Home > @activeviam/activeui-sdk > DiscoveryKpi
DiscoveryKpi interface
KPI object provided by a discovery REST call This describes a KPI from an MDX point of view.
export interface DiscoveryKpi
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | KPI caption |
description | string | Description of the KPI purpose. |
folder | string | Folder containing the defined KPI. |
goal | string | unique name of a measure representing a KPI goal (numeric measure) |
measureGroup | string | Group to which the defined KPI belongs |
name | string | KPI name. |
parent | string | Name of a parent KPI |
status | string | unique name of a measure representing a KPI status (numeric measure) |
statusPresenter | string | Keyword indicating how to represent a KPI status. Mandatory if a status is defined. |
trend | string | unique name of a measure representing a KPI trend (numeric measure) |
trendPresenter | string | Keyword indicating haw to represent a KPI trend. Mandatory if a trend is defined |
value | string | unique name of a measure representing a KPI value (numeric measure) |
weight | number | weight given to the defined KPI. This matters when the KPI has a parent. |