Migration notes 4.2.0

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Sign-Off Module.

Migrate to 4.2.0

Upgrading from version 4.1.1 See Sign-Off 4.2.0 Release Notes.

The Sign-Off Module is using ActivePivot 5.10.10 and ActiveUI 5.0.14, and the signoff-ext module 1.5.0.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see: the

Headline announcement

  • Support for multiple hierarchies and levels in Sign-Off scope: When specifying the scope of the Sign-Off tasks, you can now add multiple levels, and any level depth within a given hierarchy. See Multiple / Parent-Child scopes for details.
  • Sign-Off and Adjustment refactoring : Sign-Off and Adjustment components have been pulled out of the workflow-core module and moved into signoff-activeviam.

Configuration files

No changes.


Changes in Application database

or existing data in the Sign-Off application database, you need to update the values of the FILTERS column in the PROCESSDEFINITION table to take into account the change described above: hierarchies now need to be represented as hierarchy@dimension instead of just hierarchy.

Modification Table Column Type Description
Modified PROCESSDEFINITION FILTERS VARCHAR Hierarchies now need to be represented as hierarchy@dimension instead of just hierarchy.


Modified stores

Modification Store Field Type Description
Content of field changed SignOffProcessDefinition filters String Hierarchies are now represented as hierarchy@dimension instead of just hierarchy.

Cube schema


Cube Dimension Hierarchy Levels Datastore fields Details
AdjustmentsExecutionCube workflowStatus Field workflowStatus in store SignOffProcessInstance (comes from a reference in the datastore) [ALL, workflowStatus] The current workflow state.


No changes.

Other changes

Sign-Off and Adjustment Refactoring

All Sign-Off and Adjustment components have been pulled out of the workflow-core module and moved into the signoff-activeviam module. All existing classes functionally have not changed, but their package has changed.

Package Changes


All the SignOff classes and interfaces located within the workflow-core module have been moved into a similar package within the signoff-activeviam module. A simple change in the package name for SignOff imports changes the workflow.core sub-package to signoff.workflow.

Example: importing SignOffProcessInstanceDTO:

// Before Migration

// After Migration
Previous Package New Package
com.activeviam.workflow.core com.activeviam.signoff.workflow

The below classes have either been renamed, or replaced with a SignOff specific variant. Generic variants are now available in the workflow-core module:

Previous Class SignOff Variant Generic Implementation
AuditLogService SignOffAuditLogService WorkflowAuditLogService
DefaultAuditConfig SignOffAuditConfig DefaultAuditConfig
DefaultProcessConfig SignOffProcessConfig WorkflowDefaultProcessConfig
HistoryRecordJpaConfig SignOffHistoryRecordJpaConfig HistoryRecordJpaConfig
SignOffProcessDefinitionCsvUtil SignOffProcessDefinitionCsvParser WorkflowProcessDefinitionCsvParser

Additionally, the workflow-core now provides generic classes, so you can implement or extend the workflow-core directly without needing to rely on SignOff components.

Previous SignOff Class New Generic Implementation
SignOffProcessJpaConfig WorkflowProcessJpaConfig
SignOffProcessDefinitionDTO WorkflowProcessDefinitionDTO
SignOffProcessDefinitionEntity WorkflowProcessDefinitionEntity
SignOffProcessInstanceDTO WorkflowProcessInstanceDTO
SignOffProcessInstanceEntity WorkflowProcessInstanceEntity
SignOffProcessDefinitionCsvConstants WorkflowProcessDefinitionCsvConstants
SignOffProcessDefinitionConverter WorkflowProcessDefinitionConverter
SignOffProcessDefinitionJpaRepository WorkflowProcessDefinitionJpaRepository
SignOffProcessDefinitionJpaRepositoryFactoryBean WorkflowProcessDefinitionJpaRepositoryFactoryBean
SignOffProcessDefinitionJpaService WorkflowProcessDefinitionJpaService
SignOffProcessInstanceConverter WorkflowProcessInstanceConverter
SignOffProcessInstanceJpaRepository WorkflowProcessInstanceJpaRepository
SignOffProcessInstanceJpaService WorkflowProcessInstanceJpaService

All the Adjustment classes and interfaces located within the workflow-core module have been moved into a similar package within the signoff-activeviam module. A simple change in the package name for SignOff imports changes the workflow.core and workflow.core.workflow sub-package to signoff.workflow. Adjustment features have been removed from all Workflow generic components provided in the workflow-core module. The IAuditLogService has been broken up into two interfaces; IAuditLogService and IAdjustmentsAuditLogService - which contains all Adjustment related Audit Log Service methods.

Example package change: importing AdjustmentDefinitionRecordDTO:

// Before Migration

// After Migration
Previous Package New Package
workflow.core.workflow signoff.workflow

Renamed interfaces:

Previous Interface Adjustment Variant Non-Adjustment Variant
IAuditLogService IAdjustmentsAuditLogService IAuditLogService

Sign-Off task scope changes in the API

There has been a change in the way the scope of a Sign-Off tasks is represented: previously only the hierarchy name was present in the representation of the filters used in the scope. Now both the dimension and the hierarchy are needed, with the format: hierarchy@dimension.

Example: The scope that was defined as: Desks|EQUALS|Balance Sheet Management is now defined as: Desks@Booking|EQUALS|Balance Sheet Management

Update of existing data in Sign-Off application database

For existing data in the Sign-Off application database, you need to update the values of the FILTERS column in the PROCESSDEFINITION table to take into account the change described above: hierarchies now need to be represented as hierarchy@dimension instead of just hierarchy.