Application properties


These are the properties used to configure the mr-application module.

File values

Key Description Default value

Boolean flag that if set to true will trigger the following actions when a user logs out:

  • deletion of the cookie used for the JWT token
  • invalidation of the HTTP session
  • invocation of the {@link LogoutSuccessHandler} defined in the security configuration

activeviam.jwt.expiration Lifetime (in seconds) of the JWT tokens. Boolean flag that configures whether the authorities of the user present in the JWT token are checked against the authorities set for that user in the security configuration. false
activeviam.jwt.key Map that contains the public and private keys used for the handling of the JWT token. The map needs to contain two entries:
  • public: for the public key
  • private: for the private key
mr.application.content-server.bookmark.default-owners The default owners for any bookmark. ROLE_ADMIN
mr.application.content-server.bookmark.default-readers The default readers for any bookmark. ROLE_USER
mr.application.content-server.db Hibernate properties to connect to a locally running content server.
mr.application.content-server.factory-reset.filename Filename of the release version of the content server contents. mr-content-server.json
mr.application.content-server.factory-reset.folder-name The folder containing the release version of the content server contents. mr-bookmarks
mr.application.content-server.prefix The value here is the URL of the content server as executed with Jetty in Eclipse. You should change this value accordingly to your content server. mra
mr.application.content-server.remote-api-uri The URI of the content server used by RemoteContentServiceConfig. NOTE: The value here is the URL of the content server as executed with Jetty in Eclipse. You should change this value accordingly to your content server. http://localhost:9093/content
mr.application.content-server.reset Reset the contents of the content server to those provided in the Atoti Market Risk release. “True” defaults to the file-based implementation. NOTE: Development only, turn this off in production. Accepted values: “FALSE”, “TRUE”, “FILE”, “FOLDER” folder The time to live (in seconds) of the entitlement cache. 3600 The role users must have to create calculated members in the content server. ROLE_USER The role users must have to create KPIs in the content server. ROLE_USER Set to true to enable the SpanProcessor with LoggingSpanExporter. false Set the zipkin end point to which the traces should be sent. http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans Property for the date level to use when filtering exports.\nKey: the cube name\nValue: a string describing the date level with the pattern “Level@Hierarchy@Dimension”.\nSetting the cube name as “DEFAULT” applies this configuration to any cube name not explicitly configured.\nConfiguration options are case-sensitive.
mr.sign-off.export-filenames-mdx-template Property for the filename of the template to be used for MDX queries. MDXTemplate.vm
mr.sign-off.extraction-templates Extraction templates used for sign-off when vectorized sensitivities are enabled.\nKey: an arbitrary identifier for the ExportFilenamesMdxTemplate\nValue: the ExportFilenamesMdxTemplate
mr.sign-off.extraction-templates-scalar Extraction templates used for sign-off when scalar sensitivities are enabled.\nKey: an arbitrary identifier for the ExportFilenamesMdxTemplate\nValue: the ExportFilenamesMdxTemplate
mr.sign-off.task-levels Sign-off task level used to filter the sign-off filters\nKey: the cube name \nValue: a string describing the level with the pattern “Level@Hierarchy@Dimension”.\nSetting the cube name as “DEFAULT” applies this configuration to any cube name not explicitly configured.\nConfiguration options are case-sensitive. Absolute file path to the what-if file upload directory. ./src/test/resources/data Relative file path to the root directory for what-if file upload. This is a path relative to the input path. stage Relative file path to the staging directory for what-if file upload. This is a path relative to the input path. whatif