Custom Validation Error Handling

Whether you are using the default validators or have implemented custom ones, you can customize the behavior that occurs when validation fails, as well as create custom errors.


Customize the validation fail behavior through the IValidationErrorHandler interface:

public interface IValidationErrorHandler<T extends IValidated> {

     * Handle a validation failure (i.e. a validation error not caused by an exception)
     * @param source the entity that failed validation
     * @param action recommended action to take to resolve the error
     * @param reason human-readable cause of the error
    void handleValidationFailure(T source, String action, String reason);

     * Handle a validation error (i.e. a validation error that is caused by an exception)
     * @param source the entity that failed validation
     * @param action recommended action to take to resolve the error
     * @param ex the exception that caused the error
    void handleValidationError(T source, String action, Exception ex);

     * Handle a validation error
     * @param validationError the validation error to handle
    void handleValidationError(IValidationError<T> validationError);

     * @return the list of validation errors
    List<IValidationError<T>> getValidationErrors();

The default implementation of IValidationErrorHandler is DefaultValidationErrorHandler and is generic for all types of components that are validated. This default implementation collects all errors that occur during validation and a single exception is thrown in the postValidation() method of validator. The exception is returned as a ProblemDetail object that contains all the validation errors in its validationErrors property, including the line number for each error if the source is a file.

To implement a custom handler that logs errors as they occur and continues processing instead of throwing exceptions, you can do the following:

1. Create the Spring Bean

public class MyValidationErrorHandler<T> implements IValidationErrorHandler<T> {

    private final List<IValidationError<T>> validationErrors = new ArrayList<>();

    public void handleValidationFailure(T source, String action, String reason) {
        validationErrors.add(new ValidationError<>(source, reason, action, null));
        log.error("Validation failed for " + source + ". Reason: " + reason);

    public void handleValidationError(T source, String action, Exception ex) {
        validationErrors.add(new ValidationError<>(source, ex.getMessage(), action, ex));
        log.error("Validation error for " + source, ex);
    public void handleValidationError(IValidationError<T> validationError) {
        log.error("Validation error for " + validationError.getSource() + ". Reason: " + validationError.getReason());

    public List<IValidationError<T>> getValidationErrors() {
        return validationErrors;


Note the inclusion of the @Primary annotation, which tells Spring to use MyValidationErrorHandler instead of DefaultValidationErrorHandler.

2. Import the Spring Bean

Once the bean is created, you need to import it to the project. Once done, Spring will use the custom bean for handling validation errors.


In addition to customizing the behavior when a validation error occurs, you can also customize the validation errors themselves. The IValidationError interface allows you to define a custom validation error:

public interface IValidationError<T> {

   * @return the DTO object that was the source of the error
  T getSource();

   * @return the human-readable cause of the error
  String getReason();

   * @return the human-readable action to take to resolve the error
  String getAction();

   * @return the underlying exception that caused the error
  Throwable getException();

The default implementation of IValidationError is DefaultValidationError. This default is generic for all types of components that are validated, and uses Lombok’s @AllArgsConstructor and @Getter annotations to provide its functionality.

To create a custom validation error specific to incidents that had some structured formatting and default action, you can do the following:

public class MyIncidentValidationError implements IValidationError<IncidentDTO> {
    public static final String REASON_TEMPLATE = "Validation failed for Incident [%s] due to: %s";
    public static final String DEFAULT_ACTION = "Please check the incident details and try again.";

    protected IncidentDTO source;
    protected String action;
    protected String reason;
    protected Throwable exception;

    public IncidentDTO getSource() {
        return source;

    public String getReason() {
        return String.format(REASON_TEMPLATE, source, reason);

    public String getAction() {
        return action == null ? DEFAULT_ACTION : action;

    public Throwable getException() {
        return exception;


Note that IValidationError is not managed by Spring, so there is no need specify @Component or @Primary annotations. You can create as many custom implementations of IValidationError as you need.