FX Delta PnL Explain can be handled using the logic for interpreting risk factors as currency pairs, either by directly defining the currency pair, such as CAD/USD, or by customizing the interpretation of risk factors, for example, CAD_FX Equivalent.
Example scenario
1. Input data: Sensitivity inputs
The sensitivity input data contains the following fields:
Risk Factor: Specifies the FX pair or equivalent representation for the sensitivity.
Value (Delta): The sensitivity of the Delta to changes in the FX rate.
Example sensitivity input data:
Risk factor
CAD_FX Equivalent
2. Logic for interpreting risk factors
Case 1: Risk factor as a currency pair (preferred approach)
For a CAD/USD, the system interprets the risk factor as:
From Currency: CAD
To Currency: USD
The FX rate for CAD/USD is directly looked up from the FX Rate Market Data Store.
Case 2: Risk Factor as an Equivalent (Customized Approach)
For CAD_FX Equivalent, the system customizes the interpretation to convert it into a currency pair:
From Currency: CAD
To Currency: USD
This mapping is achieved by using a customization layer (for example, the RiskFactorFXPairTranslatorConfig class in the code base, where you input a default To: currency). Atoti Market Risk then looks up the FX rate CAD/USD in the FX rate market data store.
3. Calculating Delta PnL Explain
For each risk factor, the PnL explain is calculated as:
$$\text{PnL Explain} = \text{Delta} \times \text{FX Rate Change(Absolute or Relative)}$$