These are the properties used to autoconfigure the Atoti Server that will connect to Atoti Limits.
File values
Key | Description | Default value |
content.server.auth | Base-64 encoded authentication used to connect to the Atoti Content server. | | | The name given to the content server. | |
content.server.url | The URL of the Atoti Server’s cube discovery. | |
content.server.username | The username used to connect to the Atoti Content server. | | | The slicing date dimension in the Atoti Server cube. | |
limits-connected-server.atoti-server-version | The version of Atoti Server the connected server is running. | |
limits-connected-server.auth | The base-64 encoded authentication used to auto-configure the authorization for the module. | |
limits-connected-server.kpi-path | The path to get the KPI permissions. | |
limits-connected-server.level-path-url | The URL of the level path rest service. | |
limits-connected-server.url | The URL of the Atoti Server’s cube discovery endpoint. | |
limits-connected-server.username | The username used to auto-configure the authorization for Limits. | |
limits.auth | The authentication to use in REST requests to the Limits server from the connected Atoti Servers. | | | If false, auto-configuration of the connection to Atoti Limits won’t be attempted. | true |
limits.connection.attempts | The number of attempts to connect to the module before quitting. If less than zero, the Atoti Server will continuously try to connect. | -1 |
limits.connection.delay | The time delay in milliseconds between consecutive attempts to connect to the module. | 10000 | | The URL where the REST APIs of Atoti Limits are located. | |
server.hostname | The hostname of the server. | | | The name of the server. | |
server.port | The port of the server. | 0 |
server.protocol | The protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS) of the server. | http |
server.root.url | The root URL of the server. | |
server.servlet.context-path | The context path of the server. | |
server.servlet.session.cookie.http-only | Whether to use ‘HttpOnly’ cookies for the cookie. | false | | The name of the cookie for the session. | |
server.servlet.session.cookie.same-site | The SameSite attribute of the session cookie. | | | Indicates if the session cookie should be secured. | false |