
Configuration Properties

Properties for the Channel are provided inside the configuration of a Topic.

Key Required Type Default Description
target-name Y String Name of the target (a Sink or Store name).
custom-fields Set<String> Set of names of the Column Calculators.
accumulate boolean false If enabled, the messages will accumulate all of their tuples (from all the message chunks) and only publish them to the transaction manager when the message is sent.


        - target-name: sink1
            - calculator1
            - calculator2
            - calculator3
            - calculator4
            - calculator5

Java Configuration

ChannelDescription java object can be used for configuration in Java. The Object is used in the configuration of a Topic.

You can use NamedEntityResolverService to get Sink or Column Calculator by name.

Parameter Required Type Default Description
sinkDescription Y ISinkDescription The Sink associated with this channel.
customFields Set<IColumnCalculatorDescription> Set of Column Calculators which belong to the channel.
accumulate boolean false If enabled, the messages will accumulate all of their tuples (from all the message chunks) and only publish them to the transaction manager when the message is sent.


public CsvTopicDescription topic1(NamedEntityResolverService namedEntityResolver) {
	return CsvTopicDescription.builder("topic1")
									new ColumnCalculatorDescription(
											scope -> new ConstantCalculator<>("field1", 1)
									new AnonymousColumnCalculatorDescription(
											scope -> new ConstantCalculator<>("field1", scope.get("constant"))