
The Accelerator SDK is a module that works on top of the ActiveUI module federated app to provide widgets and features for our Accelerators. Everything built inside and exported from the Accelerator SDK will work with every Accelerator that Activeviam builds. The ActiveUI module federated app allows us to configure their app using something called extension points. Read more about these extension points in the ActiveUI Documentation.

We take advantage of this plug-and-play style app to build a variety of features that can be plugged directly into these extension points. This means there’s little to no extra work for you to set up these features. After you get the ActiveUI app working, these features are plug and play with minimal configuration required.

Most of the features found in the Accelerator SDK will require some sort of configuration. For the features to work with all of the Accelerators that we have, we left certain pieces of code configurable instead of hardcoding them. Each feature of the Accelerator SDK has documentation which explains each setting, allowing you to configure the feature to your project’s requirements.

How do I get started as a developer?

To learn about how to set up your environment and add the Accelerator SDK to your Accelerator project, see Getting started with the Accelerator SDK.

Features at a glance

For details of what the Accelerator SDK has to offer, check out the Features Page.