Home > @activeviam/activeui-sdk > PopupWidgetBuilder
PopupWidgetBuilder interface
The PopupBuilder
export interface PopupWidgetBuilder
Property | Type | Description |
anchoredFrom | (e: React.SyntheticEvent | MouseEvent, asPercentage?: boolean) => PopupWidgetBuilder | Set where the popup position should be anchored from. The position is extracted from the mouse event, meant to be used by the popup to render |
create | () => (() => void) | undefined | Create the popup. Return a function to close the popup |
inBinding | (bindingName: string) => PopupWidgetBuilder | private |
withDeserializedParameters | (parameters: {}) => PopupWidgetBuilder | The Popup parameters, deserialized, to pass to the popup factory. |
withKey | (key: string) => PopupWidgetBuilder | The Popup plugin key. |
withParameters | (parameters: {}) => PopupWidgetBuilder | The Popup parameters, already serialized, to pass to the popup factory. |