Default implemented MD chains

Implemented chains

Risk Type spot eq spot fx spot curve surface cube
Delta X X X X
Gamma X X X X
Vega X X
Correlation X
CrossGamma.1 X X
CrossGamma.2 X X
Vanna.1 X X
Vanna.2 X X X X
Volga X X

All interpolations are linear …

Current setup

Risk type Risk name Risk class MD type Interpolation MD store
Delta * * curve linear CurveMarketData
Delta * Equity eq spot SpotMarketData
Delta * FX fx spot FxRateMarketData
Gamma * * curve linear CurveMarketData
Gamma * Equity eq spot SpotMarketData
Gamma * FX fx spot FxRateMarketData
Vega * * surface linear SurfaceMarketData
Vega * GIRR cube linear CubeMarketData
Correlation * * spot CorrelationMarketData
CrossGamma.1 * * spot SpotMarketData
CrossGamma.1 * Equity eq spot SpotMarketData
CrossGamma.2 * * spot SpotMarketData
CrossGamma.2 * Equity eq spot SpotMarketData
Vanna.1 * * surface linear SurfaceMarketData
Vanna.1 * GIRR cube linear CubeMarketData
Vanna.2 * * curve linear CurveMarketData
Vanna.2 * FX fx spot FxRateMarketData
Vanna.2 * Equity eq spot SpotMarketData
Volga * * surface linear SurfaceMarketData
Volga * GIRR cube linear CubeMarketData

Risk type is suffixed with the MD number if more than one. Eq Spot multiply the spot by the split on next date.