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FX Effect on VaR
Simply multiplying the PNL vector by the Spot does not produce the correct PNL vector in domestic currency.
→ P N L C C 0 ≠ → P N L C C 1 ⋅ F X C C 0 / C C 1
The currency rate is a stochastic variable that has to be taken into account in the VaR computation.
For each scenario of the PNL vector, you must use a specific exchange rate. This exchange rate must be consistent with the corresponding scenario.
Additionally, to account for the FX risk associated with a trade in another currency, the current mark-to-market (MTM) value of the trade is multiplied by the same FX shift and added to the PNL for the trade. Where MTM is not provided for a trade, the FX risk is not accounted for.
This will give us:
P L N C C 0 ( i ) = ( P L N C C 1 ( i ) ⋅ ( s h i f t C C 0 / C C 1 ( i ) + 1 ) + M T M C C 1 ⋅ s h i f t C C 0 / C C 1 ( i ) ) ⋅ F X C C 0 / C C 1
with the shift defined as
s h i f t C C 0 / C C 1 ( d a y ) = F X C C 0 / C C 1 ( d a y ) F X C C 0 / C C 1 ( d a y − 1 ) − 1
VaR computation and risk class
If the Risk Class axis is selected, we must split the VaR between the FX risk class and the underlying risk class.
So the VaR is split like this:
{ P N L F X C C O ( i ) = P N L O t h e r C C 1 ( i ) ⋅ s h i f t C C 0 / C C 1 ( i ) ⋅ F X C C 0 / C C 1 P N L O t h e r C C O ( i ) = P N L O t h e r C C 1 ( i ) ⋅ F X C C 0 / C C 1
The name of the FX risk class is given by the parameter
If there is a corresponding market shift under the risk factor related to the currency pair, the FX exchange produces an effect on VaR.