Handling FX Delta PnL Explain

FX Delta PnL Explain can be handled using the logic for interpreting risk factors as currency pairs, either by directly defining the currency pair, such as CAD/USD, or by customizing the interpretation of risk factors, for example, CAD_FX Equivalent.

Example scenario

1. Input data: Sensitivity inputs

The sensitivity input data contains the following fields:

  • Risk Factor: Specifies the FX pair or equivalent representation for the sensitivity.
  • Value (Delta): The sensitivity of the Delta to changes in the FX rate.

Example sensitivity input data:

Risk factor Delta
CAD/USD 1000
CAD_FX Equivalent 1500

2. Logic for interpreting risk factors

Case 1: Risk factor as a currency pair (preferred approach)

For a CAD/USD, the system interprets the risk factor as:

  • From Currency: CAD
  • To Currency: USD

The FX rate for CAD/USD is directly looked up from the FX Rate Market Data Store.

Case 2: Risk Factor as an Equivalent (Customized Approach)

For CAD_FX Equivalent, the system customizes the interpretation to convert it into a currency pair:

  • From Currency: CAD
  • To Currency: USD

This mapping is achieved by using a customization layer (for example, the RiskFactorFXPairTranslatorConfig class in the code base, where you input a default To: currency). Atoti Market Risk then looks up the FX rate CAD/USD in the FX rate market data store.

3. Calculating Delta PnL Explain

For each risk factor, the PnL explain is calculated as:

$$\text{PnL Explain} = \text{Delta} \times \text{FX Rate Change(Absolute or Relative)}$$