value: '([AllMember].[DeskA].[2],[Measures].[contributors.COUNT])'
Type: function (cellSet: CellSet, cubeDiscovery: CubeDiscovery, translator: Translator, sourceId: SourceId, dataVersion: TableVersion): Table
Convert DrillthroughDataSet to a Table. When a column has both its value and caption asked, the two column are merged into a single one.
Type: function (drillthrough: DrillthroughDataSet, columns: DrillthroughColumns, sourceId: SourceId, dataVersion: TableVersion): Table
Type: Object
: the caption of the header in an array formed by the captions of potentially crossJoined headers.
: Indicates whether the corresponding
s have numerical
This is required by the charts library for instance.
Type: string
Type: Array<TableHeader>
Used in all the widgets configurations to find the corresponding data column to display. It's thus important to understand how it is computed from the CellSet in order to be able to write your widget configurations correctly.
Type: string
The size of cellSet rows tuple (i.e. containing only members)
Type: number
Type: Array<(TableCell | EmptyTableCell)>
Integer that can be incremented to indicate that the data contained in the table has changed.
Type: number
Remove the sorting based on the context that received the click.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-clear-sort',
args: {}
A tabular view action that allows to collapse the view on a given member.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-collapse-level',
args: {}
Type: Object
: The api of the table (could by a pivot-table, tabular-view, ...).
: The key of the column.
: The index of the column (equivalent to
). This variable
is only set for columns rendered regularly, not by a
. For these, it is up to the column factory
to enrich the columnProps with that information.
: The data backing the table.
Set the cell as edited in the tabular configuration.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-edit-cell',
args: {}
Set the header as edited in the tabular configuration.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-edit-header',
args: {}
A tabular view action that allows to expand the view on a given member (opens a popup to choose the level on which to expand).
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-expand-level',
args: {}
Freezes the column so that it is always visible in the table.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-freeze-header',
args: {}
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: Object
Type: string
Type: string
Opens a popup to customize the look of a header.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-header-style',
args: {}
Open a popup to filter on the current column
Type: Object
: to force the edition, and not remove the filter
: the scope of widgets to apply filter on. Accepted values are:
'all', 'only-siblings', and 'only-current-widget'. Defaults to 'only-current-widget' if not specified.
key: 'tabular-member-filter',
args: {
forceEdit: /* boolean */,
scope: /* string */
Remove a column from the table. Just hide it if the column is needed for data integrity.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-remove-header',
args: {}
Set the cell as selected in the tabular configuration.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-select-cell',
args: {}
Set the column as selected in the tabular configuration. Supports the multi-selection when the user uses the keys ctrl or shift while he clicks.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-select-column',
args: {}
This action is meant to be used on tabular headers. It adds the tree cell column configuration to the list of column groups of the tabular if it was not there, or removes it if it was already there.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-show-sparklines',
args: {}
This action is meant to be used on tabular headers. It adds the tree cell column configuration to the list of column groups of the tabular if it was not there, or removes it if it was already there.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-show-tree-column',
args: {}
Apply a sorting based on the context that received the click.
Type: Object
: a parameter used to specify the direction of the sort, but it's breaking/non-breaking behavior
will be read from the tabular configuration (sortingMode: 'breaking' | 'non-breaking').
: a parameter used strictly for the direction of the sort to perform.
key: 'tabular-sort',
args: {
direction: /* OrderDirection */,
orderMode: /* OrderMode */
This action is meant to be used on tabular headers. It adds the tree cell column configuration to the list of column groups of the tabular if it was not there, or removes it if it was already there.
Type: Object
key: 'tabular-sparkline-add-colors',
args: {}
Show a tooltip for the tabular view/pivot table widget.
Type: Object
: The timeout after which the tooltip should appear.
key: 'tabular-tooltip-show',
args: {
timeout: /* number */
Color scale of size 3 based on the current theme: text, accent and alternate colors
Type: Object
key: 'theme-3',
args: {}
Customizes the colors used by ActiveUI components. If "fromTheme" is given, all the colors are optionals, otherwise, the palette need to have at least the colors of the CorePalette. All the colors defined in FullPalette can be given to override the default derivation behaviour when creating the full theme.
Type: ({palette: CorePalette} | {fromTheme: SerializedPlugin, palette: {}})
Type: Object
: If false, the theme will be disabled in the theme selector widget.
Type: Object
(function (): MuiTheme)
(function (): FullPalette)
Toggle the title bar of the widget.
Type: Object
key: 'toggle-dock-title-bar',
args: {}
Toggle the filters area at the top of the widget. This is only available on widgets that use mdx.
Type: Object
key: 'toggle-filters',
args: {}
Toggle between editing and preview mode for the RichTextEditor container.
Type: Object
key: 'toggle-text-editing',
args: {}
Toggles the expansion of the node of a tree, if it is expandable.
Type: Object
key: 'toggle-tree-node',
args: {}
Toggle the wizard. This is only available with the pivot table widget.
Type: Object
key: 'toggle-wizard',
args: {}
Displays a tooltip (in the UI).
Type: Object
(function (): React$Element<any>)
Type: Object
Type: Object
A table transformer.
Type: Todo
Type: Object
Type: (string | number | boolean | React$Element<any> | Array<React$Element<any>>)
Parameters used when formatting the template, to be used in arguments of the message (https://formatjs.io/guides/message-syntax/). Can include React elements.
A string symbolizing the path to the translation in the translation tree. For example 'general.cancel'. The different path segments are separated by dots.
Type: string
An object containing the translation or the options in order to generate a translation.
Type: (TranslatedText | ToTranslate)
The formatted string, or an array of strings and objects if some of the parameters provided are React elements.
Type: (string | Array<(string | React$Element<any> | Array<React$Element<any>>)>)
Type: Object
(function (path: TranslationPath, parameters: TranslationParameters): TranslationResult)
: Gets the translation for a given template. Uses the locale stored in the global state.
(function (time: (Timestamp | Date), options: {}): string)
: Formats a time relatively to now(), using the current locale. Optionally takes some options, as detailed on
(function (getLocale: function (): Locale, getTranslation: function (Locale): any): void)
(function (): LocaleConfig)
(function (): Locale)
(function (locale: Locale): any)
(function (options: TranslationPayload): TranslationResult?)
(function (path: TranslationPath, parameters: TranslationParameters, fallbackText: string): TranslationResult?)
Type: Object
Type: Object
: Some data purposedly attached to the node
({caption: string?, captionPath: string?, expandable: boolean, expanded: boolean, iconSrcKey: string?, nodeIndex: number, tooltipContent: Array<any>?})
: The atttributes used for rendering the node, such as the caption
: The object that the node represents, independently of its rendering. It can be for
example the bookmark attached to the node in the bookmark tree, or the representation of the discovery node.
Show a tooltip for the tree widget, if the node contains information to display.
Type: Object
: The timeout after which the tooltip should appear.
key: 'tree-tooltip-show',
args: {
timeout: /* number= */
For a root widget, loads the previous view
Type: Object
key: 'undo',
args: {}
| "realTime"
| "refresh-periodically"
Change the query update mode to the next mode of:
Only available on widgets with data sources using mdx.
Type: Object
: the interval in seconds between two refreshes of the query, when the query is in
'refresh-periodically' mode
key: 'update-query-mode',
args: {
modes: /* Array.<string> */,
refreshInterval: /* number */
Update the statement of a SnD
(function ((SelectStatementNode | SubSelectNode)): (SelectStatementNode | SubSelectNode))
Type: string
Matches non server filters with the provided key
Type: Object
key: 'user',
args: {}
Type: string
A logger that logs everything.
Type: Object
key: 'verbose',
args: {}
A logger that only logs warnings and errors.
Type: Object
key: 'warnings',
args: {}
An action to start watching a measure in a table.
Type: Object
key: 'watch-measure',
args: {}
Type: Todo
Open a popup to export the data of the widget into a csv file. Only available if the underlying table is fully downloaded (i.e. not lazy loaded).
Type: Object
key: 'widget-csv-export',
args: {}
Responsible of building all data visualization/manipulation components.
Type: Object
(function (): AlertListBuilder)
: Start creating an ActiveMonitor Alert list.
(function (): ActiveMonitorActionBuilder)
: Start creating an action button showing the number of ActiveMonitor Alerts.
(function (): ActiveMonitorInboxBuilder)
: Start creating an ActiveMonitor Messages inbox.
(function (): ActiveMonitorActionBuilder)
: Start creating an action button showing the number of ActiveMonitor Messages.
(function (): ActiveMonitorInboxBuilder)
: Start creating an ActiveMonitor Messages inbox.
(function (): SingleAlertBuilder)
: Start creating a view displaying a single ActiveMonitor Alert.
(function (): BasicContainerWidgetBuilder)
: Start creating a Basic Container.
(function (): NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating a bookmark tree.
(function (): ChartBuilder)
: Start creating a chart.
(function (): NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating a context values editor.
(function (): DashboardBuilder)
: Start creating a dashboard.
(function (): NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating a data explorer (discovery tree).
(function (): DockBuilder)
: Start creating a dock.
(function (): SingleMdxQueryBuilder)
: Start creating a drillthrough table.
(function (): FiltersBuilder)
: Start creating filters.
(function (): HttpBuilder)
: Start creating an HTTP iframe.
(function (): LocaleSelectorBuilder)
: Start creating a locale selector.
(function (): LogoutBuilder)
: Start creating a logout button.
(function (): NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating an MDX editor.
(function (): MonitorListBuilder)
: Start creating a list of Monitors.
(function (): ActiveMonitorActionBuilder)
: Start creating a view displaying details of a single Monitor.
(function (): SingleMdxQueryBuilder)
: Start creating a pivot table using mdx.
(function (): PopupWidgetBuilder)
: Start creating a popup.
(function (): NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating a Rules Editor.
(function (): SingleMdxQueryBuilder)
: Start creating a single value widget using mdx.
(function (): SnackbarBuilder)
: Start creating a snackbar.
(function (): SingleQueryBuilder)
: Start creating a tabular view containing static data.
(function (): SingleMdxQueryBuilder)
: Start creating a tabular view using mdx.
(function (): ThemeSelectorBuilder)
: Start creating a theme selector.
(function (): NewBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating a wizard.
(function (): RemoteBookmarkBuilderBasedOnDock)
: Start creating a builder that can load remote bookmarks.
Type: Function
The popup class to be wrapped
the key of the popup plugin class
The function indicating how to serialize and deserialize the parameters of the popup plugin implementation
(function (params: PopupParameters<any>): boolean)
function that return true or false, depending on whether the popup shoud be rendered or not
Optional behaviors that can be customized on the popup.
Optional props passed in to popup.