Application properties
These are the properties used to configure the mr-application module.
File values
Key | Description | Default value |
mr.application.content-server.bookmark.default-owners | The default owners for any bookmark. | ROLE_ADMIN |
mr.application.content-server.bookmark.default-readers | The default readers for any bookmark. | ROLE_USER |
mr.application.content-server.db | Hibernate properties to connect to a locally running content server. | |
mr.application.content-server.factory-reset.filename | Filename of the release version of the content server contents. | mr-content-server.json |
mr.application.content-server.factory-reset.folder-name | The folder containing the release version of the content server contents. | mr-bookmarks |
mr.application.content-server.prefix | The value here is the URL of the content server as executed with Jetty in Eclipse. You should change this value accordingly to your content server. | mra |
mr.application.content-server.remote-api-uri | The URI of the content server used by RemoteContentServiceConfig. NOTE: The value here is the URL of the content server as executed with Jetty in Eclipse. You should change this value accordingly to your content server. | http://localhost:9093/content |
mr.application.content-server.reset | Reset the contents of the content server to those provided in the Atoti Market Risk release. “True” defaults to the file-based implementation. NOTE: Development only, turn this off in production. Accepted values: “FALSE”, “TRUE”, “FILE”, “FOLDER” | folder | | The time to live (in seconds) of the entitlement cache. | 3600 | | The role users must have to create calculated members in the content server. | ROLE_USER | | The role users must have to create KPIs in the content server. | ROLE_USER | | Set to true to enable the SpanProcessor with LoggingSpanExporter. | false | | Set the zipkin end point to which the traces should be sent. | http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans | | Property for the date level to use when filtering exports.\nKey: the cube name\nValue: a string describing the date level with the pattern “Level@Hierarchy@Dimension”.\nSetting the cube name as “DEFAULT” applies this configuration to any cube name not explicitly configured.\nConfiguration options are case-sensitive. | |
mr.sign-off.export-filenames-mdx-template | Property for the filename of the template to be used for MDX queries. | MDXTemplate.vm |
mr.sign-off.extraction-templates-scalar | Extraction templates used for sign-off when scalar sensitivities are enabled.\nKey: an arbitrary identifier for the ExportFilenamesMdxTemplate\nValue: the ExportFilenamesMdxTemplate | |
mr.sign-off.task-levels | Sign-off task level used to filter the sign-off filters\nKey: the cube name \nValue: a string describing the level with the pattern “Level@Hierarchy@Dimension”.\nSetting the cube name as “DEFAULT” applies this configuration to any cube name not explicitly configured.\nConfiguration options are case-sensitive. | | | Absolute file path to the what-if file upload directory. | ./src/test/resources/data | | Relative file path to the root directory for what-if file upload. This is a path relative to the input path. | stage | | Relative file path to the staging directory for what-if file upload. This is a path relative to the input path. | whatif |