Migration Notes - 5.0
This page explains the changes required to migrate from 4.2.0-AS6.1 to 5.0.x version of Atoti Data Connectors.
Migrate to 5.0.0-M1 Overview
This tool is compatible with Atoti Server 6.1.1.
For new features and fixes included in this Atoti Server release, please see the Atoti Server6.1.1 Changelog.
Headline announcement
The DLC has been completely re-written. For more information, see the Changelog.
Dependency Changes
This version includes modules from the previous version of the DLC which are now prefixed deprecated-
These modules will not be present in the final release, and were left to aid in the migration process.
A starting point for your migration is to replace existing dlc modules with these deprecated modules, and then import the new ones outlined in the Getting Started guide.
Current limitations
This milestone release supports the LOAD operation.
The final release will add support for UNLOAD, START_LISTEN, and STOP_LISTEN.
This milestone release supports Local CSV and Tuple sources.
The final release will add support for Avro, JDBC, Kafka, Parquet, RabbitMQ and loading files from cloud storage (AWS, Azure, GCP).
This version of the DLC uses Spring Auto Configuration to load required configuration classes.
Configuration files
We have added the ability to configure the DLC through Configuration Properties.
Configuration in Java
The Java Configuration is now done via Spring Beans.
What used to be the DataLoadController is now the DataLoadControllerService. The DataLoadControllerService is responsible for handling the requests which come to the DLC. We no longer register Sources and Topics with the DLC, instead configurations are used at runtime to resolve the request.
The logic for handling a specific operation used to be handled by registered implementations of ADatastoreTransactionTask. This is now an operation bean.
The DLC now makes inferences where possible so minimal configuration is drastically reduced.