Tuple Source


DLC provides a default TupleSourceDescription with the name defaultTupleSourceDesc.

Configuration Properties

The configuration properties for a Tuple Source are picked up as configurations for the DLC.

Properties for the Tuple Source are defined in the dlc.tuple-sources namespace. Multiple sources can be defined.

Key Required Type Description
source-name Y String Name of the source.
topics-to-include Set<String> Topics to include.
topics-to-exclude Set<String> Topics to exclude.


    - source-name: source

Java Configuration

TupleSourceDescription Spring Beans are picked up as configurations for the DLC.

Parameter Required Type Description
name Y String Name of the source.
topicsToInclude Set<String> Topics to include.
topicsToExclude Set<String> Topics to exclude.

    TupleSourceDescription source() {
		return TupleSourceDescription.builder("source")