Navigation :
test ../../../ test user-ref.html
User & Reference Guide
test ../../../ test overview.html
test ../../../ test getting-started.html
Getting started with the Sign-Off Module
test ../../../ test getting-started/about.html
- Using this guide
test ../../../ test getting-started/whats-new.html
- What's New
test ../../../ test getting-started/data-model-user.html
- Data model
test ../../../ test dashboards.html
Sign-off widgets
test ../../../ test approvals.html
Sign-off approvals - process and workflow
test ../../../ test adjustments.html
Sign-off adjustments
test ../../../ test configuration.html
Configuration files
test ../../../ test cube.html
Cube Reference
test ../../../ test dev.html
Developer Guide
test ../../../ test dev/dev-overview.html
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/release-notes.html
-- Changelog
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/migrate-4.2.1.html
-- Migration notes 4.2.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration.html
Previous migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.1.1.html
--- Migration notes 4.1.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.1.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.0.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.0.0-alpha.html
--- Migration notes 4.0.0-alpha
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.1.html
--- Migration notes 3.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.1.0-alpha.html
--- Migration notes 3.1.0-alpha
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 3.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.3.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.3
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.2.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.2
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.2.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.2.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-getting-started.html
Getting Started
test ../../../ test dev/dev-adjustments.html
Sign-Off Adjustment support
test ../../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html
Customizing sign-off workflow
test ../../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl.html
Sign-Off default implementation
test ../../../ test dev/dev-core.html
Workflow Core
test ../../../ test datastore.html
Migration notes 2.2
This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version
of the Sign-Off Module.
Migrate to 2.2.0
Upgrading from version 2.1.0.
The Sign-Off Module is using ActivePivot 5.8.15-jdk8 and 5.8.15-jdk11
together with ActiveUI 4.3.13. For new features and fixes included in
these releases, please see the ActiveUI
and ActiveUI Migration
Notes ,
and the release notes for
ActivePivot .
For historical records (records that extend the abstract class
AHistoryRecordEntity), the primary key has been changed: it now uses the
new HistoryRecordId class as implementation of the primary key. This
avoids primary key collisions that could happen with database table
definitions of previous versions of the Sign-Off Module.