Navigation :
test ../../ test whats-new.html
What's New
test ../../ test data-connectors-overview.html
Atoti Data Connectors Overview
test ../../ test data-connectors-overview/tracing.html
- Tracing
test ../../ test changelog.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../ test dee-overview.html
Data Extraction Engine
test ../../ test dlc-overview.html
Data Load Controller
test ../../ test dlc-overview/getting-started.html
- Getting Started
test ../../ test dlc-overview/configuration.html
test ../../ test dlc-overview/request-api.html
Request API
test ../../ test dlc-overview/request-api/dlc-request.html
-- Request
test ../../ test dlc-overview/request-api/dlc-response.html
-- Response
test ../../ test dlc-overview/request-api/rest.html
-- REST Endpoints
test ../../ test dlc-overview/components.html
test ../../ test dlc-overview/functional.html
test ../../ test dlc-overview/extensions.html
test ../../ test deprecated-dlc-overview.html
Data Load Controller (Deprecated)
REST Endpoints
The DLC provides a REST API that allows you to interact with
the DataLoadControllerService .
This page provides an overview of the REST API and how to interact with it.
All endpoints are available under the following path:
https://<hostname >:<port >/<app-context >/connectors/rest/dlc/v2
https://<hostname >:<port >/<app-context >/connectors/rest/dlc/v2/execute
This endpoint is used to execute a DLC Request and responds with the DLC Response .