Navigation :
test ../../ test user-ref.html
User & Reference Guide
test ../../ test getting-started.html
Getting started
test ../../ test getting-started/about.html
- Using this guide
test ../../ test getting-started/whats-new.html
- What's New
test ../../ test getting-started/data-model.html
- Market Risk Data Model
test ../../ test dashboards.html
test ../../ test what-if.html
What-If Analysis
test ../../ test sign-off.html
Sign-Off Approvals
test ../../ test calculations.html
Calculations Guide
test ../../ test configuration.html
Configuration files
test ../../ test cube.html
Cube Reference
test ../../ test datastore.html
test ../../ test input-files.html
Input file formats
test ../../ test dev.html
Developer Guide
test ../../ test dev/dev-release.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../ test dev/dev-getting-started.html
Getting Started
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl.html
Market Risk Accelerator Reference Implementation
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/dev-config-files.html
Configuration files
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/dev-input-files.html
Input file formats
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/dev-dlc.html
Data Load Controller in the Market Risk Accelerator
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/dev-datastore.html
Market Risk Datastore Configuration
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/market-data-retrieval-service.html
-- Market Data Retrieval Service
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/dev-measures-context.html
-- Measures and context values
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/dev-cube.html
MRA Cubes
test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl/sign-off-analysis-hierarchy.html
-- Sign-Off Analysis Hierarchy
test ../../ test dev/dev-core.html
MRA Core
test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html
Extending the Accelerator
test ../../ test dev/dev-tools.html
Configuring Accelerator tools and methodologies
test ../../ test dev/dev-sign-off.html
test ../../ test dev/dev-whatif.html
test ../../ test pdf-guides.html
PDF Guides
test ../../ test extensibility.html
test ../../ test misc.html
Input file formats
For details of the file formats for the CSV and CRIF input files used in the Market Risk Reference Implementation, see the Input file formats chapter in the User and Reference Guide