Home > @activeviam/activeui-sdk > TabularRemoveHeaderActionParameters
TabularRemoveHeaderActionParameters interface
Removes a set of columns from a table.
export interface TabularRemoveHeaderActionParameters
In the case of a Tabular View or a Drillthrough, the action can be performed on several columns at once. The selected columns will be either removed or just hidden if they are needed for data integrity.
In the case of a Pivot Table, the action can be performed on several columns at once if at least one of these predicates is true: - only non-numeric columns are selected - there is no crossjoin on the COLUMNS axis
So for numeric columns, the action can only be performed on one column at a time if there is a crossjoin on columns. In that case, it will remove the deepest member expressed in the target header from the MDX axes, effectively removing the target column and any column involving that member.
In all cases, the action can be used to remove special columns that are not based on data, such as the "line number" or the "row actions" columns.