
Retrieving dependencies used by ActiveUI

Bundled Build #


This section applies if you are using the script tag integration, the legacy sandbox or the “bundled” build manually.

The “bundled” build of ActiveUI contains its main dependencies:

  • codemirror@5.23.0
  • d3@4.10.0
  • d3.types@undefined
  • immutable@3.8.1
  • intl-messageformat@1.3.0
  • intl-relativeformat@1.3.0
  • lodash@4.17.4
  • material-ui@0.16.7
  • react-dnd@2.1.4
  • react-dom@15.4.x
  • react-mixin@3.0.5
  • react-resizable@undefined
  • react-tap-event-plugin@2.0.1
  • react@15.4.x

It means that the code of React and other packages used by the core end up in our app.min.js. This allows you to avoid having another script tag to import these packages and instead directly retrieve the version used and bundled by the core like this:

  • const d3 = ActiveUI.getVendor('d3');
  • const React = ActiveUI.getVendor('react');
  • etc.

Unbundled Build #


This section applies if you are using the Node.js integration, with the new sandbox for instance.

When using the “unbundled” build of ActiveUI you cannot call ActiveUI.getVendor(). Instead, please add the dependency to your own package.json. This let you use the version you want of the dependency and not necessarily the one used by ActiveUI. You can then use the ES module import syntax:

  • import * as d3 from 'd3';
  • import React from 'react';
  • etc.