Data manipulation

How to Prepare Data for Display

Data Presentations #

The three main UI components displaying data: Chart, TabularView and PivotTable are called data presentations.

The main change from ActivePivot Live 3 is that data presentations don’t assume and rely on the fact that it comes from MDX queries.

All the data presentations will take as input a Table object, which is very close to a 2D JavaScript Array, and render the content of this table. This has three implications:

  1. When a user wants to display the result of a MDX query in a presentation, the CellSet received from the server is automatically converted into a table before being passed to a presentation (See TableFromCellSet).
  2. The same happens with a DrillThrough query or a Datastore query, its result will be converted to a Table. In this situation the conversion is more straightforward than with a CellSet (See TableFromDrillthroughDataSet).
  3. You can render your own data coming from any source in a presentation. You just need to have it in a Table object which has a very simple structure. Take a look at the DataApi to see how to do it.