The BOOK_PARENT_CHILD table contains the parent/child relationships used to build the book hierarchy.


The BOOK_HIERARCHY table is populated from the BOOK_PARENT_CHILD table.

Column Name Type Not Null Cube Field Default Value1 Description
AS_OF_DATE DATE Y Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.
CHILD STRING Y Name of the node in the Book/Desk hierarchy.
PARENT STRING Name of the parent node (or null if there is no parent).
DESK STRING Set to “Y” to identify this node as a desk, otherwise left empty.
CATEGORY STRING Optional category for the node and all descendant nodes. Placeholder.

Unique Key



There is a self-join on the BOOK_PARENT_CHILD table - see database creation script for details.

  1. If the default value is marked as empty, it means that the default value is 'null' for nullable fields, and that a value needs to be explicitly set for non-nullable fields.  ↩︎