Local CSV Source

This source is for loading CSV files from the local file system.

You need to specify a directory. The DLC ensures that only files within that directory can be loaded.

Configuration Properties

The configuration properties for a Local CSV Source are picked up as configurations for the DLC.

Properties for a Local CSV Source are defined in the dlc.local-csv-sources namespace. Multiple sources can be defined.

Key Required Type Description
source-name Y String Name of the source .
root-base-dir Y String Root base directory. Can include scope parameters for example #{SCOPE_PARAM}.
source-properties CsvSourceProperties Default CSV Source Properties CSV Source Properties
topics-to-include Set<String> Topics to include.
topics-to-exclude Set<String> Topics to exclude.
accepts-topic-overrides Boolean Whether this source can accept Topic Overrides.


    - source-name: source
      root-base-dir: 'data'
    - source-name: datedSource
      root-base-dir: 'data/#{AS_OF_DATE}'

Java Configuration

LocalCsvSourceDescription Spring Beans are picked up as configurations for the DLC.

Parameter Required Type Description
name Y String Name of the source.
rootBaseDir Y String Root base directory.
sourceProperties CsvSourceConfiguration Default CSV Source Config CSV Source Configuration.
topicsToInclude Set<String> Topics to include.
topicsToExclude Set<String> Topics to exclude.
acceptsTopicOverrides Boolean Whether this source can accept Topic Overrides.


LocalCsvSourceDescription source() {
    return LocalCsvSourceDescription.builder("source", "data")

LocalCsvSourceDescription datedSource() {
    return LocalCsvSourceDescription.builder("source", "data/#{AS_OF_DATE}")