AboutActionParameters | Displays the about popup. There is no requirement concerning its availability (it can be used anywhere). |
AboutApi | Version of the package and the Content Server |
ActionIconProps | |
ActionImplementationProperties | Build an action offered to users in several places of the UI. |
ActionImplementationStaticProperties | |
ActionProperties | Properties of a deserialized action plugin, curried with a payload argument holding the API of the target widget. |
ActionResult | |
ActionsAwareProps | |
ActiveFilter | |
ActiveMonitorAgent | Agent registered to an ActiveMonitor Server |
ActiveMonitorAgentConnectionDetails | Details about connection to an agent |
ActiveMonitorAgentMap | Map Site to agent |
ActiveMonitorAlert | Alert received from an ActiveMonitor websocket. |
ActiveMonitorEvent | Event received from ActiveMonitor Server. |
ActiveMonitorMessage | A message received from ActiveMonitor websocket. |
ActiveMonitorMessageContent | Content of an ActiveMonitorMessage. |
ActiveMonitorMessagesActionParameters | Display the ActiveMonitor Messages. It is displaying the number of unread messages in a badge. |
ActiveMonitorServer | Handle all the communications between ActiveMonitor Server. |
ActiveMonitorState | |
ActivePivotConfiguration | |
ActivePivotServer | Handle all the communications with an ActivePivot Server. |
ActivePivotServerParameters | |
ActiveUI | The ActiveUI API. |
ActiveUIConsumerProps | |
ActiveUIOptions | Options for creating an instance of ActiveUI. |
ActiveUIPermissions | |
ActiveUIPlugin | |
ActiveUIPluginWithType | A ActiveUIPlugin with an additional type property. |
ActiveUIProviderProps | |
ActiveviamOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 10 created by ActiveViam with the following colors: turquoise blue, wisteria, cream can, celery, cinnabar, el salva, neon carrot, cabaret, governor bay, nepal |
AddServerActionParameters | Opens the Add Server popup |
AddToFavoritesActionParameters | Adds a bookmark to the user's favorites. |
AddWidgetActionParameters | An action available with dashboards only, to display a popup to add widgets in a dashboard. |
AgentsApi | |
AlertAttributesImplementationStaticProperties | |
AlertsActionParameters | Display the ActiveMonitor Alerts. It is displaying the number of alerts in a badge. |
AllAlertOptions | |
AllMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches any filter |
AlphabeticalHeaderComparatorParameters | Sorts headers alphabetically. |
ApplicationState | Data structure used to configure the application at startup |
ApproximateFormatterParameters | Formats axis tick labels into k/M/B notation. e.g. 1000 -> 1k |
AppStateReporterParameters | Exports the whole state of the application |
AuditTimeInfo | |
AuthenticationHolderImplementationProperties | Exposes the authentication API that every part of ActiveUI requiring authentication can consume. |
AuthenticationHolderImplementationStaticProperties | |
AutomaticRestoreOptions | If you turn on this feature, we advise you also provide the home action. |
AxisNode | An MdxNode representing an axis such as ROWS or COLUMNS and its associated expression. |
BasicAuthenticationHolderParameters | Resend Basic authentication for each REST call and uses cookies for WebSockets. |
BlackWhiteOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 2: black and white |
BoldTotalRowStyleParameters | Uses bold font if the row corresponds to a parent aggregate. |
Bookmark | |
BookmarkContent | |
BookmarkMetaData | |
BookmarksApi | |
BookmarkStateEditorActionParameters | Open a popup to edit the bookmark corresponding to the target node. |
CalculatedMeasureImplementationProperties | |
CalculatedMeasureImplementationStaticProperties | |
CanOverlayDisplayPayload | |
CaptionCellRendererParameters | Render the caption contained in the cell. |
CaseExpressionNode | An MdxNode representing a CASE statement. |
Catalog | |
CellCoordinates | A cell in a table is characterized by a row index and a column index. In this object, cell coordinates are grouped by row indexes. |
CellEditorImplementationProperties | A cell editor that can be added in a table. |
CellEditorImplementationStaticProperties | |
CellFactoryImplementationProperties | Performs a manipulation on the columns of a table, for example to render several columns as one. |
CellFactoryImplementationStaticProperties | |
CellPosition | |
CellRendererImplementationProperties | Change the rendering of cells in a table. |
CellRendererImplementationStaticProperties | |
CellSet | |
CellSetAxis | |
CellSetCell | |
CellSetMember | |
ChangePivotTableDisplayActionParameters | This action is meant to be used on tabular headers. It adds the tree cell column configuration to the list of column groups of the tabular if it was not there, or removes it if it was already there. |
ChartApi | |
ChartConfiguration | |
ChartElementStylerImplementationProperties | Merges the ouput style on top of the current style. |
ChartElementStylerImplementationStaticProperties | |
ChartHandlerActionPayload | |
ChartLayerApi | |
ChartMapping | The attributes to fields mapping, contextual to the type of chart. |
ChartOverlayImplementationProperties | Display an overlay over a chart. |
ChartOverlayImplementationStaticProperties | |
ChartPngExportActionParameters | An action to export the chart as a png. |
ChartRemoveSortActionParameters | An action to remove sort on charts. |
ChartSelectionHandlerImplementationProperties | Lets projects interact with the core chart selection. |
ChartSelectionHandlerImplementationStaticProperties | |
ChartShowDataActionParameters | An action to display the data of the chart as a table. |
ChartSortActionParameters | An action to sort charts. |
ChartTimeFormatterImplementationProperties | Format date/time members on chart axis |
ChartTimeFormatterImplementationStaticProperties | |
ChartTooltipShowActionParameters | Display a tooltip for the chart widget. |
ChooseableFormatterImplementationStaticProperties | |
ClearDockActionParameters | Unload the current bookmark from the dock (or in other terms, clear the dock). |
ColorAlternateRowStyleParameters | Uses the tabularAlternatingRowColor as a background on even-indexed rows. |
ColumnMergeHeaderCaptionProducerParameters | A caption producer that merges headers together, separated with a '/', like 'Desk / Currency' |
ColumnsSelectorImplementationProperties | A column selector, used for grouping table columns. |
ColumnsSelectorImplementationStaticProperties | |
ConditionalFormattingActionParameters | Open a popup to format the current measure. |
ConsoleReporterParameters | Exports all info, warning and error logs logged through the ActiveUI logging framework. |
ConstantChartOverlayParameters | An overlay that displays a line of constant value. Only available on charts with an x and y axis, and with y being a numerical axis. |
ContainerApi | |
ContainerProps | For more information about the controlled/uncontrolled distinction see https://reactjs.org/docs/uncontrolled-components.html. |
ContainerStyle | |
ContainerValue | |
ContentEditorApi | |
ContentServer | Expose the API to interact with a Content Server. |
ContextMenuImplementationProperties | |
ContextMenuImplementationStaticProperties | |
CopyCellsActionParameters | Copy the table's selected cells to the clipboard. |
CopyTableActionParameters | Copy to clipboard the underlying table. Only available if the underlying table is fully downloaded (i.e. not lazy loaded) |
CreateFolderActionParameters | Open a popup to create a folder under the selected node. |
CreateKpiActionParameters | An action to open the kpi editor, with some contextual information if available. |
CreateStatementNode | An MdxNode representing a CREATE statement. |
CSFile | |
CSFileEntry | |
Cube | |
CubeContextValue | |
CubeContextValueDefinition | |
CubeDimension | |
CubeHierarchy | |
CubeKpi | |
CubeLevel | |
CubeMeasure | |
CubeMeasureGroup | |
CubeMember | |
CubeSet | |
CurrencyFormatterParameters | Formats axis tick labels into currency. e.g. 1000 -> $1,000.00 |
D310OrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 10 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory10 |
D320BOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 20 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory20b |
D320COrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 20 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory20c |
D320OrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 20 provided by D3. See https://github.com/d3/d3-scale/blob/master/README.md#schemeCategory20 |
DarkActiveViamThemeParameters | A built-in dark theme. |
DashboardApi | |
DashboardPageApi | |
DashboardPageChildApi | |
DataApi | API entry point for all data-related features. |
DataIdsByColumnIndex | Mapping of the form {displayed column index} => {corresponding data columns indexes} |
DataOverrides | |
DataSourceApi | |
DataSourceImplementationProperties | |
DataSourceImplementationStaticProperties | |
DateRecognizer | |
DebugLoggerParameters | A logger that logs everything, and adds timestamp and the caller to each message. |
DefaultCellSetMember | |
DefaultChartSelectionHandlerParameters | Default chart selection mechanism |
DefaultChartTimeFormatterParameters | Automatically format a date based on how much details the date contains. |
DefaultTableSelectionHandlerParameters | Default Tabular selection mechanism |
DeleteBookmarkActionParameters | Deletes a bookmark or a folder recursively. If the bookmark has been registered as user's favorite and the user has the right to edit that, it will also delete the favorite. |
DeleteCalculatedMeasureActionParameters | An action to delete the a persisted measure, disabled if the user does not have the permissions to delete it. |
DeleteKpiActionParameters | An action to delete the kpi, disabled if the user does not have the permissions to delete it. |
DeletePointValuesActionParameters | Open a popup to notify a user before deleting the selected rows. |
DeleteServerActionParameters | Opens a popup to confirm the deletion of a server from the serversPool. |
DimensionCompoundIdentifierNode | A CompoundIdentifierNode that represents a dimension. |
Discovery | Information discovered from an ActivePivot server about what data is available. |
DiscoveryKpi | KPI object provided by a discovery REST call This describes a KPI from an MDX point of view. |
DisplayModeProps | |
DockActionPayload | |
DragAndDropApi | |
DrillthroughApi | |
DrillthroughDataSet | Data structure sent by ActivePivot containing the drillthrough result. |
DrillthroughDataSetHeader | |
DrillthroughDataSetResult | |
DrillthroughQuery | |
DrillthroughStatementNode | An MdxNode representing a DRILLTHROUGH statement. |
DropStatementNode | A type of MdxNode. |
EditBookmarkActionParameters | Opens a popup to edit a bookmark or a folder. |
EditCalculatedMeasureActionParameters | Open a popup to edit a calculated measure and modify the MDX of the widget. |
EditKpiActionParameters | An action to open the kpi editor, with some contextual information if available. |
EmptyApi | |
EmptyTableSelectionHandlerParameters | Handler that always returns an empty selection |
EnhancedDrillthroughApi | |
EnhancedFeaturedValuesApi | |
EnhancedPivotTableApi | |
EnhancedTabularApi | |
EnrichedCubeMeasure | |
EnvironmentReporterParameters | Exports information about the application's environment: server, browser, build... |
ErrorReporterParameters | Exports information related to the provided exception |
ErrorsLoggerParameters | A logger that only logs errors. |
ExceptFiltersKeyMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Filters out the specified filters on top of using a key |
ExpiryCellFactoryParameters | Renders a progress bar instead of the start and expiry columns of a KPI. |
ExplicitHeaderComparatorParameters | Sorts headers in the same order as a given list. |
ExplicitOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Create a custom color scale that explicitly list all colors. Fallback to text color if no parameters are provided. |
FeaturedValuesApi | |
FeaturedValuesHandlerActionPayload | |
FeaturedValuesTooltipShowActionParameters | Display a tooltip for the featured values widget. |
FeedInfo | |
FieldChooserImplementationStaticProperties | |
FiltersMembersContribution | An array corresponding to the intersection of the members included by each explicit filter for a given hierarchy. |
FirstColumnHeaderCaptionProducerParameters | This caption producer keeps the caption as it is in the first column of the group. |
Formatter | |
FormatterImplementationProperties | Formats a caption into a specific format incorporating the user's locale. |
FormulaNode | An MdxNode representing an formula definition in the WITH clause of a SelectStatementNode. An example formula: WITH Member [Measures].[MyConstant] AS 42 . |
FromClauseNode | An MdxNode representing a named cube for the FROM clause of a SelectNode. Does not represent a subselect expression in a FROM clause – that is represented by a SubSelectNode instead. |
FullSizeActionParameters | Display widgets in full screen. |
GetReactCaptionProperty | |
GoogleChartOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 5 following Google Chart/ActivePivot Live 3 color scheme. It contains the following colors: mariner, tia maria, orange peel, la palma, flirt. See https://developers.google.com/chart/ |
HeaderCaptionProducerImplementationStaticProperties | |
HeaderComparatorImplementationProperties | Customizes the order in which tabular view and pivot table columns are displayed. |
HeaderComparatorImplementationStaticProperties | |
HideTooltipActionParameters | An action to hide any tooltip that is displayed in ActiveUI. |
HierarchyCompoundIdentifierNode | A CompoundIdentifierNode that represents a hierarchy. |
HierarchyCoordinates | |
HierarchyGreaterIndexMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches filters with the provided hierarchy and an index greater than the one provided |
HierarchyKeyIndexMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches filters with the provided key, index and hierarchy |
HierarchyKeyMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches filters with the provided key and hierarchy |
HierarchyKeyValueMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches filters with the provided key, filter value and hierarchy |
HierarchyMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches filters with the provided hierarchy |
HomeActionParameters | Reset a root widget to its default view |
HtmlRendererImplementationProperties | Responsible for converting plain text to HTML. |
HtmlRendererImplementationStaticProperties | |
IconImplementationProperties | Renders an icon. The expected output is any React element. |
IconImplementationStaticProperties | |
IdentifierNode | An MdxNode representing an identifier – the name of a hierarchy, level, measure, KPI, etc. For example, this could represent the MDX Geography or [Geography] . A CompoundIdentifierNode is made of these separated by dots. |
Internationalization | An object to expose the locale events and provide ActiveUI's translator implementation to an external application |
JwtAuthenticationHolderParameters | Uses JWT for REST and cookies for WebSockets. |
JwtResult | |
KeycloakAuthenticationHolderOptions | |
KeycloakAuthenticationHolderParameters | Uses Keycloak for REST and cookies for WebSocket. |
KeyMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches non server filters with the provided key |
KeyValueTooltipEntry | |
KeyValueTooltipParameters | |
KpiDefinition | |
KpiExpiryColumnsSelectorParameters | Groups together the start and expiry columns of a kpi |
KpiExpiryHeaderCaptionProducerParameters | This caption producer is useful when the expiry column groups several expiries together. |
KpiGoalColumnsSelectorParameters | Selects the columns that are the goal of a kpi. |
KpiMonitorConfiguration | The monitor configuration that will be stringified. |
KpiStatusCellFactoryParameters | Renders the customized cell of the status of a KPI status. |
KpiStatusCellRendererParameters | Render different icons for cell values value < -0.5 , -0.5< value <0.5 and value > 0.5 |
KpiStatusColumnsSelectorParameters | Groups together the status columns of a kpi. |
LevelCompoundIdentifierNode | A CompoundIdentifierNode that represents a level. |
LightActiveViamThemeParameters | A built-in light theme. |
LinearChartOverlayParameters | An overlay displaying a line following the equation y = mx + b. Only available on charts with an x and y axis, and with y being a numerical axis. |
LinearNumericScaleProfileParameters | A linear profile, that returns the percentage of the value between the domain min and max. |
LinearPiecewiseNumericScaleProfileParameters | A profile linear in 2 pieces, centered around middle . |
LiteralNode | An MdxNode representing a literal value such as a number or string. |
LoadBookmarkActionParameters | If bookmark is a dashboard, loads it in a root container, opening a popup if several are available. If it is a widget bookmark, adds widget to active dashboard. |
LocaleConfig | |
LocaleDescription | A object describing a locale |
LocationInfo | |
LocationMeasure | |
LoggerImplementationProperties | A plugin to handle logging side-effect. It is called for every logging request in activeUI |
LoggerImplementationStaticProperties | |
LogoutActionParameters | Logs the current user out. There is no requirement concerning its availability (it can be used anywhere). |
LookupCellFactoryParameters | Renders an editable cell when the column displays a lookup. |
LookupColumnsSelectorParameters | Selects the columns that correspond to a formula lookup("...") . |
MakeHomePageActionParameters | Sets a bookmark to be the home page. |
ManualColumnsSelectorParameters | Creates one group of columns, according to the selection provided. |
MapStorage | |
MarkdownHtmlRendererParameters | Uses the default preset of https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it to convert Markdown to HTML. |
MdxApi | Manipulate Mdx (MDX), mostly via transforming it to a tree of MdxNodes. |
MdxAxesApi | Contains all the operations related to the axes of a Select statement. |
MdxBaseApi | Contains basic read/write operations on Mdx and MdxNodes. |
MdxCellStylerParameters | The default plugin for converting MDX cell properties to CSS. |
MdxCleaningApi | Provides functions to clean a parsed tree and simplify it. |
MdxContextValue | |
MdxCreateApi | Contains functions to create MDX nodes. |
MdxDefinition | The definition of a configuration. |
MdxDefinitionsApi | A collection of enums used throughout the mdx api. |
MdxDrillthroughApi | Contains all the drillthrough statement related functions. |
MdxFiltersApi | Contains functions to manipulate filters of an MDX query. |
MdxFilterSelectorImplementationProperties | MdxFilterSelector are used to retrieve one or more filters matching a specific set of conditions in order to manipulate it: read, write, remove... |
MdxFilterSelectorImplementationStaticProperties | |
MdxFormulasApi | Contains all functions about calculated members. |
MdxFunctionNode | An MdxNode representing a function call. Some functions are called with syntax that makes them look like an operator or part of the language; see Syntax for the different syntaxes for calling functions. |
MdxFunctionsApi | Allows reading and manipulating the MDX functions used in a statement. |
MdxHeaderCaptionProducerParameters | A caption producer relying on an MDX dataSource, useful for producing synthetic headers when grouping columns. |
MdxHierarchiesApi | Contains all the logic for hierarchies transformations. |
MdxKpiApi | Contains all the operations related to KPIs and their functions. |
MdxLevelsApi | Contains all the logic for levels transformations. |
MdxMeasuresApi | Contains all the basic read/write operations about MDX measures. |
MdxMembersApi | Contains functions for manipulating MDX members. |
MdxNamedSetsApi | Contains functions for manipulating [named sets](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/analysis-services/multidimensional-models/mdx/mdx-named-sets-building-named-sets). |
MdxOrderApi | Contains the methods to read or change the ordering in a statement. |
MdxParsingApi | Responsible for the conversion between MDX strings (Mdx) and their equivalent trees of nodes (MdxNode). |
MdxPrinterOptions | |
MdxQuery | A MDX query on a given server. |
MdxQueryDescription | |
MdxQueryPayload | |
MdxRange | For a given axis, the actual slice of the server result that will be passed to the client on the network. |
MdxStatementsApi | Contains functions used to manipulate the different types of MDX statements that can be encountered (Select, Drillthrough Select). |
MdxTabularApi | Contains additional functions used for the tabular representation of a CellSet. |
MdxTuplesApi | Contains all the operations related to MDX tuples. |
MeasureInfo | The name property should represent the raw, unquoted name, not the unique, quoted name. |
Member | |
MemberCaptionProvider | |
MemberColumnsSelectorParameters | Creates a group of columns containing all the levels representing members (as opposed to measures). |
MemberCompoundIdentifierNode | A CompoundIdentifierNode that represents a member. |
MemberFilterActionParameters | Open a popup to filter on the current column |
MemberPropertyDefinitionNode | An MdxNode representing the definition of a property of a member that is defined in a FormulaNode. Some example property names are FORE_COLOR and FONT_FLAGS . |
MonitorAttributesImplementationStaticProperties | |
MonitorConfiguration | |
MonitorLocation | |
MonitorReport | Report from ActiveMonitor for a given monitor |
MonitorStatistics | |
MonitorStatusCellFactoryParameters | Renders the customized cell of the status of a monitor. |
MonoAccentOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 1 based on the current theme accent color |
MonoTextOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 1 based on the current theme text color |
MoveBookmarkActionParameters | Opens a popup to move a bookmark or a folder. |
NamedSetCompoundIdentifierNode | A CompoundIdentifierNode that represents a named set. |
NewDashboardActionParameters | Reset the root widget to a new dashboard. |
NodeMatcher | Create this with NodeMatcherFactory to get a fluent API for matching nodes in a parsed statement. |
NoopActionParameters | An action that does nothing, used as a fallback in case of deserialization error |
NoopLoggerParameters | A logger that does not log anything. This is to be used CAREFULLY, because it does not even log errors. |
NotChooseableFormatterImplementationStaticProperties | |
NumericColumnsSelectorParameters | Creates a group of columns containing all the levels presenting measures (as opposed to members). |
NumericScaleProfileImplementationProperties | A plugin used when computing numerical scales, in order to customize the mapping of a value on a scale. |
NumericScaleProfileImplementationStaticProperties | |
OpenAlertActionParameters | Opens a popup with the details of an alert. |
OpenDrillthroughActionParameters | Opens a popup to choose where to display a drillthrough widget containing the result of the drillthrough on the given cell. |
OpenMessageActionParameters | Opens a popup with the details of a message. |
OpenMonitorActionParameters | Opens a popup with the details of an alert. |
OpenWidgetToModifyActionParameters | Loads a saved widget bookmark in a root container, opening a popup if several are available. |
OptimizedOrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 9 inspired from http://www.mulinblog.com/a-color-palette-optimized-for-data-visualization/ |
OptionsForTranslation | |
OptionsForTranslationSupportingReact | |
OrdinalColorScaleImplementationProperties | Provide a set of colors given a set of values. Can be used to associate a particular color to a particular value |
OrdinalColorScaleImplementationStaticProperties | |
OriginalHeaderComparatorParameters | Keeps the headers in the same order than in the data table. |
OverlayCustomizableParameter | |
PageDescription | |
PageLayoutLeaf | |
PageLayoutNode | |
Parameter | |
ParameterChanges | |
ParameterFromTo | |
ParameterListApi | |
ParameterQuery | |
ParameterQueryResult | |
ParameterReference | |
PercentageFormatterParameters | Formats axis tick labels into a percentage format. e.g. .1 -> 10% |
PivotTableApi | |
PivotTableToggleGrandTotalActionParameters | Show / Hide the grand total on rows |
PivotTableToggleSubTotalsActionParameters | Show / Hide the sub total on rows |
PlotlyOverrides | |
PluginFactory | |
PluginParameterSerialization | |
PluginsRegistry | |
PointValue | |
PopupWidgetBuilder | The PopupBuilder |
PositiveOrNegativeNumericScaleProfileParameters | A binary profile, that returns either 1 or 0 for positive or negative values. |
PresentationsApi | |
PublishCalculatedMeasureActionParameters | Open a popup to publish a calculated measure, moving its definition from the widget’s MDX to the content server. |
QueriesApi | API entry point for all queries to remote servers. |
QueriesPool | |
QueryEditorActionParameters | Open a popup to edit the mdx and context values of the widget |
QuickFilterApi | |
RangeConfiguration | Example: for the rows axis, a thresholdPercentage of 0.1 for a chunkSize of 2000 means that the initial table will load the rows 0 to 2000 , and when scrolling past row 1800 , a new chunk of 2000 rows centered on 1800 will be downloaded from 800 to 2800 , and so on. To disable lazy loading, set chunkSize to -1 and any thresholdPercentage . |
Ranges | For each axis, the actual range of results that is being queried from the server. |
RangesConfiguration | On the client side, configure the lazy-loading of featured values, pivot tables and tabular views for each axis, i.e. the ability to defer the download of a subset of the results at the time the user is scrolling through them. |
RawFormatterParameters | Formats axis tick labels to show just the numerical value without any group separation or other decoration 1,000,000 -> 1000000 |
ReactContainerApi | |
ReactContainerBody | A serializable object. |
ReactContainerChildApi | |
ReactContainerComponentProps | |
ReactContainerImplementationProperties | Nothing, everything declared in ReactContainerImplementationStaticProperties. |
ReactContainerImplementationStaticProperties | |
ReactTranslationParameters | Parameters used when formatting the template. |
RedoActionParameters | For a root widget, loads the next view |
RefreshDiscoveryActionParameters | Expands a node of a tree, if it is expandable. |
RefreshQueryActionParameters | Refresh the current query associated with the widget. Only available on widgets with data sources using mdx. |
RefreshStatementNode | A type of MdxNode. |
RegexpColumnsSelectorParameters | Creates a group of columns based on a regexp ran on the column header value. |
RegressionChartOverlayParameters | An overlay displaying a line following a regression of a given type, calculated from the values of the measure being used for the y axis. |
RelativeTimeCellFactoryParameters | Renders an cell displaying the time relatively. |
RemoveDockActionParameters | An action to remove the widget from its parent dashboard. Only available when the widget is in a dashboard. |
RemoveListener | A function to call to detach a listener. |
RenameBookmarkActionParameters | Opens a popup to rename a bookmark or a folder. |
RenameServerActionParameters | Opens a popup to rename a server from the serversPool. |
RenderableTabularHeader | This object is produced after processing the different plugins for generating the columns etc. |
RenderOverlayPayload | |
Report | Carries information about the current version, state or health status of the aplication |
ReporterImplementationProperties | Exports a report |
ReporterImplementationStaticProperties | |
ReportingPayload | Describes what report should be created and how it should be consumed. See https://support.activeviam.com/confluence/display/AP5/Reporting+and+scheduling. |
ResetDashboardActionParameters | An action available with dashboards only, to reset a dashboard to its last persisted state. The ActionResult resolved by this action will contain the api of the reloaded bookmark. |
ReverseHeaderComparatorParameters | Sorts the headers in the reverse order than in the data table. |
RichTextEditorApi | |
RootDockApi | |
RootStructureCSFile | |
RowActionImplementationProperties | Renders a row action, displayed by default at the end of each row in a table widget. |
RowActionImplementationStaticProperties | |
RowOrColumnRange | |
RowStyleImplementationProperties | Customizes the style of all the cells in a row. |
RowStyleImplementationStaticProperties | |
SanitizedHtmlRendererParameters | Use https://github.com/punkave/sanitize-html to sanitize HTML. |
SaveActionParameters | Save the changes of the widget. |
SaveAsActionParameters | Save the current widget in a bookmark. It will display the bookmark popup. |
SavedServerParameters | |
ScientificFormatterParameters | Formats axis tick labels into scientific notation. e.g. 1000 -> 1e+3% |
ScreenshotReporterParameters | Exports a screenshot of the application. Does not work under Internet Explorer |
SelectedPageAwareProps | |
SelectedPageProps | |
SelectedRootDockAwareProps | |
SelectedRootDockProps | |
SelectedWidgetAwareProps | |
SelectedWidgetProps | |
SelectionHighlightChartElementStylerParameters | A styler that highlights selected chart elements. |
SelectStatementNode | An MdxNode representing a SELECT statement. |
SemanticVersion | Semantic Version Object |
SeparatorActionParameters | This is a fake action, it is used to separate items in context menus, but does not do anything on execute. |
SerializableApi | |
Serialization | |
SerializationHelper | An object that provides predefined Serialization objects that handle different types of plugin parameters. These are useful when defining the PluginParametersSerializationFn of a plugin. |
Server | |
ServerApiVersion | |
ServerApiVersions | |
ServerMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Selects filters that come from the server. |
ServersPool | |
ServerVersion | |
SettingsManager | Settings Manager |
ShareActionParameters | Displays a popup that allows to edit the permissions of a saved bookmark, and to get a shareable URL for it. |
ShowDefaultWidgetsActionParameters | An action to restore the default built-in widgets in the dashboard. |
SimpleHeaderCaptionProducerParameters | This caption producer simply returns the caption defined in the caption parameter, or the translated version of a caption defined in the locales files via the captionData and captionPath parameters. |
SimpleTableCell | |
SimpleTableHeader | |
SimpleTooltipEntry | |
SimpleTooltipParameters | |
SimplifiedChartTimeFormatterParameters | Automatically format a date based on how much details the date contains. |
SingleDataSourceApi | |
SortableTabularHeader | |
SparklineDynamicColorCellFactoryParameters | Renders the underlying columns as sparklines, using some of the columns for the color range of the sparklines. |
SparklineNoColorCellFactoryParameters | Renders the underlying columns as sparklines. |
StandaloneActionPayload | |
StartCloudServerActionParameters | Asks a cloud application to start a server. |
StatementAndDiscovery | A parsed MDX statement and the discovery it is meant to be run with. |
StaticDataQuery | |
StatReporterParameters | Exports performance statistics about the application |
StopCloudServerActionParameters | Asks a cloud application to stop a server. |
StringFormulaSpecificationNode | A type of MdxNode. |
StructureMetaData | |
SubMenuActionParameters | This is a fake action, used to offer sub-menus in context menus. |
SubSelectNode | An MdxNode representing a subselect expression. |
Table | Data structure used as the data input for all ActiveUI widgets. |
TableAxisRangeData | The first and last indexes of the axis range, with the total size of the axis |
TableCell | |
TableConversion | |
TableHeader | |
TablePagesCell | Equivalent of TableCell on the PAGES axis. |
TableRangeData | The range data for the row, column, and page axes |
TableSelectionHandlerImplementationProperties | Lets projects interact with the core tabular selection. |
TableSelectionHandlerImplementationStaticProperties | |
TableSelectionRange | |
TableTransformer | A table transformer taking as a first argument the table to transform and as a second argument a callback to call on the transformed table. |
TabularApi | |
TabularClearSortActionParameters | Remove the sorting based on the context that received the click. |
TabularCollapseEntireFieldActionParameters | An action that allows collapsing down to a given level |
TabularCollapseLevelActionParameters | A tabular view action that allows to collapse the view on a given member. |
TabularColumnDifferenceActionParameters | A tabular view action that allows to create a calculated measure that computes the difference between two selected columns. |
TabularColumnHeader | |
TabularColumnProps | |
TabularEditCellActionParameters | Set the cell as edited in the tabular configuration. |
TabularEditHeaderActionParameters | Set the header as edited in the tabular configuration. |
TabularExpandEntireFieldActionParameters | An action that allows expansion of all cells at a given level |
TabularExpandLevelActionParameters | A tabular view action that allows to expand the view on a given member (opens a popup to choose the level on which to expand). |
TabularFreezeHeaderActionParameters | Freezes the column so that it is always visible in the table. |
TabularHandlerActionPayload | |
TabularHandlerCellContextActionPayload | |
TabularHandlerHeaderContextActionPayload | |
TabularHeaderStyleActionParameters | Opens a popup to customize the look of a header. |
TabularRememberExpansionOrderActionParameters | An action that allows to remember/forget the order in which levels were expanded in a table. |
TabularRemoveHeaderActionParameters | Removes a set of columns from a table. |
TabularSelectCellActionParameters | Set the cell as selected in the tabular configuration. |
TabularSelectColumnActionParameters | Set the column as selected in the tabular configuration. Supports the multi-selection when the user uses the keys ctrl or shift while he clicks. |
TabularShowSparklinesActionParameters | This action is meant to be used on tabular headers. It adds the tree cell column configuration to the list of column groups of the tabular if it was not there, or removes it if it was already there. |
TabularSortActionParameters | Apply a sorting based on the context that received the click. |
TabularSparklineAddColorsActionParameters | This action is meant to be used on tabular headers. It adds the tree cell column configuration to the list of column groups of the tabular if it was not there, or removes it if it was already there. |
TabularTooltipShowActionParameters | Show a tooltip for the tabular view/pivot table widget. |
Theme3OrdinalColorScaleParameters | Color scale of size 3 based on the current theme: text, accent and alternate colors |
ThemeDescription | |
ThemeImplementationStaticProperties | |
Theming | |
ToggleDockTitleBarActionParameters | Toggle the title bar of the widget. |
ToggleFiltersActionParameters | Toggle the filters area at the top of the widget. This is only available on widgets that use mdx. |
ToggleTextEditingActionParameters | Toggle between editing and preview mode for the RichTextEditor container. |
ToggleTreeNodeActionParameters | Toggles the expansion of the node of a tree, if it is expandable. |
ToggleWizardActionParameters | Toggle the wizard. This is available on the pivot table widget, and the chart widget. |
TooltipImplementationProperties | Displays a tooltip (in the UI). |
TooltipImplementationStaticProperties | |
Trace | |
TranslatedText | |
TranslationContent | Describe all translations. |
TranslationParameters | Parameters used when formatting the template, to be used in arguments of the message (https://formatjs.io/guides/message-syntax/) |
Translator | |
TreeApi | |
TreeCellsCellFactoryParameters | Renders the underlying columns as a tree. |
TreeHandlerActionPayload | |
TreeNode | |
TreeTooltipShowActionParameters | Show a tooltip for the tree widget, if the node contains information to display. |
UndoActionParameters | For a root widget, loads the previous view |
UnknownCompoundIdentifierNode | A CompoundIdentifierNode representing an unknown identifier. |
UpdateQueryModeActionParameters | Change the query update mode to the next mode. |
UseActionsOptions | |
UserMdxFilterSelectorParameters | Matches non server filters with the provided key |
UserPalette | The palette the user can configure from which other colors are derived. |
UserThemeConfig | The configuration a user can provide when creating a new theme. |
VerboseLoggerParameters | A logger that logs everything. |
WarningsLoggerParameters | A logger that only logs warnings and errors. |
WatchMeasureActionParameters | An action to start watching a measure in a table. |
WhenClauseNode | An MdxNode representing a WHEN clause of a CaseExpressionNode, including the clause’s THEN true result expression. |
WidgetCsvExportActionParameters | Open a popup to export the data of the widget into a csv file. Only available if the underlying table is fully downloaded (i.e. not lazy loaded). |
WidgetsApi | |
WidgetStateEditorActionParameters | Open a popup to edit the bookmark corresponding to the widget. |
WorkflowEntity | |
WorkflowsApi | |
WorkflowScheme | |