The application.yml file configures the Sign-Off database settings, including initial load, schema, cube-level adjustments, conflicts, and domains.
Location: signoff-starter\src\main\resources.
File values
Property | Value | Description |
server.port | 9090 | Port used by the sign-off server application |
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include | “*” | List of the Spring Boot Actuator endpoint exposed in the application |
Section: content.hibernate
This section configures the Content Service database and connections to the Content Server.
Property | Value | Description |
content.hibernate.connection.url | “jdbc:h2:mem:content_service;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1” | URL of the Hibernate connection to the content server. |
content.hibernate.connection.driver_class | org.h2.Driver | Driver used for the Hibernate connection to the content server. |
content.hibernate.dialect | “org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect” | SQL dialect used for the Hibernate connection to the content server. |
content.hibernate.show_sql | false | Flag used to set up the printing of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs. |
content.hibernate.format_sql | false | Flag used to set up the formatting of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs. | | update | Hibernate DDL generation setup to run on startup against the content server database. NOTE: Remove this line once the table is created. |
content.hibernate.connection.globally_quoted_identifiers | false | Enable/disable quoting database identifiers for the Content Server database. Disabled by default. |
content.hibernate.hikari.connectionTimeout | 30000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a client will wait for a connection from the pool (connection to the content server). |
content.hibernate.hikari.idleTimeout | 60000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool (connection to the content server). |
content.hibernate.hikari.minimumIdle | 1 | Minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool (connection to the content server). |
content.hibernate.hikari.maximumPoolSize | 10 | Maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections (connection to the content server). |
content.hibernate.hikari.poolName | “content” | User-defined name for the connection pool. Displayed mainly in logging and JMX management consoles to identify pools. |
Section: JWT configuration
This section configures the JWT parameters used for authentication
Property | Value | Description |
activeviam.jwt.key.public | The RSA key public key encoded in Base64, used to verify the integrity of the tokens. | |
activeviam.jwt.key.private | The RSA key private key encoded in Base64, used to sign the tokens. | |
activeviam.jwt.expiration | 43200 | The lifetime of the tokens in seconds. |
Section: Content Server security configuration
This section configures the Content Service entitlements
Property | Value | Description |
---|---|---| | ROLE_USER | The role users must have to create calculated members in the content server. | | ROLE_USER | The role users must have to create KPIs in the content server. | | 3600 | The time to live of the entitlement cache. |
Section: Activiti History
This section configures the use of the Activiti History. See Activity user guide for details about the Activiti History:
Property | Value | Description |
spring.activiti.dbHistoryUsed | true | Flag used to enable/disable the Activiti History. |
spring.activiti.historyLevel | full | Activity History level. |
Section: Activiti database
This section configures the Activiti database and the connection to the Activiti database.
Property | Value | Description |
activiti.datasource.url | “jdbc:h2:file:./sign-off-activiti;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1” | URL of the Hibernate connection to the Activiti database. |
activiti.datasource.username | activiti | User name used for the Hibernate connection to the Activiti database. |
activiti.datasource.password | password | Password used for the Hibernate connection to the Activiti database. | | org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect | SQL dialect used for the Hibernate connection to the Activiti database. | | true | Flag used to set up the formatting of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs. | | update | Hibernate DDL generation setup to run on startup against the Activiti database. NOTE: Remove this line once the table is created. | | true | Enable/disable quoting database identifiers for the Activiti database. Enabled by default. |
activiti.datasource.hikari.connectionTimeout | 30000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a client will wait for a connection from the pool (connection to the Activiti database). |
activiti.datasource.hikari.idleTimeout | 60000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool (connection to the Activiti database). |
activiti.datasource.hikari.minimumIdle | 1 | Minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool (connection to the Activiti database). |
activiti.datasource.hikari.maximumPoolSize | 10 | Maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections (connection to the Activiti database). |
activiti.datasource.hikari.poolName | “activiti” | User-defined name for the connection pool. Displayed mainly in logging and JMX management consoles to identify pools. |
Section: Application database
This section configures the Activiti database and the connection to the Application database.
Property | Value | Description |
application.datasource.url | “jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/./application-signoff” | URL of the Hibernate connection to the Application database. |
application.datasource.username | app | User name used for the Hibernate connection to the Application database. |
application.datasource.password | Password used for the Hibernate connection to the Application database | | | org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect | SQL dialect used for the Hibernate connection to the Application database. | | true | Flag used to set up the formatting of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs | | update | Hibernate DDL generation setup to run on startup against the Application database. NOTE: Remove this line once the table is created. | | true | Enable/disable quoting database identifiers for the Application database. Enabled by default. |
application.datasource.hikari.connectionTimeout | 30000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a client will wait for a connection from the pool (connection to the Application database). |
application.datasource.hikari.idleTimeout | 60000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool (connection to the Application database). |
application.datasource.hikari.minimumIdle | 1 | Minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool (connection to the Application database). |
application.datasource.hikari.maximumPoolSize | 10 | Maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections (connection to the Application database). |
application.datasource.hikari.poolName | “application” | User-defined name for the connection pool. Displayed mainly in logging and JMX management consoles to identify pools |
Section: RESTful service
This section configures the access to the RESTful service used to communicate with the Atoti Server that contains the data to be signed-off (in this case, the MR application)
Property | Value | Description |
---|---|---| | http://localhost:10010/mr-application | URL of the RESTful server used for operations on the signed-off data in the Atoti Server application where those data are present (MR). | | admin | User id used to send requests on the RESTful service (MR). | | admin | Password used to send requests on the RESTful service (MR). | | http://localhost:8080/frtb-starter | URL of the RESTful server used for operations on the signed-off data in the Atoti Server application where those data are present (FRTB - placeholder for now). | | admin | User id used to send requests on the RESTful service (FRTB - placeholder for now). | | admin | Password used to send requests on the RESTful service (FRTB - placeholder for now). |
To add the configuration related to other application servers, add these properties:
-<server name>.url
-<server name>.user
-<server name>.password
where <server name> is the server name defined in the sign-off definitions related to the application server.
Section: Audit Log Database
This section configures the Activiti database and the connection to the Audit Log database.
Property | Value | Description |
audit-log.datasource.url | “jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/./audit-log” | URL of the Hibernate connection to the Audit Log database. |
audit-log.datasource.username | audit | User name used for the Hibernate connection to the Audit Log database. |
audit-log.datasource.password | Password used for the Hibernate connection to the Audit Log database. | | | org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect | SQL dialect used for the Hibernate connection to the Audit Log database. | | true | Flag used to set up the formatting of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs. | | update | Hibernate DDL generation setup to run on startup against the Audit Log database. NOTE: Remove this line once the table is created. | | true | Enable/disable quoting database identifiers for the Audit Log database. Enabled by default. |
audit-log.datasource.hikari.connectionTimeout | 30000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a client will wait for a connection from the pool (connection to the Audit Log database). |
audit-log.datasource.hikari.idleTimeout | 60000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool (connection to the Audit Log database). |
audit-log.datasource.hikari.minimumIdle | 1 | Minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool (connection to the Audit Log database). |
audit-log.datasource.hikari.maximumPoolSize | 10 | Maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections (connection to the Audit Log database). |
audit-log.datasource.hikari.poolName | “audit-log” | User-defined name for the connection pool. Displayed mainly in logging and JMX management consoles to identify pools. |
Section: sign-off
This section defines additional properties used in the sign-off process
Property | Value | Description |
sign-off.workflow-types.4-eyes | sign-off-process-instance.four-eyes | Maps the ‘4-eyes’ workflow type used for the creation of sign-off tasks to the ‘sign-off-process-instance.four-eyes’ workflow |
sign-off.workflow-types.simple | sign-off-process-instance.simple | Maps the ‘simple’ workflow type used for the creation of sign-off tasks to the ‘sign-off-process-instance.simple’ workflow |
sign-off.workflow-types.4-eyes-kpi | sign-off-process-instance.four-eyes-kpi | Maps the ‘4-eyes-kpi’ workflow type used for the creation of sign-off tasks to the ‘sign-off-process-instance.four-eyes-kpi’ workflow |
sign-off.export.polling-period-in-milliseconds | 1000 | Polling period (in milliseconds) of the task that polls for the export status / |
sign-off.export.initial-delay-in-milliseconds | 500 | Delay (in milliseconds) before the polling for the export status starts |
sign-off.export.timeout-delay-in-milliseconds | 3600000 | Delay (in milliseconds) before the polling will timeout by raising an error and stop |
sign-off.export.scheduler-pool-size | 1 | Size of the thread pool used for the polling of the export status |