Status screen


The Status screen allows you to review and manage breaches and warnings, which are issued by Atoti Limits when the value of a measure exceeds a threshold specified in the limit.

Real-time updates

By default, evaluations on this screen are updated in real-time. You can disable/enable real-time updates by clicking the pause/play button next to the table configuration button:

Real-time updates enable/disable button


To have more than 6 open connections for real-time updates, you must have HTTP/2 enabled. This is a limitation of Server-sent events, which are used to send the updates. You can enable HTTP/2 by setting the spring.http2.enabled property to true in the application.yml file. Note that you must be using a secure connection for this to work. Please contact your network administrator to secure your application.

Include all limit evaluations

By default, the Status screen only displays incidents, that is, breaches and warnings. However, you can configure it to include “passes” (i.e. evaluations that do not result in a breach or warning) by setting the limits.incident.evaluation.include-passes property to true.

When enabled, you can toggle between All Evaluations and Incidents by clicking the switch above the table.

Status screen toggle


Enabling this setting may pollute the Status screen with a large amount of entries, and may reduce performance.

Table columns

The screen contains a table displaying your breaches and warnings.

Status screen

Field Name Description
AsOfDate The AsOfDate of the incident.
Name The limit’s name.
Location Location in the cube where the incident occurred. For example, if the limit was defined for each book, the location displays the book with the breach.
Limit The limit value, which is the threshold that was checked against.
Exposure The value of the measure we are comparing the limit against.
Utilization The utilization of a limit on evaluation.
Incident Type Specifies whether the incident is a Warning, Breach or Pass.
Evaluation status The status of the limit evaluation.
Classification The Classification field is set/displayed after the review process. The root cause of the breach, selected during review.
Resolution The Resolution field is set/displayed after the review process. The action to be taken to respond to the breach, selected during review.
Action The actions you can carry out on the entry. You can perform workflow actions on incidents, re-evaluate entries, and view any linked dashboards. When viewing linked dashboards, navigating from the status screen applies the scope and as-of-date of the limit to the linked dashboard.


You can filter the evaluations using the column filters:

Status screen filters


Filters on this screen are saved and re-applied when you next open it.

To learn about reviewing breaches and checking the Audit log, see Manage incidents.