Activating and de-activating cubes

Cubes can be activated or de-activated from the configuration file



Key Value Description
enable.var.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the Var-ES cube
enable.sensi.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the Sensi cube
enable.pnl.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the PnL cube
enable.var.summary.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the Var-ES Summary cube
enable.sensi.summary.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the Sensi Summary cube
enable.pnl.summary.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the PnL Summary cube
enable.common.cube true Enable (true) or disable (false) the MRACombinedCube

Spring profiles

Profile Description
dist-data-node Only activate the data cubes (all except MRACombinedCube) and also the Netty bus messaging.
dist-query-node Only activate the query cube (MRACombinedCube) and also the Netty bus messaging.
standard The Sensi Cube stores its data vectorized with pillars.
scalar-sensi The Sensi Cube stores its data with one double per sensitivity.
aggregated If activated, the summary cubes only store data at book level and not below (trade level).
enable-signoff The sign-off dimension is available for all cubes, adjustment and sign-off are activated on non-summary cubes

Datastore implication

De-activating a cube means that the unused stores will also be de-activated. The following matrix shows the mapping between store and cubes.


The MRACombinedCube does not require a store because it is a query cube.

Standard configuration

Store Var-ES cube Sensi cube PnL cube Var-ES Summary cube Sensi Summary cube PnL Summary cube
FXRates X X X X X X
RoundingMethods1 X X X X
Quantiles1 X X X X
TradeAttributes X X X
BookParentChild X X X
BookHierarchy X X X
LegalEntityParentChild X X X
LegalEntityHierarchy X X X
CounterpartyParentChild X X X
CounterpartyHierarchy X X X
Counterparties X X X
Countries X X X
RiskFactorsCatalogue X X X
MarketDataSets X X X
Scenarios1 X X
Maturities2 2
Tenors2 2
Moneyness2 2
DynamicMaturities X
DynamicTenors X
DynamicMoneyness X
TradeSensitivities X
MarketData X
CorporateAction X
SensiLadders X
MarketShifts X
TradePnLs X
PnLBaseStore X
SensiBaseStore X
BaseStore X

  1. This store is active even if only the PnL cube is activated ↩︎

  2. Only for the non-scalar profile ↩︎