Parameter Sets


Key: “accelerator_parameter-sets-widget-container”

The Parameter Sets widget is one of the What-If tools that can be used to create a What-If in your ActivePivot project. It can be configured to connect to any parameters datastore, and used to change the values of that datastore.

Parameter Sets - 1

After making changes to the values in the store, click View Summary at the bottom to review your changes before you go create your new What-If branch.

Parameter Sets - 2


This widget requires both a whitelist and a settings object to work properly.

 "accelerator_parameter-sets-widget-container.server.whitelist": ["SERVER1"];

 "accelerator_parameter-sets-widget-container.server.params": {
   SERVER1: {
     store: string;
     parameterSet: string;
     parameterStores: {
       [key: string]: string[]
        * ie:
        * CommodityBucketRiskWeights: ["RiskWeight"],
        * CommodityIntraBucketCorrelations: ["Correlation"],
        * CSRBucketCorrelations: ["Correlation"],
        * CSRBucketsRiskWeight: ["RiskWeight"],