SignOff REST endpoints

Supported Adjustments

Endpoint: /adjustments/supported/<_server_name_>
Method : GET
Example endpoint: http://localhost:9090/adjustments/supported/MRA

Result is a serialized array of SupportedAdjustmentDTOs read more about this DTO

Example Result:

       "name": "Add-on",
       "type": "SENSI_ADD_ON",
       "factLevel": true,
       "cube": "Sensitivity Cube",
       "stores": [
       "filters": [
               "name": "RiskFactorId2",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Risk Factors Secondary].[RiskFactor2]"
               "name": "Ccy",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Currencies].[Currencies].[Ccy]"
               "name": "MaturityLabels",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Maturities].[Maturity]"
               "name": "TenorDates",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Tenor Dates].[Tenor Date]"
               "name": "TenorLabels",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Tenors].[Tenor]"
               "name": "SensitivityName",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Sensitivities].[Sensitivity].[SensitivityName]"
               "name": "RiskFactorId",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Risk Factors].[RiskFactor]"
               "name": "AsOfDate",
               "type": "localDate[yyyy-MM-dd]",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Dates].[Date].[AsOfDate]"
               "name": "Moneyness",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Moneyness].[Moneyness]"
               "name": "TradeId",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Booking].[Trades].[TradeId]"
               "name": "MaturityDates",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Maturity Dates].[Maturity Date]"
       "measures": [
           "CrossGamma Native",
           "Cash Native",
           "Dividend Quantity",
           "Gamma Native",
           "Theta Native",
           "Delta Native",
           "Volga Native",
           "Vega Native",
           "Vanna Native"
       "input": [
               "name": "Values",
               "type": "double",
               "optional": false,
                "main": true
       "name": "Add-on",
       "type": "PNL_ADD_ON",
       "factLevel": true,
       "cube": "PLCube",
       "stores": [
       "filters": [
               "name": "Ccy",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Currencies].[Currencies].[Ccy]"
               "name": "RiskFactor",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Risk].[Risk Factors].[RiskFactor]"
               "name": "AsOfDate",
               "type": "localDate[yyyy-MM-dd]",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Dates].[Date].[AsOfDate]"
               "name": "Type",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[PnL].[Types].[Type]"
               "name": "TradeId",
               "type": "string",
               "optional": false,
               "levelPath": "[Booking].[Trades].[TradeId]"
       "measures": [
           "DTD PnL Native"
       "input": [
               "name": "Daily",
               "type": "double",
               "optional": false,
                "main": true

Adjustment Execution

Endpoint: /adjustments/request
Method : POST
Example endpoint: http://localhost:9090/adjustments/request

Body is a serialized AuditableAdjustmentRequestDTO read more about this DTO

Example Body:

   "comment":"Test Comment",
         "value":"CDS_Allegheny Energy 3cc00452"
         "value":"Actual PL Attributed"
         "value":"Allegheny Energy_Credit spread"
      "DTD PnL Native"

Result is the execution ID

Example Result:

Execution Status

Endpoint: /adjustments/status/<_server_name_>/<_execution_Id_>
Method : GET
Example endpoint: http://localhost:9090/adjustments/status/MRA/PNL_ADD_ON_0

Result is a Status read more about this DTO

Example Result: