The SCENARIOS table contains the VaR and ES scenario descriptions.

Column Name Type Not Null Cube Field Default Value1 Description
AS_OF_DATE DATE Y Indicates the date of the file.
INDEX INT Y 0 The pointer to the Scenario’s position in the PnL[] vector. Values range from 0 to the total number of scenarios in the given scenario set. Note: The index must start at 0 for each ScenarioSet.
SCENARIO STRING Y Scenario Sets N/A Non-technical name for the scenario.
SCENARIO_SET STRING Y Scenarios N/A The name of the scenario for that Index. For historical scenarios, this could be the date. For stress simulations, it could be the name of the particular event.

Unique Key


  1. If the default value is marked as empty, it means that the default value is 'null' for nullable fields, and that a value needs to be explicitly set for non-nullable fields.  ↩︎