

Atoti Limits supports the ability to persist limit structures, limits, and incidents to an external database. This section describes how to work with persistent data in Atoti Limits.


Note that in these sections we will talk about “persistence” in the context of the Atoti datastore. The Atoti datastore is still an in-memory source, but the data it ingests is persisted in CSV files.

How it works

Atoti Limits provides a set of services that allow you to manage objects that exist within the application at runtime. These objects may be persisted in an external database. Atoti Limits makes no assumptions about the database being used and aims only to provide a connection to that database. Database management is the user’s responsibility.

As an illustration, please see the following: persistence overview

In the diagram above:

Extending the persistence services

For more info on extending the persistence services, please see Adding Custom Persistence Services.


We will use the following terms in this section: