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ContainerProps interface
For more information about the controlled/uncontrolled distinction see https://reactjs.org/docs/uncontrolled-components.html.
export interface ContainerProps
See also the "Container" page in the docs for the current limitations of the controlled mode.
Property | Type | Description |
automaticRestore | AutomaticRestoreOptions | Only available when the container is mounted as a root. Meaning that it cannot be used for a container rendered as a child of another container. |
childKey | ContainerChildKey | Required when the container is rendered as a child of another container. That's the key under which the API of the child container will be in the map returned by ReactContainerApi.getChildrenMap. |
defaultValue | Omit<ContainerFullValue, 'type'> & { type?: 'container'; } | Value in uncontrolled mode. |
onApiChange | (api: WidgetApi) => void | Called everytime the API corresponding to the underlying container changes. It will be called after the container is done loading the first time and every time the underlying container is reloaded. |
onChange | (value: ContainerFullValue | null | undefined) => void | Called when the value of the underlying container changes. Only called once per loop in the event-loop. |
onLoadingError | (e: Error) => void | Called when a container fails to load/reload. One use case for it is to render something else than the default error screen. |
value | ContainerFullValue | Value in controlled mode. |