Default Settings

List of default settings

How settings work #

To set up settings, follow instructions here.

Default Settings #

Below is the list of settings used by ActiveUI. For each setting, the default value used in ActiveUI is given.

data.export.csv.separator #

Separator to use when exporting some data to a CSV file.


data.export.csv.separators #

List of available separators when exporting data to a CSV file.

    "name": "colon",
    "value": ":"
    "name": "comma",
    "value": ","
    "name": "pipe",
    "value": "|"
    "name": "semicolon",
    "value": ";"
    "name": "space",
    "value": " "
    "name": "tab",
    "value": "\t"

data.export.csv.tupleSeparator #

Separator to use when the headers of a column are composed of several members, when exporting to a CSV file.


data.export.csv.useHeaderCaption #

Whether the headers should have the header caption or value, when exporting to a CSV file.


data.export.csv.useNumericalCellCaption #

Whether the numerical cells should have the cell caption or value, when exporting to a CSV file. This only affects numerical cells.


data.export.csv.useOrdinalCellCaption #

Whether the cells should have the cell caption or value, when exporting to a CSV file. This only affects ordinal cells.


global.locale #

Name of the locale to use.


global.logger #

Name of the logger to use. Possible values are: debug, errors, noop, verbose and warnings.


global.theme #

Serialized representation of the theme plugin to use.


memberSelection.chunkSize #

Determine how many elements are fetched on the list of members in the member picker component. -1 to disable and fetch all the existing members


queries.defaultUpdateMode #

Default update mode for new queries: “once” to only execute the query once, “realTime” to enable real-time.


security.minutesOfInactivityBeforeLogout #

Current user will be automatically logged out of the application when staying inactive during more than the specified amount of minutes. Use -1 to disable automatic logout.


widgets.ActiveMonitorSingleAlert.openLocation #

Decide where a new ActiveMonitor alert must be displayed. Accepted values are: popup (opens in a new Pop-Up), replaceOpener (replaces the element that triggered the location choice), below (opens below the source view), replacePrevious (opens at the location that was previously picked).


widgets.Calendar.initialMonth #

Determine whether the calendar opens up with the curent month, or the first or last month in the data. Accepted values are: ‘firstMonthWithData’, ‘currentMonth’, ‘lastMonthWithData’, ‘firstMonthInSelectionOrWithData’.


widgets.CubeFormulaEditor.permissionsSelector.defaultReader #

The default value for the “reader” permission when the user publishes a calculated measure to the server.


widgets.Drillthrough.openLocation #

Decide where a new drillthrough triggered from a Tabular View or PivotTable must be displayed. Accepted values are: popup (opens in a new Pop-Up), replaceOpener (replaces the element that triggered the location choice), below (opens below the source view), replacePrevious (opens at the location that was previously picked).


widgets.SingleMonitor.openLocation #

Decide where a new ActiveMonitor monitor must be displayed. Accepted values are: popup (opens in a new Pop-Up), replaceOpener (replaces the element that triggered the location choice), below (opens below the source view), replacePrevious (opens at the location that was previously picked).


widgets.Tabular.drillthrough.selectedColumns #

Default selected columns for drillthrough


widgets.Tabular.parameterEditionRefreshTimeout #

Default duration at the end of which a paused tabular widget is refreshed after editing a parameter. Does not apply to real-time or periodically refreshed tabular widgets


widgets.Tabular.searchSeparators #

The separator values to use when searching for multiple members
