Migration notes 3.0

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Sign-Off Module.

Migrate to 3.0.0

Upgrading from version 2.3.0.

The Sign-Off Module is using ActivePivot 5.9.6 together with ActiveUI 4.3.13. For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the ActiveUI documentation and ActiveUI Migration Notes, and the release notes for ActivePivot.

Configuration files


Modification Property Description
Removed application.rest-api.url
Removed application.rest-api.user
Removed application.rest-api.password
Added application.rest-api.MRA.url URL of the RESTful server used for operations on the signed-off data in the ActivePivot application where those data are present (MRA)
Added application.rest-api.MRA.user User id used to send requests on the RESTful service (MRA)
Added application.rest-api.MRA.password Password used to send requests on the RESTful service (MRA)
Added application.rest-api.FRTB.url URL of the RESTful server used for operations on the signed-off data in the ActivePivot application where those data are present (FRTB - placeholder for now)
Added application.rest-api.FRTB.user User id used to send requests on the RESTful service (FRTB - placeholder for now)
Added application.rest-api.FRTB.password Password used to send requests on the RESTful service (FRTB - placeholder for now)



A table has been added to the Audit log database for adjustment objects.

Table Details
ADJUSTMENTREQUESTENTITY Table that contains the audit information for adjustments
Column Type Description
KEY VARCHAR Key of the record
TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP Timestamp at which the record was created
COMMENT VARCHAR Comment associated to the adjustment request
OBJECT CLOB JSON representation of the audited object
PROCESSINSTANCEID VARCHAR The process instance id to which the audit record is associated (set to “N/A” in this version of the Sign-Off Module)
STATUS VARCHAR The status of the audited entry
TYPE VARCHAR The String representing the Java class of the audit entry. For this table, the type is: “com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.adjustment.definition.dto.AuditableAdjustmentRequestDTO”
USER VARCHAR The user performing the audited action
ACTION VARCHAR The action performed by the user
ADJUSTMENTKEY VARCHAR The string representing the adjustment key


In order to support multiple application servers, a server name field has been added to tables in the Application database.

Modification Table Column Type Description
Added PROCESSDEFINITION SERVERNAME String The name of the server for which the definition was created - required for multi-server support
Added PROCESSINSTANCE SERVERNAME String The name of the server for which the definition was created - required for multi-server support


In order to support multiple application servers, a server name field has been added to the datastore.


Modification Store Field Type Description
Added SignOffProcessDefinition serverName String The name of the server for which the definition was created - required for multi-server support

Cube schema


Cube Level Details
SignOffProcessDefinitionCube serverName The name of the server for which the definition was created - required for multi-server support

Other changes

The method datastoreService() has been renamed cacheService() in classes AKeyedObjectWorkflowService and ABitemporalObjectWorkflowService.
