Migration notes 2.3

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Sign-Off Module.

Migrate to 2.3.0

Upgrading from version 2.2.0.

The Sign-Off Module is using ActivePivot 5.8.15-jdk8 and 5.8.15-jdk11 together with ActiveUI 4.3.13. For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the ActiveUI documentation and ActiveUI Migration Notes, and the release notes for ActivePivot.


Package Description
com.activeviam.signoff.cache.cube.cfg This package contains the configuration files needed for the configuration of an ActivePivot project, and also the classes DatastoreDescriptionConfig and PivotManager that reference autowired beans used for the definition of the datastore and of the ActivePivot manager used in the Sign-Off Module.
The beans that are autowired in those two classes are defined in the signoff-starter module.
com.activeviam.signoff.cache.cube.impl.definition This package contains the abstract class ASignOffProcessDefinitionDatastoreConfig that has:
* helper methods used to submit objects related to process definitions to the datastore
* abstract methods for the definition of the stores and store references used to store data related to process definitions in the datastore.
This class is extended in the signoff-starter module.
The package also contains the class SignOffProcessDefinitionWorkflowDatastoreCacheService that has methods used to save, update and remove objects related to process definitions in the datastore.
com.activeviam.signoff.cache.cube.impl.instance This package contains the abstract class ASignOffProcessInstanceDatastoreConfig that has:
* helper methods used to submit objects related to process instances to the datastore
* abstract methods for the definition of the stores and store references used to store data related to process instances in the datastore.
The package also contains the class SignOffProcessInstanceWorkflowDatastoreCacheService that has methods used to save, update and remove objects related to process instances in the datastore.