Global Database Definition

This section describes tables that are common to all cubes, such as FX rates and trade booking.

Trade Booking

The TRADE_ATTRIBUTES table contains data relative to the trades.

The multi-level book organizational hierarchy and desk descriptions are in the BOOK_HIERARCHY table, which is indexed by BOOK and AS_OF_DATE.


The BOOK_HIERARCHY table is populated from the BOOK_PARENT_CHILD table.

The multi-level legal entity organizational hierarchy is in the LEGAL_ENTITY_HIERARCHY table, which is indexed by LEGAL_ENTITY and AS_OF_DATE.


The LEGAL_ENTITY_HIERARCHY table is populated from the LEGAL_ENTITY_PARENT_CHILD table.


The multi-level counterparty organizational hierarchy is in the COUNTERPARTY_HIERARCHY table, which is indexed by COUNTERPARTY_ID and AS_OF_DATE.



The COUNTERPARTIES table indexed by COUNTERPARTY_ID and AS_OF_DATE contains additional data for counterparties.

Risk Factor Catalogue

The RISK_FACTORS_CATALOGUE table indexed by RISK_FACTOR_ID and AS_OF_DATE table contains additional data for risk factors.


The COUNTRIES table indexed by COUNTRY_CODE and AS_OF_DATE contains additional data for countries.

Quantile and Rounding Method Descriptions

The QUANTILES table contains the definitions used for quantile computations (e.g.: ‘EXCLUSIVE’, ‘EQUAL_WEIGHTS’, ‘CENTERED’) for VaR and ES. The ROUNDING_METHODS table contains the descriptions of the methods used for rounding when computing VaR and ES.

Scenario Descriptions

The SCENARIOS table contains the VaR and ES scenario descriptions.

Market Data Sets

The MARKET_DATA_SETS table is used to provide available market data sets.

Market Shifts

The MARKET_SHIFTS and MARKET_SHIFTS_VECTOR tables is used to store market shifts.

Cube Market Data

The CUBE_MARKET_DATA table is used to contain market data defined along three axes (tenors, moneyness and underlying maturities).

Curve Market Data

The CURVE_MARKET_DATA table is used to contain market data defined along a tenor axis.

FX Rate Market Data

The FX rates are stored in the FX_RATE_MARKET_DATA table.

Spot Market Data

The SPOT_MARKET_DATA table is used to contain spot market data.

Surface Market Data

The SURFACE_MARKET_DATA table is used to contain market data defined along two axes (tenors and moneyness).