Corporate Action

Download sample file: CorporateAction.csv

This file is intended to describe the corporates actions performed on the market data. It is separated of the market data input file and store to avoid empty fields as those events may occur rarely. It can contain instrument related modification as split / merge, described by the SplitRatio column that will be used as a scale factor for market price correction. It can also contain a cash related even such as dividend payment or bond coupon drop, that is expressed by a cash stream described in the CashDividend column.

File pattern match

The pattern match for the Market Data file is **CorporateAction*.csv*.

For information on the glob patterns used and how to customize them, see note on File name patterns.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
AsOfDate Y N String with format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Indicates the date of the file. See Note on AsOfDate. 2018-09-27
RiskFactor Y N String Identifier of the risk factor. Must match risk factor identifier in the sensitivities files Honda_Spot price
CashDividend Y Double Dividend or Coupon amount paid to the holder this day 0.25
SplitRatio Y Double If there’s an underlying instrument split, the quantity ratio between this day and the previous one 0.25