CSV Topic

Configuration Properties

The configuration properties for a CSV Topic are picked up as configurations for the DLC.

Properties for the CSV Topic are defined by name in the dlc.csv-topics namespace.

Key Required Type Default Description
channels Set<Channel> A channel is created using the topic’s name as the name of the target. Channels.
file-pattern String Relative path matcher.
parser CsvParserProperties Default Parser Properties. CSV Parser Properties
restrict-to-sources Set<String> Sources to which the topic is restricted.
restrict-from-sources Set<String> Sources from which the topic restricted.

Yaml Example

      file-pattern: 'trades*.csv'
      file-pattern: 'vertex*.csv'

JSON Example

  "Trades": {
    "filePattern": "trades*.csv"

Java Configuration

CsvTopicDescription Spring Beans are picked up as configurations for the DLC.

Parameter Required Type Default Description
name Y String Name of the topic.
channels Set A channel is created using the topic’s name as the name of the target Channel Descriptions which belong to the topic.
filePattern String Relative path matcher.
parser CsvParserDescription Default Parser Description CSV Parser Description.
restrictToSources Set Sources to which topic is restricted.
restrictFromSources Set Sources from which topic is restricted.


public CsvTopicDescription tradesTopic() {
    return CsvTopicDescription.builder("Trades")

public CsvTopicDescription verticesTopic() {
    return CsvTopicDescription.builder("Vertices")