

This store has been deprecated. It is still used to handle dividends for vectorized sensitivities, but not for scalar sensitivities. Use DividendMarketData and SplitRatioMarketData instead.

Store Field Key CanBeNull Type Cube Field Description
AsOfDate Y Object AsOfDate Indicates the date of the file. The files in this document that contain an AsOfDate column will rely on that AsOfDate when loaded into the Atoti Server datastores. For the files that do not specify this column (whether described in this document or not), the AsOfDate is taken from the directory structure – these files should reside in the appropriate folder (usually ./data/20xx-yy-zz/ … /*.csv).
RiskFactor Y String RiskFactor The internal risk factor identifier of the instrument
CashDividend Y String not used in cube The unitary cash paid for dividend or coupon as of date
SplitRatio Y String not used in cube The split (or merge) ratio on the instrument that occurred as of date